Spartanburg Hearing Impaired Program
Spartanburg County School District No. 7
175 Burdette Street
Spartanburg, SC 29307
Referral for auditory processing consult
Central auditory processing is defined as the efficiency and effectiveness by which the central nervous system utilizes auditory information. Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) is a deficit in neural processing of auditory stimuli that is not due to higher order language, cognitive, or related factors (CAPD may coexist with other disorders but it is not the result of these other disorders). It should be noted that CAPD is not an IDEA recognized disability. For the purposes of education, a diagnosis will not be made. Specific educational recommendations and referrals based on the results of testing will be made. It is our intention to consider the needs of the whole child and ensure that they are receiving an appropriate education.
If you have concerns of the presence of auditory processing difficulties or a diagnosis from an outside clinician of CAPD, refer to the following. For consult during any step, please contact Dr. Sarah Cappelmann, Educational Audiologist at .
1. General in school interventions according to individual school guidelines (ex. RTI) should be implemented. This may include generalized accommodations such as preferential seating, or other classroom based interventions such as individual tutoring but should be dependent on the student’s weaknesses. Student response to these interventions should be well documented.
2. If little to no progress is made following previously mentioned interventions, and you are still concerned of the presence of auditory processing difficulties, complete the attached referral form. Be sure to include information regarding previous interventions and the reasons for your concern. Results from a hearing screening within the past 6 months should also be included.
Send the completed form to:
Dr. Sarah Cappelmann, Au.D., CCC-A
McCarthy Teszler School
175 Burdette St.
Spartanburg SC 29302
Fax: 864-596-8495
3. Dr. Cappelmann will review the information and contact the teacher/parents for any additional needed information. Based on this, she will recommend additional interventions or testing.
Spartanburg Hearing Impaired Program
Spartanburg County School District No. 7
175 Burdette Street
Spartanburg, SC 29307
Referral for Auditory Processing Consult
Student Name: DOB: Grade:
School/District: Teacher:
Parents Names:
Phone Number:
List any current medical diagnoses
List any current medications or medications taken within the past 6 months
Please circle yes or no
History of:
Head trauma yes no
ADHD yes no
Learning disability yes no
Cognitive impairment yes no
Hearing impairment yes no
Seizures yes no
Family history of processing disorders, ADHD, or cognitive impairment?
Please describe why you are concerned about the presence of auditory processing difficulties as well as any interventions that have been implemented. Attach any test results or data that might be pertinent to my understanding of the student’s performance and your concern.
Additional comments: