Southwest Virginia Bible Bowl 2014
The Church
*** All questions and answers taken from the King James Version.
Section 1: The Church in Prophecy
1. How did God reveal to Daniel the contents 1. In a night vision (Daniel 2:19)
and interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar's
2. According to Daniel, to whom do wisdom and 2. God (Daniel 2:20)
might belong?
3. Why did Nebuchadnezzar have his dreams 3. The God of heaven revealed to him
and visions? what was to happen to him in the
latter days (Daniel 2:28).
4. Describe the terrible image Nebuchadnezzar 4. It had a head of fine gold, a breast
saw in his dream. and arms of silver, belly and thighs of
brass, legs of iron and feet which
were part iron and part clay (Daniel
5. What broke the image in Nebuchadnezzar's 5. A stone that was not cut with hands
dream? (Daniel 2:34)
6. What happened to the stone made without 6. It became a great mountain and
hands after it broke the image to dust? filled the whole earth (Daniel 2:35).
7. Who was represented by the head of gold in 7. Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 2:38)
Nebuchadnezzar's dream?
8. How many kingdoms were to follow Nebuchad- 8. Three (Daniel 2:39-40)
9. What did the feet of clay and iron represent in 9. The divided fourth kingdom which
Nebuchadnezzar's dream? was partly strong and partly broken
(Daniel 2:42)
10. Quote Daniel 2:44.10. And in the days of these kings shall
the God of heaven set up a king-
dom, which shall never be des-
troyed: and the kingdom shall not be
left to other people, but it shall break
in pieces and consume all these
kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.
11. What was the result of Daniel's telling11. Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged
Nebuchadnezzar his dream and inter- Daniel's God as the God over all
preting it? gods and promoted Daniel as ruler
over all Babylon and chief governor
of the wise men (Daniel 2:46-48).
12. What is the "kingdom which shall never be12. The church (Colossians 1:18;
destroyed"? (Dan. 2:44) Ephesians 1:22-23)
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13. To whom was given "dominion and glory and13. The Son of man (Daniel 7:13-14)
a kingdom that all people and nations should
serve him"?
14. What did the four beasts of Daniel 7 represent?14. Four kings which shall rise out of the
earth (Daniel 7:17)
15. What was to happen to the fourth kingdom which15. The saints possessed the kingdom
was different from the others and fought against and they served the Most High for-
the saints of the Most High? ever (Daniel 7:24-27).
16. What verses in Joel are a prophecy about the16. Joel 2:28-32
17. When was Joel's prophecy regarding the church17. On the first Pentecost after the
fulfilled? resurrection of Jesus (Acts 2:16-22)
18. How did Isaiah describe Christ?18. A foundation stone, a tried stone, a
precious corner stone, a sure
foundation (Isaiah 28:16)
19. Where did Isaiah prophesy the coming of the19. Isaiah 60:3
Gentiles into the church?
20. Quote Matthew 16:18-1920. "And I say also unto thee, That thou art
Peter, and upon this rock I will build my
church; and the gates of hell shall not
prevail against it. And I will give unto
thee the keys of the kingdom of hea-
ven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind onearth shall be bound in heaven; and
whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth
shall be loosed in heaven.
21. Name the six parables in Matthew 13 which Jesus21. The tares, the mustard seed, leaven,
used to teach about the kingdom. a hidden treasure, a merchant seeking
goodly pearls, a fishing net
22. In the parable of the wheat and the tares, who is22. The Son of man (Matthew 13:37)
represented by the sower of the good seed?
23. In the parable of the wheat and the tares, who are23. The children of the kingdom and the
the good seed and the tares (weeds)? children of the wicked one (Matthew
24. What lesson is to be learned from the parable 24. Though the kingdom began very small,
of the mustard seed? it will grow large according to God's plan.
25. What two parables in Matthew 13 discuss the25. The parable of the mustard seed and
growth of the church/kingdom? the leaven (Verses 31-33)
26. What is the pearl of great price in the parable of26. Wisdom and knowledge of the gospel the merchant seeking pearls? Christ (Proverbs 2:4; Philippians 3:8)
27. What is special about the comparison of the 27. It gathered every kind of fish as all na-
kingdom to a net in Matthew 13? tions would be gathered into the church
(Verses 47-50).
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28. Where in Jeremiah do we find a prophecy of the28. Jeremiah 31:31-34
Law of Christ and the house of Israel?
