Southview Worship Pastor

Job Description

Responsibilities include leading and overseeing our Sunday morning worship service, working with the senior pastor to ensure that each element leads us to a central goal or theme for the day. You will lead the worship team personally, and will have oversight over the sound booth and the creative elements (communion, special music/videos, skits, etc.) of the worship service.

Worship History

Southview hasn’t had a paid worship pastor since 2006. We’ve been utilizing volunteers over the last decade, and have slowly seen a decrease in the number of volunteers willing to help in this ministry, as well as a decline in talent and abilities. Our current worship leader has a good voice, but would rather sing harmony. He also plays guitar, and isn’t always effective at making smooth transitions between songs. We have a pianist who is quite good, but her voice is better suited to harmony. She hasn’t been able to lead the group well and sing at the same time when the worship leader goes on vacation. We have a drum set, but haven’t had a drummer play in almost a year. We have a bass guitarist who plays on a sporadic basis. We have a djembe that is usedoccasionally also. Our backup vocalists are not strong singers and definitely need coaching and training. We currently have one male and three females who sing in addition to the lead guitar player and pianitst, but they vary from week-to-week as to their availability. Basically, you never know who’s going to be on stage until Sunday morning.

Currently, the worship team has practice from 8:00-9:00 am, right before Sunday School. The pianist and guitar player takes turns choosing the songs for that month. The pianist lets everyone know ahead of time what each song will be for the whole month. The guitarist lets people know in the middle of the week what the songs will be for that Sunday. All vocalists have a music notebook that has our standard songs in it. We typically sing four songs in our worship set, sing one invitation song at the end of the sermon, and close the service singing the chorus of one of the songs sung that morning. Our typical order of service is this: Welcome & Announcements, Worship Set, Communion Meditation, Communion & Offering, Greeting Time, Sermon, Invitation Song, Prayer Time, Closing Chorus. We are open to switching things up and usually do at least once a month.

Our soundbooth is manned by two people each Sunday – one who operates the sound board, and one who operates the computer. We use EasyWorship for song projection, powerpoint, and videos. We have three computer operators who rotate each week, and they do a pretty good job of loading the songs and other elements into the program and moving through them during the service. Our sound board operators have had very little training, and some really don’t know what they are doing. They could use some additional training in that area for sure.

Worship Responsibilities

-Recruit volunteers and provide training/resources to help them lead the congregation in worship each Sunday

-Plan and oversee special worship events as needed, like an Easter Sunrise Service, Christmas Service, Bluegrass Sunday, Hymn Sunday, and Acapella Sunday

-Work with the other pastors and volunteers to create an environment and culture on Sunday mornings that is encouraging, challenging, and impactful

-Set up regular meetings to encourage, train, and equip volunteers in their Sunday morning ministries

Other Responsibilities

-Be available, along with the elders and pastor, to make hospital and home visits to church members as needed

-Report directly to the pastor on a weekly basis and assist him in preaching, shepherding, implementing vision, and other church functions as needed

-Attend and add input to various meetings, including weekly staff meetings with the pastor, monthly elders meetings, quarterly board meetings, and regular meetings with your worship ministry volunteers

-Since Southview is a small church, your gifts and abilities are encouraged in any other area that you have a passion and ability to help (preaching, missions, outreach, social media, maintenance, etc.) – Basically, we have to be a jack of all trades in ministry!

To Apply

-Contact Tom Worstell at any options listed below

-You will be asked to submit your resume, a statement of beliefs, and our worship pastor questionnaire, which will be emailed to you

-Applicants will be contacted by Tom Worstell for an initial interview, and those that are approved will be interviewed by the Elders of Southview and the Southview Worship Team before being asked to come for a trial Sunday

13604 Norby Road

Grandview, MO 64030

816-765-6134 (office)

Senior Pastor – Tom Worstell – – 816-616-9794 (cell)