NATO unclassified
SoW PATRIOT Assemblies and Items Repair
Initial Release / 11 November 2016
Revision 1 / 19 December 2016 / Deleted para. 2.8.2 and 7.1, modified para. 2.1.11, 2.1.12, 2.8.1 and 7.5.3
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NATO unclassified
SoW PATRIOT Assemblies and Items Repair
1.3.Place of Performance
1.4.Reference Documents
1.5.Contractors Objective
1.6.Quality Assurance
1.7.Personnel Qualification and Experience
1.8.Processing Capabilities
2.3.Overhaul and Refurbishment
2.4.Repair capability for obsolete items
2.5.Technical analysis, evaluation and study
2.6.Supply Requirements
2.7.Cleaning/Liquidation of NOFS and NSPA Owned Test Equipment
2.8.Transportation and shipping
2.9.Indirect Services
3.2.Access to the facility
3.3.Stockage room
5.1.Technical References
5.2.NSPA directives
5.3.Company Furnished Documentation
5.4.NSPA Furnished Documentation
7.1.Management and Accountability of NSPA Owned Facility Stocks / Factory Test Equipment
7.2.Request For Disposition
7.3.Maintenance Status Reporting
7.4.Security Requirements
7.5.Other Administrative Procedures
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NATO unclassified
SoW PATRIOT Assemblies and Items Repair
- Purpose
- This Statement of Work(SoW) definestheservices to be provided by the Contractor in order to perform depot/factory level repair, overhaul, modifications,and the provision of spare parts and repair material,and other associated services to support the maintenance of selected PATRIOT Ground Support Equipment (GSE) assemblies and items.
- Applicability
- The SoW is applicable to Depot Level Maintenance (DLM).
- Place of Performance
- DLM will be performed at the Contractor’s facility.
- Reference Documents
- STANAG 4107 - Mutual Acceptanceof Government Quality Assurance and Usage ofthe Allied Quality Assurance Publications (AQAP)
- Technical data package (TDP) – The TDPfor the items to be repaired will be provided by NSPA, as required.
- All other technical documentation required to fulfill the objective of this SOW shall be provided by the contractor.
- Contractors Objective
- The Contractor shall meet the technical standards as specified in the TDP or otherwise specified by the US Army or NSPA, for the tested, repaired, overhauled, or modified items at minimum cost to NSPA.
- Any decision of whether an item shall be repaired, refurbished or replaced will be governed by this objective.
- Any services or material required to reach this goal, but not covered under this SOW, shall beidentified to NSPA.
- The Contractor shall continuously review the prescribed procedures and methods, and suggest to NSPA any changes that will assist themin meeting theirobjective.
- Quality Assurance
- Compliance with the quality provisions is a Contractor responsibility.
- The Contractor shall be ISO 9001 certified and AQAP-2120(Edition 3) compliant. In this context NSPA will act as the “Acquirer”, as defined in paragraph 3.3 of AQAP-2120. Unless otherwise stated in the purchase order NSPA will not use GQAR services, however NSPA reserves the right to request Government Quality Assurances (GQA) as NSPA deems necessary at any point in time during the contract performance in accordance with STANAG 4107.
- A Quality Plan in accordance with ISO 9001/AQAP 2120, paragraph 5.4 describing the detailed application of the Contractors quality system to the services, material and equipment under this SoW shall be prepared, implemented, and maintained by the Contractor.
- The contractor shall establish and maintain procedures to preclude latent damage or failure of parts susceptible to electrostatic discharge (ESD) in accordance with MIL-STD-1686C, at a minimum.
- The contractor shall implement a Foreign Object Elimination (FOE) program and establish guidelines to control and remove FOE, which could inflict damage to NSPA products prior to product operation.
- Personnel Qualification and Experience
- The key personnel shall be contractor’s personnel.
- The Contractor’s employees shall be properly trained and experienced in advanced electronics, knowledgeable of manufacturing and repair processes for electronic and electromechanical items, and capable of reading and understanding specifications, drawings and other documentation as appropriate, written in English language.