29. Quote Isaiah 2:2-3.29. And it shall come to pass in the last
days that the mountain of the LORD's
house shall be established in the top ofthe mountains, and shall be exalted
above the hills; and all nations shall
flow unto it. And many people shall go
and say, Come ye, and let us go up to
the mountain of the LORD, to the
house of the God of Jacob; and he willteach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORDfrom Jerusalem.
30. How do we know the church/kingdom was not in30. Jesus preached, "The kingdom is at existence during the early ministry of Jesus? hand" in Mark 1:15, and He said, I will
build my church" in Matthew 16:18.
31. Which Old Testament prophets prophesied the31. Isaiah (2:2-3) and Zechariah (1:16)
church would be built in Jerusalem?
32. How many churches did Jesus promise to build?32. One (Matthew 16:18)
Section II: The Church Begins
33. Where were the apostles gathered on the first day33. In Jerusalem (Acts 1:12)
of Pentecost after Jesus' resurrection?
34. How did the Holy Spirit manifest (show) its presence34. They heard a sound like a mighty rush-
on the apostles? ing wind and cloven tongues like fire sat
on each of them (Acts 2:2-3).
35. Who was in Jerusalem on the first Pentecost after35. Devout men of every nation (Acts 2:5)
the resurrection of Jesus?
36. At what time of day did Peter and the eleven begin to36. The third hour (about 9am) (Acts speak to the Pentecost crowd? 2:14-15)
37. Who did Peter say was "a man approved of God,37. Jesus of Nazareth (Acts 2:22)
among you by miracles and wonders and signs"?
38. Who prophesied that Christ would be raised to38. David (Acts 2:30; Psalm 110:1)
sit on his throne?
39. Who has God made both Lord and Christ?39. The same Jesus the men of Israel had
crucified, and He had raised from the
dead (Acts 2:36)
40. Quote Acts 2:38.40. Then Peter said unto them, Repent and
be baptized every one of you in the
name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive thegift of the Holy Ghost.
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41. How are people added to the church?41. The Lord adds them that are baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38, 41, 47).
42. On the day of Pentecost, how many "gladly re-42. About 3,000 souls (Acts 2:41)
ceived" the apostles' words and were baptized?
43. What three things does the first Pentecost after43. The Christian age/new testament
the resurrection mark the beginning of? (Hebrews 9:15-17),gospel preaching
(Acts 2:22-36), the church (Acts 2:47)
44. Who is the source of authority and law in the church?44. God speaking through Christ (John 1:17; 5:26-27)
45. What confirmed the preaching of the apostles?45. signs, wonders, miracles (Hebrews 2:4)
46. What is the meaning of the term "church"?46. The called out
47. In what two senses is the term "church" used in the47. Universally as in Matthew 16:18 and as
New Testament? a local congregation in I Corinthians 1:2
48. How are people "called out" into the church?48. By the gospel (II Thessalonians 2:13-14)
49. Name AND give scripture references for three other49. Household of God/Ephesians 2:19;
names/designations of the church. church of the firstborn/Hebrews 12:23;
churches of Christ/Romans 16:16
50. What does Ephesians 1:22-23 call the church?50. The body of Christ
51. Who is the "head of the church"?51. Christ (Ephesians 1:22)
52. Name three other descriptive terms used for the52. The kingdom of God (Matthew church. 16:18-19);the temple of God (Ephe- sians 2:20-22); the vineyard of the Lord (John 15:5)
53. Who is the scriptural founder of the church?53. Christ (Matthew 16:18)
54. Was John the Baptist a member of the church?54. No, according to Matthew 11:11
55. Quote Hebrews 1:1-2.55. God, who at sundry times and in divers
manners spake in time past unto the
fathers by the prophets, Hath in these
last days spoken unto us by his Son,
whom he hath appointed heir of all
things, by whom also he made the
56. What Old Testament man was Christ "raised56. Moses (Acts 3:22)
up unto" like?
57. What is the only name by which we must be saved?57. Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Acts 4:10-12)
58. In Acts 4, what was one great characteristic of58. They had all things in common so that
the church? no one lacked (Acts 4:32).
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59. What happened to the church in Acts 8?59. Saul made havock of the church, and
they that were scattered abroad went
everywhere preaching the word (Vv.1-4).
