Bayview Water & Sewer District
P.O. Box 637, Bayview, Idaho 83803
June 20, 2017
Call to Order and Roll Call: Chairman Richard Doney opened the meeting at 3:30 P.M. and a roll call confirmed that directors Jan Jones, and Steve May were alsopresent.
Others Present:Assistant operator Reid O’Connorand District treasurer Jessie Roe.
Guests Present:Members of the public.
Consent Agenda and Minutes:Chairman Doney started with the consent agendaand the approval of the May minutes, as well as the minutes for the two special meetings held on June 9th and June 14th. Mr.May made a motion to approve the proposed agenda as well as the May minutes and special meetingminutes with a second from Ms. Jones. All were in favor, motion carried.
Operator Report: With the recent retirement of Mr. Peck the operator report was done by Mr. O’Connor. He reported on the events that transpired for the month of May. Standard daily checks were performed as usual and he replaced a few meter top boxes after digging them up from the pavement in customer’s driveways. This can be quite the process to return the area back to pre-work conditions. Mainly the month was spent getting the treatment site ready for summer time inflow. This consists of checking valves, sand filters, cleaning out the pond, checking the sprinkler lines for any needed repairs, clearing brush and fallen trees and spraying poison. Next, Mr. O’Connor talked about the maintenance to the pumps in the tri-plex station; they were leaking some oil but he has been working on them to maintain proper function and the pumps are doing well. Finally, Mr. O’Connor touched on the recent water outage on Duwamish that took place during his vacation June 14 thru June 20. The District’s backup company, Water System Management, was on call during this time but Mr. O’Connor is aware there was a break below a pressure relief valve so this area was dug up, the pipe repaired, and the bedding redone with ¾” crush rock. The motor in one of the pumps at the Dromore station also went down during this time. The District is currently operating off one pump in the area while the motor is being worked on for the other pump. The pump is under warranty so the District will only need to pay for labor on this.
Treasurer’s Report: Ms. Roe presented the financial report. First, she stated the District brought in approximately $37,727.76 for the month of May. The hefty income is a compilation of things:larger than normal user payments, winter excess consumption charges, plus meter reading has begun and the summer months are upon us. Users are naturally using more water than they usually do as temperatures rise. The District has also received certification payments from the county as well aswater hookup charges. Expenses were down this month around $19,406.69. The District paid all regular bills but will see the repairs and maintenance section is largely due to pumping customer’s septic tanks. This is quite the cost for the District. Overall, this left the District with a net profit higher than any month seen recently at $18,320.97.
Old/Ongoing Business:
- Delinquent List: Ms. Roe is working with 11 customers this month to bring accounts current. She will get those letters out following the board meeting. There are four customers from last month that she has not seen any response from with the letters sent out after the last board meeting. These customers are now up for turn off, with Board approval. In total, the District is looking at collecting $3,169.04 in delinquent balances. Ms. Jones made a motion to approve the list followed by a second from Mr. May. All were in favor, motion carried.
- Randy Kimmes – Acct# 1743: Overage forgiveness/meter broken: Ms. Roe recapped the decision from the Board last month to table the decision of forgiving water overage because Mr. Peck informed the Board that Randy Kimmes’ insulation had been removed from the meter box during winter, causing the meter to break. The Board wanted to open dialogue with Mr. Kimmes on how this could have happened. Ms. Roe wrote Mr. Kimmes a letter and he came into the office and told her that he wasn’t sure how it could have been removed. He had short-term renters and they have since left. Randy said he would go ahead and pay this overage because he is selling the property anyway and will be closing soon.
- Request from Float Home Owner(s) – Do Not Annex into the District: Chairman Doney said this is a follow up from May’s board meeting when Ms. Renner requested that the District start the process for annexing the float homes into the Bayview Water and Sewer District boundaries. Following the board meeting Ms. Renner emailed the Board and rescinded her request and said she would like to have a meeting with the float home association before annexation started.
- Recap on Reid O’Connor’s Vacation Payout: Mr. O’Connor wanted an accrued vacation time payout in the sum of $5,200 while away on vacation. The Board has since paid this out and it was deposited into his bank on June 16, 2017.
