Southwest VA Bible Bowl 2010
“Genesis, Part II - Genesis 26-50”
All questions and answers are taken from the King James Version of God’s word.
***The grading of the test will be based on these study sheets. Spelling counts as a potential tie breaker
1. Why did Isaac go to Abimelech king of 1. There was a famine in the land
the Philistines? 26:1
2. According to Genesis 26:5, what five 2. Obeyed my voice, kept my
things did Abraham do to receive the charge, commandments, statutes
blessings from God? and laws.
3. What same sin did Isaac commit that 3. He told Abimelech that Rebekah
Abraham did? was his sister, 26:7.
4. Why did the Philistines envy Isaac? 4. He waxed (grew) great and had
possessions of flocks, herds and a
great household, 26:13, 14.
5. What was the name of the well that 5. Esek, because the herdsmen of
Isaac dug, and why was it so named? Gerar strove (fought) with
him, 26:20.
6. Who approached Isaac at Beersheba 6. Abimelech, Ahuzzath his friend
to make a covenant with him? and Phicol, captain of his army, 26:26
7. What were the names of the two wives 7. Judith and Bashemath, 26:34
Esau took at the age of 40?
8. What was Esau told to do by Isaac in 8. Take his weapons, quiver and
order to receive the blessing? bow, take venison and make
savory food for his father, 27:3-4.
9. Who planned the deception of Isaac? 9. Rebekah, 27:5
10. Even though Isaac was near blind, what 10. Esau was a hairy man, and Jacob
one thing would he check to identify the was a smooth man, 27:11.
one who brought him the savory food?
11. When Isaac asked Jacob how he was 11. "Because the Lord thy God
able to bring the food so quickly, what brought it to me." 27:20
did he answer?
12. After Esau found that Jacob had received 12. kill him, 27:41
the blessing, what did he plan to do to
13. When Isaac gave instructions to Jacob 13. the daughters of Canaan, 28:1
about taking a wife, from where was he
NOT to take one?
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Southwest VA Bible Bowl 2010
“Genesis, Part II - Genesis 26-50”
All questions and answers are taken from the King James Version of God’s word.
***The grading of the test will be based on these study sheets. Spelling counts as a potential tie breaker
14. Where was Jacob to go to take a wife? 14. to Padanaram to his uncle
Laban 28:2
15. Why did Esau take Ishmael's daughter 15. because he saw the daughters of
to be his wife? Canaan did not please Isaac,
16. Explain the dream Jacob had at Bethel. 16. He saw a ladder set upon the
earth, the top of which reached
to heaven with angels of God
ascending and descending on it;
God once again promises His
Blessings to Jacob, 28:12-15.
17. When Jacob woke, what was his reaction 17. "Surely the LORD is in this
to his dream and its place of happening? place; and I knew it not... How dreadful is this place!
this is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven." 28:16, 17
18. What is found for the first time in the Bible 18. tithing (Jacob promised to give a
in Genesis 28:22? tenth.)
19. What two things did Jacob do for Rachel 19. He watered her sheep, and he
at the well? kissed her, 29:10, 11.
20. What four things did Laban do to Jacob 20. ran out to meet him,embraced him,
when he heard he had come? kissed him and brought him
to his house, 29:13
21. How does the Bible describe the appearances 21. Leah's eyes were tender, but
of Leah and Rachel? Rachel was beautiful and well-
favored, 29:17.
22. How long was Jacob to serve Laban to make 22. 7 years, 29:18
Rachel his wife?
23. How did Laban trick Jacob? 23. He brought Leah to him instead
of Rachel, 29:23.
24. How many more years was Jacob to serve 24. 7 years, 29:27
Laban for Rachel?
25. Why did Jehovah open the womb of Leah? 25. because He saw she was hated, 29:31
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Southwest VA Bible Bowl 2010
“Genesis, Part II - Genesis 26-50”
All questions and answers are taken from the King James Version of God’s word.