60. When the people of Samaria believed the preach-60. They were baptized, both men and wo-
ing of Philip about the kingdom of God, what did men (Acts 8:12).
they do?
61. Name the conversions in these chapters of Acts;61. 8/Ethiopian eunuch; 9/Saul; 10/Cornel-
8, 9, 10, 16. ius; 16/Lydia, Philippian jailer
62. Where were the disciples "first called Christians"?62. In Antioch (of Syria) (Acts 11:26)
63. Which scripture announces the fulfillment of the63. Colossians 1:23
Great Commission in the first century?
Section III: The Mission of the Church
64. The church has three definite missions. Name them.64. Evangelism (Matthew 28:18-20), edification (I Thess. 5:11), benevolence (Galatians 6:10)
65. Quote Luke 19:10.65. For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.
66. Why is it so important that we teach the gospel?66. Because all have sinned and come
short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23)and it is the power of God to save
(Romans 1:16)
67. What, according to Ephesians 3:10, is the church67. The manifold wisdom of God
to make known?
68. Which parable of Jesus teaches that each Christ-68. The parable of the talents (Matthew
ian is responsible to do what he can to teach 25:14-30)
69. Name three ways each Christian can fulfill 69. Personally teach publicly and privately
his responsibility to teach the gospel. (Acts 20:20), send and encourage
others (Romans 10:15), live righteouslyand serve faithfully (II Corinthians 3:2-3)
70. List the "Christian graces" we are told to add70. faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance
to our lives. (self-control), patience, godliness,
brotherly kindness, charity (love) (II
Peter 1:5-7)
71. Quote Romans 12:1-2.71. I beseech you therefore, brethren, by
the mercies of God, that ye present
your bodies a living sacrifice, holy,
acceptable unto God, which is your
reasonable service. And be not con-
formed to this world: but be ye trans-
formed by the renewing of your mind,
that ye may prove what is that good,
and acceptable, and perfect will of God.
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72. What is the best way to know how to be approved72. Study His Word (II Timothy 2:15).
of God?
73. Name one Bible example of a Christian who is 73. Dorcas/Tabitha (Acts 9:36)
recognized for serving God in giving.
74. Where do we find an example of a congregation 74. In Acts 11:28-30 the Christians in
doing benevolent acts? Antioch sent funds to help those
brethren in Judea.
75. Which Bible chapter describes church coopera-75. II Corinthians 8
tion in supplying the needs of the poor?
Section IV: Church Membership
76. Why is it important to be a member of the Lord's76. It is the kingdom of God on earth where
church? we are reconciled to God (Colossians
1:12, 13; 18-20; Ephesians 2:16).
77. Jesus said that we must do something before we77. Be born again of water and of the Spirit
can enter the kingdom of God. What is it? (John 3:3-5)
78. First Corinthians 1:21 tells us we are saved by what?78. The foolishness of preaching
79. How does faith come?79. By hearing the Word of God (Romans
80. What did Jesus say will happen to those who do80. They will die in their sins (John 8:24).
not believe in Him?
81. What did Jesus say will happen if we do not repent?81. We will perish (Luke 13:3, 5).
82. Quote Galatians 3:26-27.82. For ye are all the children of God by
faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of
you as have been baptized into Christ
have put on Christ.
83. What does obedience to the truth do for us?83. Purifies our souls (I Peter 1:22).
84. How does baptism save us?84. It is the answer of a good conscience
toward God (I Peter 3:21) and washes
away our sins (Acts 22:16).
85. Name two "figures" used to describe our be-85. A new birth (John 3:3-5) and a marriage
coming Christians. to Christ (Ephesians 5:23-30).
86. Every conversion is a repetition of the same acts.86. Hear the Word of God (Romans 10:17);
What are they? Give the scriptures. believe it (Mark 16:15-16); repent of
sins (Luke 13:3, 5); confess faith in
Christ as God's Son (Romans 10:9, 10);be baptized for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38; I Peter 3:21).
87. What does "baptism" mean?87. An immersion, burial in water
88. Why is baptism by immersion essential to salvation?88. It is where we contact the blood of
Christ since it is a figure of His death,
burial and resurrection (Romans 6:1-10).
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89. What four things happen when one obeys the will89. His sins are forgiven (Acts 2:38), he is of God? recognized by God as a child of His (Gal. 3:26), he is added tothe body of the saved (Acts 2:47), he enjoys the blessings and responsibilities of a childof God (Eph. 1:3)
90. Give two scriptures to show that we get into Christ90. Galatians 3:26-27; Acts 2:41-47
and into the church in the same manner.