- The Contractor’s employees assigned to repair, maintenance and modification of PATRIOT Ground Support equipment, assemblies, and items, shall have adequate training qualifications and be experienced in the application of following key processes and specifications:
- The Contractor’s key personnel shall hold current certifications of international workmanship standards such as J-STD-001, IPC 610, IPC-620 and repair & rework according to IPC-7711/7721.
- The personnel working on special processes (e.g. conformal coating, bonding, etc) shall have the relevant qualifications and experience.
- Experience with the repair and/or manufacturing of PATRIOT end-items, assemblies and components would be an asset.
- Processing Capabilities
The Contractor shall have the following processing capabilities:
1.8.1.Receipt, Handling, Inspection and Test
1.8.2.Repair, Overhaul and Modification
1.8.3.Technical Analysis and Evaluation
1.8.4.Packing and Crating
1.8.5.Storage and Inventory Management
1.9.1.Security clearance for relevant personnel, physical and visual access conditions to the industrial premises/buildings and handling/storage of classified material are subject to NATO and national security regulations.
1.9.2.Security levels are covered in the Security Requirements Check List (SRCL).
The contractor shall be capable of detailed inspection, testing, repairing, refurbishing and modifying selected PATRIOT assemblies and items as listed in Annex 1.
2.1.1.If not otherwise defined in the NSPA purchase order, the contractor shall comply witha Turn Around Time (TAT) of 120calendar days or less..
2.1.2.The TAT is measured from induction date (Repair start reported to NSPA (FF9)) to repair completion date (Notice of Availability – NOA reported to NSPA). Any delay beyond the respective TAT has to be justified by the Contractor in the Maintenance Status Report (refer to para 7.4).
2.1.3.All repairs shall be performed under the Inspect Repair As Necessary (IRAN) concept.
2.1.4.The operating time for the repaired item shall be kept to the minimum necessary for inspection or test.
2.1.5.Incoming inspection of the unserviceable item to verify count and condition of the shipment and ensure that shipped item corresponds to the documentation.
2.1.6.Abnormal damages or incomplete items/assemblies, due to, for example transportation damages, inappropriate repair attempts or cannibalisation shall be reported in accordance with Request For Disposition (RFD) procedures (refer to para. 6.3) for further disposition by NSPA.
2.1.7.Testing on the appropriate test equipment to the extent necessary to identify the specific faulty component(s) or malfunction and determine the repair process required restoring full serviceability.
2.1.8.Any No Evidence of Failure (NEOF) shall be reported in the Maintenance Status Report (refer to para. 7.4).
2.1.9.Repair as required to insure that the item will meet drawing and MIS requirements.
2.1.10.Any unauthorized electrical or mechanical modifications or changes identified during the repair process shall be removed after NSPA approval in accordance with RFD procedures (refer to para 6.3).
2.1.11.Repair mandatory changes/modifications (change does not impact form, fit and function, e.g. ECP class II changes) as reflected in the appropriate technical documentation shall be applied during repair.
2.1.12.Any repair mandatory changes applied shall be documented by the Contractor and reported in the Maintenance Status Report (refer to para 7.4)
2.1.13.Complete full functional test. If any repairs are performed during testing, the item shall be recycled to a complete uninterrupted functional test.
2.1.14.Cleaning, coating, marking, preservation, and packing shall be i.a.w. the applicable packaging data sheet relevant instructions in the TDP or in accordance with separate NSPA correspondence. If not specifically covered by the current documentation, best commercial practice shall be used. Special attention shall be paid to electrostatic sensitive items.
2.1.15.Further technical procedures and requirements are covered in paragraph 5. Technical Procedures.
2.2.1.Apply modifications as instructed by the applicable NSPA purchase order.
2.2.2.Incoming inspection of the unserviceable item to verify count and condition of the shipment and ensure that shipped item corresponds to the documentation.
2.2.3.Abnormal damages or incomplete items/assemblies, due to, for example transportation damages, inappropriate repair attempts or cannibalisation shall be reported in accordance with Request For Disposition (RFD) procedures (refer to para. 6.3) for further disposition by NSPA.