***The grading of the test will be based on these study sheets. Spelling counts as a potential tie breaker
26. Name the sons of Jacob and their mothers. 26. Leah (Reuben, Simeon, Levi,
Judah, Issachar, Zebulun); Bilhah
(Dan, Naphtali); Zilpah (Gad,
Asher; Rachel (Joseph, Benjamin)
29:32-30:24; 35:18
27. In Genesis 30:32-43, Jacob was allowed 27. selective breeding
to keep and multiply the speckled and
spotted sheep, every black one and every
black and spotted goat. What is this type
of breeding called today?
28. Why were Laban's sons angry at Jacob? 28. because he had taken away all
that was their father's and used
it for his own gain, 31:1
29. Who told Jacob to leave Laban? 29. the angel of God, 31:11
30. Who might be the angel of God? Why? 30. Christ, because in Genesis 31:13
he proclaimed, "I am the God of
31. Before Jacob left Padanaram, what did 31. the images in her father's house,
Rachel steal? 31:19
32. On what day after he left was Laban 32. the third day, 31:22
told that Jacob was gone?
33. Where did Laban overtake Jacob? 33. in the mountain of Gilead, 31:23
34. What did God tell Laban about Jacob 34. "Take thou heed that thou
in a dream? speak not to Jacob either good or
bad." (31:29)
35. What did Jacob agree would be done 35. "With whomsoever thou findest
with the persons who stole the images? thy gods, let him not live." (31:32)
36. Where did Rachel hide the images? 36. in the camel's saddle; she sat on
them, 31:34.
37. How long did Jacob serve Laban for 37. 14 years for his two wives; 6
his wives? for his flock? How many years for his flock; his wages
times did Laban change his wages? were changed 10 times, 31:41.
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Southwest VA Bible Bowl 2010
“Genesis, Part II - Genesis 26-50”
All questions and answers are taken from the King James Version of God’s word.
***The grading of the test will be based on these study sheets. Spelling counts as a potential tie breaker
38. What name did Laban call the place 38. Jegarsahadutha, 31:47
where a covenant was made between
him and Jacob?
39. What name did Jacob give this place? 39. Galeed, 31:47
40. When Jacob heard that Esau was com- 40. He divided the people, flocks and
ing to meet him w/400 men, what did herds into 2 companies so if one
Jacob do? were captured, the other would
escape, 32:7, 8
41. What gifts did Jacob give to Esau? 41. 200 she-goats, 20 he-goats, 20
rams, 30 milch camels with their
colts, 200 ewes, 40 cows (kine), 10
bulls, 20 she-asses, 10 foals, 32:14, 15
42. Who was the man Jacob wrestled with 42. God, 32:24, 28 Hosea 12:3-5
until dawn?
43. Why was Jacob's name changed to Israel? 43. He had striven with God and with
men and had prevailed (won), 32:38.
44. Why did Jacob name the place where he 44. "I have seen God face to face,
wrestled with God Peniel? and my life is preserved." (32:30)
45. What law was enforced because of this 45. "Therefore the children of Israel
confrontation? eat not of the sinew which shrank, which is upon the hollow of the thigh, unto this day: be- cause he touched the hollow of Jacob's thigh in the sinew that
shrank" (32:32).
46. What was the name of the Hivite who 46. Shechem, son of Hamor, 34:2
defiled Dinah?
47. What agreement did Jacob's sons make 47. Every Hivite male would be cir-
with Shechem and Hamor so they could cumcised, 34:15.
48. Which two of Jacob's sons betrayed the 48. Simeon and Levi, 34:25
agreement and killed the Hivites?
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Southwest VA Bible Bowl 2010
“Genesis, Part II - Genesis 26-50”
All questions and answers are taken from the King James Version of God’s word.
***The grading of the test will be based on these study sheets. Spelling counts as a potential tie breaker
49. What four things did Jacob command the 49. Put away your strange gods, be
people to do in Chapter 35? clean, change your garments, go
with me to Bethel to build an altar
to God. 35:2, 3.
50. Who died at Bethel? 50. Deborah, Rebekah's nurse, 35:8
51. Who died at Ephrath after giving birth? 51. Rachel, 35:19
52. What is another name for Ephrath? 52. Bethlehem, 35:19
53. How old was Isaac when he died? 53. one hundred and fourscore years (180) years old, 35:28, 29
54. Why did Esau move away from Jacob? 54. Their riches were too great
for them to dwell together; the
land could not feed all their cattle, 36:7.