91. Where are all spiritual blessings?91. In Christ (Ephesians 1:3)
92. What happens when we put God's will before our 92. All needful things are provided for us
own? (Matthew 6:33).
93. If we endure temptation and live for God, what has93. The crown of life (James 1:12)
He promised us?
94. What is one of the blessings we enjoy here, both94. Fellowship of the saints (I John 1:3)
physical and spiritual, from being Christians?
95. Quote Galatians 3:29.95. And if ye be Christ's, then are ye
Abraham's seed, and heirs according tothe promise.
96. What was Jesus' prayer for His followers?96. That we all be one in Him (John 17:21)
97. What kind of lives are Christians to live 97. Pure and honorable lives (II Timothy
as the "bride of Christ"? 2:19-22)
98. Romans 7:4 tells us we are to bring forth98. Fruit
what unto God?
99. According to John 15:2, what will happen to99. He will be taken away.
the Christian who does not bear fruit?
100. Name the fruits of the Spirit from Galatians100. Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, 5:22, 23. gentleness, goodness, faith, meek-
ness, temperance (self-control)
Section V: Church Government
101. What does the word "autonomous" mean with101. Each congregation is independent of
regard to the church and its government? the others.
102. Who is given the charge or oversight of the local102. A plurality (more than one) of elders
congregation? (Acts 14:23)
103. What does the word "deacon" mean?103. Servant
104. Give a scripture which indicates New Testament104. In Romans 16:1, Phebe was a
Christians "identified with" (placed membership) member at Cenchrea.
a local congregation.
105. What three other names are used for elders in 105. Bishop (I Timothy 3:1), pastor (Ephe-
the Lord's church? sians 4:11), overseer (Acts 20:28)
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106. Where do we find the qualifications for those106. I Timothy 3:2-7; Titus 1:6-9
who would serve as elders?
107. Can elders make laws for the church? How are107. No, they rule as ensamples (examples) they to rule the church? (I Peter 5:3).
108. Why are elders admonished to "feed the flock"108. To guard them from those who would
over which they are overseers? come in to teach perverse (distorted,
corrupt) things and draw away the
disciples (Acts 20:28-30)
109. Who in the church watch for our souls?109. The elders (Hebrews 13:17)
110. What is a Christian's responsibility toward the110. To honor and obey them (I Timothy
elders? 5:17; Hebrews 13:17)
111. What are the qualifications of elders with regard111. They are to be the husband of one
to their family life? wife and are to have their children in
subjection (I Timothy 3:2, 4).
112. Why should an elder have a good reputation 112. So he won't fall into reproach (dis-
among those from without the church? grace) and the snare of the devil
(I Timothy 3:7)
113. List the qualifications of an elder with regard113. Given to hospitality, not given to wine
to physical things. not greedy of filthy lucre (dirty money), not a brawler, no striker, not covetous,(I Timothy 3:2-3)
114. What are the elders' spiritual qualifications?114. He must not be a novice (new Christ-
ian), must be apt to teach others, holy,and know sound doctrine so he canexhort and convince the gainsayer (one who speaks against the Word)(I Timothy 3:6;Titus 1:8-9).
115. Those who would hold the office of deacon in the115. They must be examined and approved
church must "first be proved". What does this mean? by their faithfulness (I Timothy 3:9-10).
116. Where do we find the first selection of deacons in116. Acts 6:1-6
the Bible?
117. What is the main duty of a deacon?117. To relieve the elders of worldly duties
so they can look after the spiritual
welfare of the congregation (Acts 6:3-4)
118. What was the result of the appointment of deacons118. The Word of God increased, the num-
in Jerusalem? ber of disciples multiplied and many
priests believed (Acts 6:7).
119. What three qualifications for deacons are listed in119. He must be of honest report (reputation)
Acts 6? full of the Holy Spirit (live a godly life)
and be full of wisdom.
120. What is an "evangelist"?120. A proclaimer of the good news
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121. Name two evangelists so called by the Scriptures.121. Philip (Acts 21:8) and Timothy (II
Timothy 4:5)
122. Quote Paul's instructions to Timothy regarding122. Preach the word; be instant in preaching in II Timothy 4:2. season,out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.