New Business:
- Amend Resolution 2016-001 - Delinquent Policy to Include Certified Mailing: Mr. Doney read the amendment to Resolution 2016-001, which will be Resolution 2017-002. The District would like to include sending certified mail with return receipt. This will be an added safe-guard measure for both the customer as well as the District. Before turning anyone’s water off the District would like to ensure proper notification has been sent. Chairman Doney made a motion to accept the amendment followed by a second from Mr. May. All were in favor, motion carried.
- IRWA – GIS Mapping: The Chairman announced that Mr. May has been in conversation with Tui Anderson with Idaho Rural Water Association (IRWA) regarding Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping for the District. Mr. Anderson emailed an estimate in the amount of $7,028. Chairman Doney would like to recruit the assistance of Robyn Edwards who will be sworn in as a Board Member next month. Ms. Edwards has the software to perform GIS mapping as well as the information and experience, in turn, this could be a huge cost saver for the District. The chairman thought it would be a great idea for himself, Ms. Edwards and Mr. Anderson to sit down together and determine the most comprehensive and cost effective process to include all the beneficial information the District would need from a map like this.
- RFQ Update: Mr. May talked with Katy at DEQ and she informed him that they will need to get a phone call to the state with their engineer information as well as complete one remaining application. The Board is still moving forward with this to ensure a loan for future use.
- Al Landry #1309 – Trailer Removed: Ms. Roe informed the Board, as well as the public, that Al Landry’s trailer that was behind the former liquor store has since been removed. She then inquired with the Board on how they would like her to handle this account; make it dormant? The Board queried the operator, Mr. O’Connor, on his experience with this matter. They also said they were informed somewhere along the way that the trailer and liquor store might have shared a septic tank but this needs to be determined before a decision can be made. The Board then instructed Mr. O’Connor to either confirm or deny this statement. Topic was tabled until the July board meeting when they could have more information regarding this.
- Payroll procedures and Direct Deposit: Mr. O’Connor said there has been an issue with the direct deposit three times already and paydays have fallen on weekends. He doesn’t want to be paid late. Ms. Roe responded by saying there has only been one payday since starting direct deposit that has fallen on a weekend. That was the secondpayment on April 1, 2017. It fell on a Saturday so payroll was issued a day early, March 31, 2017, a Friday per Idaho Code 45-608. Ms. Roe clarified the problem that arose that payday was that both Mr. O’Connor and Ms. Roe were inexplicably removed from Mountain West Banks payroll website. Although, Ms. Roe did receive email confirmation, provided to Mr. O’Connor, for the payroll processed. Over the weekend MWB system experienced a glitch. The following Monday Ms. Roe presented a physical paycheck for herself and Mr. O’Connor. Mr. O’Connor went on to say that payroll should not be issued on the 16th but on the 15th. Chairman Doney agreed that the employee manual does specify paydays are on the 1st and the 15th and they will be sure to honor this moving forward. In light of this situation, and Mr. O’Connor being made hourly, there will be a few payroll changes to ensure timesheets are turned in, signed by a supervisor and then presented in a timely manner to uphold payroll dates (as per BWSD employee manual). This will require a week between the pay-period ending and actual payroll processing. New pay period will be from the 9th – 24th and from the 25th-8th. Pay period will continue to be on the first and fifteenth of every month.
Announcements: Chairman Doney announced that the District’s senior system operator has handed in a letter for retirement, effective June 30, 2017. From the date of handing it in to June 30, 2017 he has been using his accrued vacation time and is no longer coming into the office. Mr. Peck has also requested a check for accrued vacation time of 2180 hours to be paid immediately upon retirement date.
Public Comment:Chairman Doney inquired with the public for comments or questions. One member of the public asked about Chairman Doney’s comment about paying Mr. Peck out for vacation time but at the last special meeting Chairman made a comment that there were a few discrepancies between the vacation time Mr. Peck has and the District has. Her question is: Have they determined the discrepancy amount? Chairman Doney responded by saying the amount of discrepancy is 184 hour of vacation, per attorney approval, the District has found in calendars and log books.
At 4:22 pm Chairman Doney made a motion to move into executive session 74-206(a) to discuss personnel matters followed by a second from Ms. Jones, all were in favor, motion carried.
The Board exited the executive session at 5:35 pm. With no further business to discuss the regular meeting was adjourned at 5:35 pm.
Respectfully Submitted and Approved:
Jessie RoeRichard Doney
Administrative/Treasurer Chairman of the Board