2009 -2010
Mar 11, 2010
Conference Call
Meeting Minutes (indicated in cyan)
Meeting Attendees via Conference Call; Alan Albers, Bruce McNabb, Daniel Perez, Pat Lamb for Doug Thompson, Jody Boatman, Joe Irizarry, Kerri Ranney, Scott Layne, Bill Stice, and James Riggen.
Alan established a Quorum of the Board was present, Meeting was called to order by Alan Albers at approximately 3:03pm
(These items should occur at every meeting and should take approx. 5 minutes max)
1. Introductions/Welcome Alan Albers (Refer to report below)
2. Minutes of February Meeting James Riggen (Refer to report below)
3. Treasurer’s Report Jody Boatman (Refer to report below)
4. Membership Report Bruce McNabb (Refer to report below)
5. Communications Kerri Ranney (Refer to report below)
6. International Report Scott Layne
Mr. Layne reported on the current progress of Region/International Restructuring process. International will be discussing this process in depth at the Strategic Planning Meeting in Philadelphia on May 9-10. Scott Layne (SR International Board) and James Riggen (SR Rep) will be present at this meeting.
1. Welcome (Alan Albers)
Mr. Albers welcomed those attending and called the meeting to order.
2. Approval of Minutes from February Board Meeting (James Riggen)
Minutes of the February 4, 2010 Board Meeting were reviewed by the Board. Ms. Ranney made a Motion, Mr. Perez Seconded the Motion to approve the February 4th Board Meeting Minutes. Membership unanimously approved.
3. Treasurer’s Report (Jody Boatman) (initial instructions from Int’l have been sent with details concerning the financial restructuring)
Ms. Boatmen updated the SR concerning the current International/SR Restructuring Plan. By June 7th all Region and Chapter Funds shall be sent to International for maintenance and accounting. Each SR Chapter shall have in place a Chapter Treasurer. Each Chapter and State Director shall send Ms. Boatman their Treasurer selection. The SR Treasurer will handle the bookkeeping for the Louisiana Chapter until such time as the Chapter can modify their Chapter Bylaws to allow for a Treasurer’s Position. In the future, each Chapter of the SR will deal direct with International (Michelle is the International contact) for checking, funding, and reimbursement.
Ms. Boatman submitted a preliminary Budget to International for review. Ms. Boatman offered her assistance to any Chapter to help them with their Budgets.
Mr. Stice Moved for the SR to pay expenses for the TEA Director, Gary Marek, to attend the SR Conference in Ft. Worth. Expenses would include, room, travel, registration, and meals. Meals would be reimbursed on a maximum of $30/day with receipts required. Ms. Ranney Seconded motion, Motion passed unanimously by the Board.
Mr. Perez discussed the need to begin planning for the 2011 SR Conference. Mr. Perez will begin a dialogue and discussion with International to locate a 2011 Conference Host City, Hotel, and proposed dates for the conference.
Ms. Boatman discussed her concerns with the SR Budget. Current 2009/2010 Expenses may exceed 2009/2010 Revenue. SR is working with International to refine and balance budget.
4. 2010 CEFPI Southern Region Conference Update (Pat Lamb for Doug Thompson)
2011 CEFPI Southern Region Conference Comments (Daniel Perez)
Ms. Lamb reported on the status of the April SR Conference in Ft. Worth. The Conference Committee has been working hard and meeting bi-weekly. At the present time the conference schedule is set and there are 5 clay teams, 41 vendor booths, 150+ registered participants and $3,800 in Sponsorships.
Mr. Stice requested the Committee consider a time where Gloria can talk to the assembled membership concerning the SR School Building Week Competition. The Board discussed a possible short presentation at the Gala and a rolling slide presentation at the Opening Reception. The Conference Committee was asked to find a location for this presentation at the conference.
