French 7 Project - Marking Period #2 (2008-2009)

Keep this on your laptop – YOU DO NOT NEED TO PRINT IT (at school)

You and your team have been asked by the tourist office of a French -speaking country to create a presentation, so that visitors will want to travel there.

Part of the grading will be based upon your work ethic, being on-task and your contribution to the team's presentation is. You, your teammates, and the teacher will be grading this component. Teams will use flash drives so work may be shared daily.

You may begin work whenever you wish, but not before selecting a French -speaking country and having it approved.

Québec, Canada
French Polynesia / Luxembourg
Martinique & Guadeloupe
French Guyana

Objective: To create a Power Point presentation about a French-speaking country. This project will count 5% of this marking period’s grade.

A. Requirement: twelve (12) slides - including :

slide #1 - TITLE - must have 1) country name, 2) image, 3) the full names of all your team members - all centered

slides #2-11 CONTENT (see section B for what you will need to include)

slide #12 - BIBLIOGRAPHY/SOURCES - remember, anything taken from the internet (or any other source) must be source credited

B. Information to be included:

1.  Official country name - “local long form”

2.  Capital name

3.  Flag image

4.  Terrain, geographical regions (ex. tidewater, foothills, mountains, coastal lowlands)

5.  Climate

6.  Currency name and its value in $ U.S.

7.  National holiday date

8.  Map showing location of cities (a different map from #9, or any used elsewhere)

9.  Map showing location of country & borders - water & neighbors (a different map from #8)

10.  List of the 10 largest cities (by population)

11.  List of bordering countries and/or water areas

12.  List of tourist attractions / monuments - a list naming at least 2 and telling what they are

13.  Language(s) spoken there

14.  Ethnic groups – people who live there (ex. in the USA we have white, African-American, Hispanic, Native American, Asian)

15.  Environmental issues - what problems are facing this country

16.  List of foods typical of the country - traditional dishes (ex. apple pie, brunswick stew) not products (ex. apples, ham, oysters)

17.  List of products: agriculture, industry

18.  List of sources / bibliography (with URLs - no search engines - for internet sources, information

C. Each slide must contain:

1.  title - name of the country at the top-centered

2.  picture / graphic / image (no more that 25% of the slide's area) appropriate to the slide’s content

3.  Subtitles for each information topic

4.  text box with information in outline form (not paragraph, no complete sentences)

Title Slide - must have (centered) 1) country name, 2) image, 3) your name(s) and block

D. Grading / Points deducted from 100%:

12 slides = -2 points each (24pts. maximum)

18 information items = -2 points each (36pts. maximum) from section B above in the same order

Working cooperatively with team, staying focused, participating = -10 points

Following instructions = -10 points (see section E)

Submitting on time = -5 points (see section G)

Submitting and named as directed = -5 points (see section H)

Printout (following instructions) = -10 points (see section E)

E. Points will be earned for following instructions:

Grammatical accuracy

Graphics - appropriateness, size, and placement

Background color - must be white

Bulleted (•) outline form - no complete sentences

Font size should be no smaller than 12-point, except for page titles

Font face (style) must be "Arial“

No transitions or sound effects, no special effects (window shades, movement, dissolves, music, etc.)

Printout format - select the 6 slides per page format, color or black & white, stapled, your names-date-block on both pages

F. Workdays - you will have in-class time to work - pay attention to the homework assignments web page so you’ll know when

Students may request hall passes to go to the Library or B7 during study hall, or to the Library before and after school.

G. Date due: Friday, January 23 by 3:15 pm.

H. Submitting the Presentation:

1. name your presentation with your block first, then the country name

(ex. E France, E Belgium)

2. login to the network

Virtual Share > clshelhorse > Classes > your own class > DropBox

3. do not put your work in the Drop Box until it is absolutely finished - once it's in the folder it cannot be retrieved or edited.

It is okay to save to your HARD DRIVE while you are working in the library, but be sure to back up your work in your NETWORK PERSONAL folder after each work session! Team members must always save the work in his/her own personal folder.

You will use your flash drive to share each day's work.

If your partners are absent on a work day, you will have no excuse not to be able to continue the work already begun.