2.2.4.Any unauthorized electrical or mechanical modifications or changes identified during the modification process, shall be removed after NSPA approval in accordance with RFD procedures (refer to para. 6.3).
2.2.5.Complete full functional test. If any repairs are performed during testing, the item shall be recycled to a complete uninterrupted functional test.
2.2.6.Identification of modified items shall be changed accordingly.
2.2.7.Cleaning, coating, marking, preservation, and packing shall be i.a.w. the applicable packaging data sheet relevant instructions in the TDP or in accordance with separate NSPA correspondence. If not specifically covered by the current documentation, best commercial practice shall be used. Special attention shall be paid to electrostatic sensitive items.
2.2.8.Further technical procedures and requirements are covered in paragraph 5. Technical Procedures.
2.3.Overhaul and Refurbishment
2.3.1.If requested, the Contractor shall overhaul/refurbish PATRIOT assemblies or items as requested by the applicable SoW and NSPA purchase order.
2.4.Repair capability for obsolete items
2.4.1.If requested, investigate and evaluate a cost effective solution to repair obsolete items and establish a repair capability as requested by the applicable SoW and NSPA purchase order.
2.5.Technical analysis, evaluation and study
2.5.1.If requested, the contractor shall provide technical analysis and evaluation and / or studies as requested by the applicable SoW and NSPA purchase order.
2.6.Supply Requirements
2.6.1.Principle supply of indirect and direct material required to perform DLM services under this SoW shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.
2.6.2.Indirect material material are low cost consumption items used for repair. These items include but are not limited to, adhesive, solder, wire, conformal coating material, solvents and other items of the same nature. Indirect materials are to be procured and furnished by the contractor. Normally this material is included in the man-hour rate, or covered by an hourly surcharge. material will normally be procured by the contractor on a commercial basis. contractor is authorized, however, to order this material through NSPA, if deemed necessary for availability, quality, or other reasons. responsibility for the (timely) availability of this material to meet the workload estimate, remains, in any case, with the contractor.
2.6.3.Direct materials other material that is not covered by the paragraph above, shall be considered "Direct Material", and is either NSPA or Contractor furnished. This material shall be listed on the individual invoices as "parts consumed". order to reduce the average TAT, the contractor will provide nlt 30 Oct each year an annual estimate of the required direct materials based on the projected workload and historical consumption data for repairs to NSPA for approval. will evaluate the proposed buy for availability in NSPA stocks or from current NSPA supply contracts and advise the contractor within one month which items and quantities will be made available by NSPA in accordance with a mutually to be agreed procedure. These deliveries are NSPA Owned Facility Stocks which shall be stocked at the contractor. remaining requirements shall be bought commercially by the contractor as contract acquired material in accordance with the applicable quality provisions for procurement of material.
2.6.4.Material for Modifications for modification and/or Modification Kits shall be procured by the Contractor in accordance with the applicableNSPA purchase order.
2.7.Cleaning/Liquidation of NOFS and NSPA Owned Test Equipment
2.7.1.If requested, the Contractor shall provide required services to transfer/ship and/or dispose of or scrap locally defined items of NSPA Owned Facility Stock (NOFS) and/or NSPA Owned Test Equipment as instructed by the applicable NSPA purchase order.
2.8.Transportation and shipping
2.8.1.In general, the items will be deliveredto and picked up at the Contractor’s point of delivery, but will be specified in the purchase order.
2.8.2.If requested, shipping shall be performed by the Contractor i.a.w. the instructions in the applicable NSPA purchase order.
- General
The Contractor shall
3.1.1.provide a facility fully suitable to fulfill the requirements of this SOW.
3.2.Stockage room
3.2.1.In case of NOFS at the Contractor, adequate space shall be provided in order to segregate NSPAproperty from Contractor property.
3.2.2.Sensitive, classified or high value items shall be adequately protected in accordance with NATO and/or national regulations.
- NSPA will furnish tools and test equipment as listed in Annex 3.
- Any additional tools and test equipment required to fulfill the objectives of this SOW shall be provided by the Contractor.