55. Why did Jacob (Israel) love Joseph more than 55. He was the son of his old age,
all his children? 37:3.
56. What did Jacob (Israel) make for Joseph to show 56. a coat of many colors, 37:3
his affection?
57. Name two reasons from Chapter 37 why Jacob’s 57. Their father loved Joseph more,
(Israel’s) other sons could not speak peaceably to and Joseph's brothers hated him
Joseph. because of his dreams, 37:4, 5.
58. What did Joseph's brethren plot to do to him? 58. Slay him, 37:18.
59. Who stopped the brothers from killing 59. Reuben had them throw him into
Joseph, and what alternate plan did he offer? a pit, 37:22.
60. Who saw the caravan of the Ishmeelites and 60. Judah, 37:26, 27
convinced the brothers to sell Joseph into
61. Who drew Joseph out of the pit and sold him? 61. the Midianites; 20 pieces of silver
What was the purchase price? 37:28
62. What proof did Joseph's brothers give Israel 62. Joseph's coat of many colors had
that Joseph was dead? been dipped in goat’s blood, 37:31.
63. In Egypt, to whom was Joseph sold? 63. Potiphar, the captain of Pharaoh’s
guard, 37:36
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Southwest VA Bible Bowl 2010
“Genesis, Part II - Genesis 26-50”
All questions and answers are taken from the King James Version of God’s word.
***The grading of the test will be based on these study sheets. Spelling counts as a potential tie breaker
64. At what two officers was Pharaoh angry? 64. the chief of the butlers and the
chief of the bakers, 40:2
65. How long were the butler and baker in prison 65. a season, 40:4
when they had their dream?
66. To whom did Joseph say interpretation of 66. God, 40:8
dreams belonged?
67. Describe the butler's dream. 67. A vine with three branches
bloomed and produced grapes.
When the grapes were ripe, the
butler squeezed them into a cup
for Pharaoh, 40:10, 11.
68. What was the interpretation of the butler's 68. Within three days Pharaoh would
dream? restore him to his job, 40:13.
69. What was the baker's dream? 69. Three white baskets filled with
all types of bread were on his
head, and birds came and took
the bread from the baskets, 40:16, 17.
70. What was the interpretation of the baker's 70. In three days, his head would be
dream? taken from him, he would be
hanged from a tree, and birds
would eat his flesh, 40:18, 19.
71. Three days after the dreams, what was the 71. Pharaoh's birthday, 40:20
special occasion?
72. How long after the birthday when he ful- 72. two full years, 41:1
filled the butler's and baker's dreams did
Pharaoh have dreams of his own?
73. Describe Pharaoh's two dreams. 73. In the first dream, 7 lean cows
(kines) came out of the river and
ate 7 fat cows. In the second
dream, 7 thin ears of corn ate 7 fat
ears of corn. 41:2-7.
74. Who did Pharaoh call to interpret his 74. all the magicians and wise men of
dreams? Egypt, 41:8
75. Who did interpret his dreams? 75. Joseph, with God's help, 41:16
page 7
Southwest VA Bible Bowl 2010
“Genesis, Part II - Genesis 26-50”
All questions and answers are taken from the King James Version of God’s word.
***The grading of the test will be based on these study sheets. Spelling counts as a potential tie breaker
76. What did Joseph do to prepare himself to go 76. He shaved himself and changed
before Pharaoh? his clothes, 41:14.
77. What did Joseph tell Pharaoh when Pharaoh 77. "It is not in me: God shall give
asked him if he could interpret dreams? Pharaoh an answer of peace." 41:16
78. What was the interpretation of Pharaoh's 78. God had showed Pharaoh what
dream? He was about to do. The 7 fat
cows and 7 fat ears of corn
represented 7 years of plentiful
harvests; the 7 lean cows and ears of corn represented 7 years
of famine. This was a warning so
Pharaoh could prepare, 41:25-32.
79. Why did Pharaoh dream two dreams which 79. The famine was to be very
were interpreted the same way? grievous, and it was a thing
established by God which He
would soon bring to pass, 41:32.
80. Whom did Pharaoh choose to oversee the 80. Joseph, 41:39-41
storage of food during the good years?