Space Planning Committee

Meeting Minutes

TAS Conference Room

October 4, 2016

Attendance:Dorothy Echols Tobe, Eddie Saiff, George Tabback, Beth Foster, Michael Cunningham, Seamus Doran, Charles Rigoloso, David Nast, Bruce Werman, Debbie Spina, Alaina Seyler (Intern)

  1. Policy and Charge—The committee discussed aspects of the policy, most notably its review role in space management:
  2. Shared Drive Folder—George Tabback indicated there is a Space Committee folder. This folder will be reactivated and all members of the Committee given access. All space committee information will be placed in this folder.
  3. The role of resource members (Werman, Spina, Nast) were discussed, particularly that they will provide their expertise and knowledge as appropriate in committee discussions and reviews. They will have access to all documents and will be invited to all meetings, but will not have voting rights.
  4. The Space Request Form was reviewed and it was suggested that the form’s name be changed because it was the same as the form used by Events and Conferences. The Committee agreed to the following: Space Allocations Request. Additionally there was discussionon Question 7regarding unit funding of renovations as well as connecting requests to capital planning. It was decided that the Committee will review each request and work up an estimate which will be communicated to the requestor and included in the recommendation that goes to Cabinet.
  5. Space Request Report—The Committee suggested that a column be added to indicate whether the request was Active or Archived.
  6. Space Database—Space information is currently maintained in the following databases, Ad Astra, lock database, HR for occupancy, and an Access database created by Bruce Werman. Ad Astra houses classrooms, labs, and other academic spaces. Events and Conferences just transitioned from RESS to Ad Astra and added conference rooms and other event spaces. The Access database includes all spaces (occupancy, size, equipment, rooms, floor charts, etc.). Problems Werman identified included difficulty in updating information (not updated since 2012; HR data unreliable) and whether Access was the best software program in which to manage this information. We may need to include HR in discussions around how they manage/maintain office occupancy information and ensure that Public Safety has access to the final database. George Tabback will discuss these issues with members of the ITS staff and provide an update at our next meeting.

We discussed importing office information into Ad Astra, however, if we can utilize one database, that provides the functionality needed for storing, reporting, and that can be accessible to the Committee, that would be optimal.

We agreed that Facilities would hire a vendor to do an annual update of all institutional space so that the database will be regularly updated.

  1. Review Space Requests –the Committee discussed the request from Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, noted that it had many moving parts and tabled discussion until the next meeting. Additionally, there were discussions about the need for long term space planning.
  2. Space Committee Budget—Mike Cunningham will check to see if the past Committee budget is still active.
  3. Next Meeting: October 18, 2016 @ 12-1:30, TAS Conference Room ASB422

Indicates action items to be completed.