- Particular tools and test equipment to be provided by the Contractor:
- The Contractor shall make available automatic test equipment (ATE), test benches, test setups to support the repair and acceptance tests of all PATRIOT electronic items (digital and analog technology, power supplies, equipment, racks). The before mentioned equipment shall have the capability for testing and fault localization at Battery Replaceable Unit (BRU) level or subassembly level i.a.w. applicable drawings and MIS.
- The Contractor shall make available test equipment to support the performance and acceptance tests of the items listed in the table below. These items shall be repaired and tested i.a.w. relevant MIS and/or drawing specifications as listed.
In particular for PN 11450045-19 and PN 11450145-19 the Contractor shall make available test equipment and test fixtures as specified in the relevant paragraphs of corresponding MIS. - The Contractor shall make available a load test capability to simulate realistic operating conditions for the PN 10252431-1 and 11481714 using the PN 11450045-19 and 11450145-19 as load. When the repair of DC motors PN 10252431-1 and/or 11481714 is concluded the DC motor shall be assembled either on an actuator PN 11450045-19 or an actuator PN 11450145-19. The DC motor shall operate the actuators to the complete operating envelope.
This is an additional DC motor performance verification beyond the requirements of the corresponding MIS. This test will simulate the realistic operating conditions of the DC motor.
10272851 / LINEAR ACTUATOR / 10272851 TABLES I, and II
10252431-1 / DC MOTOR / MIS-23034E
11481714 / DC MOTOR / MIS 47299B
- Technical References
- Procedures/Standards/Directives
- All inspection and test procedures must be approved by contractor quality assurance or NSPA.
- Precedence
All work shall be accomplished i.a.w. this work specification, the procedures and standards contained in the documents mentioned below in descending order of precedence. Directives (Refer to 5.2) procedures, drawings and specifications per Technical Data Package (TDP), Depot Maintenance Work Requirements (DMWR's), Department of the Army Modification Work Orders (DAMWO's), NSPA modification instruction and approved waivers. documentation shall be overruled by NSPA directives/waivers, or special instructions in the NSPA purchase orders. the event the contractor is unable to comply with the technical requirements, or if he considers that an improvement should be made, he is authorized to depart from the prescribed standards provided that all of the following conditions are met: TDP and DMWR requirements are adhered to. of the component remains unchanged. of the component is not diminished. remain interchangeable in form, fit and function. field maintenance is not affected i.e. will not require the use of different tools, test equipment, procedures or repair parts. deviation does not change the physical appearance of any item to considerable degree. deviation does not imply an increase in price of parts and/or labor. deviation is authorized by the GQAR. copy of all departures authorized by the GQAR together with supporting information is provided to NSPA without delay. the event the contractor is unable to comply with the technical requirements or if he considers that an improvement should be made he is not authorized to depart from the prescribed standards if the departure, actual or proposed, is of a major nature or if any of the features given in subparagraphs to are affected. for such departures must be submitted to NSPA, together with recommendations by the GQAR, and with sufficient technical information to enable evaluation
5.1.2.Inadequate Documentation the Technical Documentation is found insufficient, common engineering and shop practices will be applied under the provisions of paragraph, using the contractor's internal sources and/or advice from the Prime Manufacturers, provided that TDP and DMW requirements are adhered to. In case the problem cannot be solved by the contractor, an inquiry will be made to NSPA, including all necessary details such as references to pertinent technical documentation, copies of drawings and specifications, test results, photographs and any other material that may assist NSPA in solving the problem.
5.2.NSPA directives
5.2.1.These will be issued in writing and approved by the proper authority if there is a deviation to the technical standard or process.
5.3.Company Furnished Documentation
5.3.1.The contractor shall provide e.g. Mil Specs, standards and commercial specifications, all documentation required for the repair process.
5.4.NSPA Furnished Documentation
5.4.1.In principle, a complete technical data package (TDP) for the items to be repaired will be furnished by NSPA. Any changes/updates to the provided documentation will be furnished by NSPA.
- The services and material provided by the Contractor shall meet the technical standards as specified in the TDP, drawings or otherwise specified by the US Army or NSPA, for the tested, repaired, overhauled, or modified items.
