Sra. Orts & Sra. Pérez

  1. Be punctual.
  2. Come to class prepared each day with your binder, folder, completed homework assignment, workbook, and writing utensil.
  3. YOU are RESPONSIBLE to make up missed work due to absence as per school policy (see school handbook).
  4. Major tests will always be announced in advance and will be scheduled for Monday and Wednesday whenever possible as per school policy.
  5. Spanish is a sequential course where competency continues to build on past knowledge. It is EXTREMELY important that you keep up with the work. If you feel yourself falling behind, please make arrangements to come in for extra help. MY DOOR IS ALWAYS OPEN.
  6. Your marking period grade will be evaluated as follows:
  7. Tests 40%

a.Long term projects/assignments over four or more days will be used to monitor creativity and accuracy in the target language.

b.Failure to hand in long term projects/assignments on time will result in the lost of a full letter grade per day late.

  1. Quizzes 20%

a.Quizzes may be announced or unannounced.

  1. Classwork, Class participation, and Projects 30%

a.Class participation will be evaluated by the following:

  1. Oral work
  2. Class work
  3. Paired/partner/group activities
  4. Drills
  5. Taped activities
  6. Attentiveness
  7. Volunteering

b.The teacher will keep track of each student’s level of class participation.

c.Each student’s level of class participation will be a factor in the marking period grade.

  1. Homework and folder10%

a.Homework is due at the beginning of class

  1. A zero (0) will be given for:
  2. Assignment not handed in
  3. illegible or incomplete work
  4. Make-up work not completed by the due date
  5. Failure to correct mistakes in assignments when opportunities are given

b.Your Spanish folder should be kept up to date with corrected homework assignments, handouts, class notes, etc.

c.Handouts from previous chapters of study may be kept at home after completion of each unit’s chapter test.

  1. Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated.Refer to your student handbook for the school policy on cheating. Online translators are strictly prohibited on any project or writing assignment. You are expected to use the vocabulary and grammar that we study in class. You are assessed on the application of this knowledge on those assignments. The purpose of these assignments is to see what you know, not what a computer is capable of doing. (Use of online translators is considered cheating and will result in aZEROon the assignment and a disciplinary referral).
  2. Use of electronic devices (including but not limited to, cell phones, iPods, and digital cameras) is not permitted in class. Persistent offenders will be referred to the building administrator for further punitive action.