The Spartanburg District Three Board of Trustees met on Thursday, April 19, 2012, at 7:00 p.m. at the District Administration Building.

The following Board members were present: Mr. Eddie Dearybury, Chairman, Mr. Sterling Farr, Vice Chairman, Mrs. Ann Brown, Secretary, Mr. Shannon Gault, Mrs. Jodi Gilmer, Mrs. Holly Jolley, Mr. Don Kennedy, Mrs. Kaye Kesler, and Mr. Tracy Schultz.

District personnel present included Superintendent Dr. Jim Ray, Dr. Eric Levitt, Rodney Goode, Bill McPherson, Todd Hardy, Cynthia James, Max Deaton, Kenny Blackwood, Karen Grimm, Cindy Snead, Jan Scott, Wayne Chapman, Sherri Horton, and Kelley Richardson.

Dr. Levitt conducted student recognitions. He recognized Samuel Epps, Alisha Gentry, and James Hall for being selected to attend the Spartanburg Scholars Academy. The following additional recognitions were made:

-  Doug Purinton, Project Lead the Way and GreenSTEM teacher at Broome High School, has been selected to participate in the 2012 Photovoltaic Train the Trainer Academy with Solar Energy International.

-  SC/NSPRA Awards – State winners for the South Carolina chapter of the National School Public Relations Association’s Rewards for Excellence in Publications:

ü  Cannons Elementary School: The school website - Vashti Summerfield.

ü  Clifdale Elementary School: Celebrating Student Success - Jan Scott; Tiger Pride - Julie Morris.

ü  Cowpens Elementary School: Student/Parent Handbook - Cindy Snead.

ü  Pacolet Elementary School: What’s Important? PES Video Presentation and the school website - Holly Hartell.

ü  Cowpens Middle School: Veterans Day Assembly - Sally Sprouse; CMS Registration multi-media presentation - Stefanie Harrison; the school website - Stephanie Hatchell.

ü  Middle School of Pacolet: Monday’s Memo - Allison Berry; K-8 Veteran’s Day Program - Elizabeth Watson and Chris Wilson; Washington, DC Trip Blog - Max Deaton; the school website - Kimberly Ladson.

ü  Broome High School: Broome High School Course and Career Guide - Gary Barnard; DecemberSong Program and Miss Centurion 2012 Pageant Program - Gene Vanderford; the school website - Myra Elvington.

ü  Daniel Morgan Technology Center: Techno Times Newsletter - Jenny Echols.

ü  District Office: Inside Three Special Edition – Strategic Planning Process, Around Three, and We are Going to Friends multi-media presentation - Sherri Horton; district website - Eric Levitt.

Dr. Levitt read proclamations observing the week of April 23-27, 2012, as Administrative Professionals Week, May 7-11, 2012, as Teacher Appreciation Week, and May 9, 2012, as Teacher Assistant Appreciation Day and School Nurse Appreciation Day.

Broome High School AFJROTC Cadets, Brandee Branch, Adolfo Ocampo, and Mitchell Carroll, gave an update on the Broome High School AFJROTC Program.

The Board approved the following personnel recommendations:

New Employment of Certificated Personnel (effective 8-13-12)

Jonathan Dover Social Studies Teacher BHS

Andrew Lake Math Teacher BHS

Nicole Gantt Health Sciences Instructor DMTC

Brent Bridges PE Teacher/Coach CMS

Retirement (effective 4-6-12)

Gary Purinton Social Studies Teacher BHS

Resignations (effective 5-26-12)

Juliet Wright Social Studies Teacher BHS

Jessica Sherrill Math Teacher BHS

Lacy White Special Ed Teacher CMS

Kylie Vanderford Science Teacher BHS

Carol McLean Part-Time Receptionist DO

Transfers (effective 8-13-12)

Elyse Smith Math Teacher/MSP transferred to Math Teacher/BHS

Patrick Thomas Math Teacher/CMS transferred to Math Teacher/BHS

New Employment of Non-Certificated Personnel (effective 3-5-12)

Audrey Jennings Part-Time Receptionist DO Effective 4-18-12

Mr. Mack presented letters of engagement for the annual audit of the district. No action was taken.

The Board approved the following meal prices for 2012-2013.

Current Rate Proposed Rate Increase

Student Breakfast $1.15 $1.20 +$.05

Elementary Student Lunch $1.90 $2.00 +$.10

Secondary Student Lunch $2.00 $2.10 +$.10

The Board approved the second reading of Policy IJNDB – Use of Technology Resources in Instruction.

The Board approved new textbook adoptions for Grades K-5 English Language Arts, High School Mathematics, and Integrated Business Applications for 2012-2013.

The Board approved the annual update of the District Five-Year Strategic Plan.

The following items were discussed:

Operations Capital Project Report – Mr. McPherson reviewed the capital projects and timelines for completion. The district has completed more than half of the projects, and six more are currently in progress.

2011-12 State Accreditation Ratings – Mr. Goode announced that all of the schools and district, once again, received an “All Clear” status.

The Board approved the following final personnel recommendations for 2012-2013.

−  Clifdale Elementary School

−  Cowpens Elementary School

−  Cowpens Middle School

−  Middle School of Pacolet

−  Broome High School