- Management and Accountability of NSPAOwned Facility Stocks / Factory Test Equipment
- The Contractor shall have the accounting responsibility for NOFS located at the Contractor facility.
- Any consumption or replenishment of NOFS shall be correctly recorded according common industrial standards. Consumption of NOFS shall be accounted for against the applicable NSPA purchase order.
- The Contractor shall ensure that NFOS is properly identified, inventoried and maintained on a Nomenclature, NATO Stock Number (NSN) and/or Part Number (PN), quantity and prices basis.
- NOFS shall be segregated from other material and shall be labeled in such a way as to be easily identifiable on sight. It shall be stored and handled in accordance with current industrial practices and/or PATRIOT security requirements (see paragraph 7.5 below).
- Physical inventory of NOFS will be carried out by NSPA, with Contractor support, on a regular basis with a minimum of once per year or as deemed necessary by NSPA. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any differences between the physical stock and the corresponding accounting document. Any difference between the physical stock and the accounting document shall be investigated without delay.If required, adjustment of accounting records for losses (write-offs) or surpluses (write-ons) must be performed.
- Disposal of NOFS requires NSPA’s prior approval. In case of approved scrap, the contractor shall a scrap certificate to NSPA without delay. The scrap certificate must have the applicable DEMIL code. Any income from disposals by sale of NSPAproperty shall be credited to NSPA.
- Applicable records shall be kept accessible to NSPA for at least seven (7) years.
- The Contractor shall, not later than 15th January of each year, report directly to the International Board of Auditors (IBAN) for NATO using the template “NOFS as of 31 Dec.xlsx” (Annex 5) accompanied by a Contractors signed NOFS Certificate.The email address and the NSPA NOFS Certificate will be provided by NSPA.
- NSPA Owned Factory Test Equipment shall be managed and accounted for by the Contractor in accordance with paragraphs 7.2.1, 7.2.3 and 7.2.5.
- Request For Disposition
- The Contractor shall provide to NSPA by the use of electronic means a Request for Disposition (RFD) using NSPA FORM 575 (Annex 6)accompanied by meaningful documentation (failure reports, material/codification data for alternate components, etc.). The form shall be submitted whenever the contractor foresees that the contractual task cannot be provided within the purchase order expenditure limit, completion of the task is technically not feasible (e.g. obsolete components)or any other reason as required by this SoW. NSPA will provide disposition instruction on the follow-on actions for the specific task.
- In case an item has to be scrapped at the contractor location, the contractor shall provide to NSPA in writing a confirmation that the item has been scrapped.
- Failure to provide an RFD by the contractor prior to shipment of assets shall, at NSPAs discretion, release NSPA from paying any invoice which is higher than the expenditure limit of the relevant PO.
- Maintenance Status Reporting
- The contractor shall provide to NSPA on a monthly basis a Maintenance Status Report on all work in process. If the amount of workload requires a different reporting period, NSPA may request the contractor to provide reports on a to-be defined frequency. The reporting format as outlined in the “Maintenance Status Reporting Template.xlsx”(Annex 7).
- The work stoppages having the potential of delaying the contractor’s effort beyond the TAT shall be specifically justified in the status report.
- Regardless the reporting in the Maintenance Status Report, the Repair start (FF9))and Repair completion (Notice of Availability – NOA) shall be reported to NSPA per electronic means.
- Security Requirements
- As some of the components to be processed may be of a classified nature, adequate security measures shall be taken i.a.w. current NATO and national regulations, to protect the facility, hardware and procedures accordingly. All relevant personnel shall be properly cleared.
- Shipping and handling of classified hardware is also subject to NATO and/or national regulations.
- Security levels are covered in the Security Requirements Check List (SRCL).
- Other Administrative Procedures
- As requirements for other administrative procedures arise, the Contractor and NSPA shall mutually develop the format and submittal requirements and these procedures will be made part of the contract.
- Procurement of Material from NSPA
- If the Contractor decides to order PATRIOT related hardware/material from NSPA, NSPA and the Contractor will determine the necessary procedures to be used.
- The Contractor shall manage and administer purchase orders.
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