5. Chapter Reports (* denotes report to be given for applicable chapter)
*Oklahoma Chapter (Brook Jensen)
Central Texas North Chapter
*Central Texas South Chapter
Mr. Irizarry reported the CTSC is meeting monthly with an average of 110 members present at each meeting. They are having strong attendance from ID’S, consultants and professionals. They are concentrating on topics relating to school districts. CTSC By-Laws are being updated and new Board Positions and Committees being formed.
*D/FW Chapter
At this time the SR Conference planning and implementation is the main focus of the D/FW Chapter.
Gulf Coast Chapter
7. Discussion of several items from Treasurer – from last meeting (Jody Boatman)
· Status of committee working on Southern Region Budget.
· Applying for Sales, Franchise and Hotel Tax Exemption based on the following:
AP-207 - Educational Organization (PDF, 54k)
A qualifying nonprofit educational organization must be devoted solely to instruction with a regularly scheduled curriculum, faculty, and an enrolled student body. An organization may be exempt as an educational organization if it provides instructional presentations.
· Work on the travel policy revision to include all Southern Region events, travel on behalf of the Southern Region and Region Conference Exchange Program.
No Report at this time.
8. Communications Plan Update (Kerri Ranney)
Ms. Ranney reported the first SR Newsletter was sent out last week. Ms. Ranney is looking for Chapter or Member articles for future newsletter issues. Please forward all articles to Kerri or Carla at International. Ms. Ranney requested a President’s Letter from the SR for next issue.
9. Attendees to other Region Conferences (Alan Albers)
Mr. Albers indicated he would not be able to attend the May 6-9 NE Region Exchange Conference or the May 9-10 International Strategic Planning Meeting in Philadelphia. Mr. Riggen will attend this meeting in place of Mr. Albers.
Mr. Albers discussed the possible need to schedule a SR Summer Retreat. This item was tabled for future discussion.
(These should be items such as report on a recently attended conference and/or strategic plan updates that don’t need action or a vote. These should be limited to live meetings when we have more time to discuss)
1. CEFPI 2009 Strategic Plan Update:
Communications/Marketing/Public Relations Committee:
Goal #1: Increase organizational awareness through community outreach and mid-level professional outreach. (Note – the CEFPI High Performance Symposium in concert with AIA/CAE was a good step and should be continued … annually, semiannually?)
Goal #2: Establish regular, proactive communication between levels of CEFPI- i.e., international to regions, regions to chapters, chapters to members, etc.
TEAM: Virginia Collier, Chris Pellegrin, Mark Beck, Jack See
Membership Recruitment and Retention Committee:
Goal #1: Transition non-member participants to membership by clearly defining the value of membership. (Something each Chapter can do by recognizing visitors at meetings, offering membership scholarships, etc)
Goal #2: Develop a mentor/Protégé program with defined program steps.
TEAM: Bruce McNabb, Brook Jensen, Jack See, George Purvis, Chris Pellegrin,
Lisa Lake, Paul Mills, David Kaczynski (TASBO does this in Texas)
Funding / Resources Committee:
Goal #1: Direct available funds to support school district membership and participant in regional events.
TEAM: John Haskew, Jody Boatman, Michelle Dudley
(from Jody) With the assistance of donations from the Southern Region and 4 Texas Chapter we are awarding 10 scholarships for registration and hotel room for 2 nights for 10 school districts for the Southern Region Conference. The initial email resulted in 5 applicants (3 in Texas, 1 from Arkansas, 1 from Oklahoma). We have sent a 2nd email, hoping to fill the 10 spots.
Legislative Committee:
Goal #1: Develop impact on legislative decisions impacting school facilities.
TEAM: Kirk Kistner, Doug Thompson Jimmy Disler, Alan Albers, Bill Stice
D. ACTION ITEMS (20-45 minutes as needed)
(These items should be submitted in advance so that an agenda, with backup information can be submitted to all board members prior to the meeting)
Action Item / RepresentativeD-1. Approval of minutes of December meeting
Minutes of the February 4, 2010 Board Meeting were reviewed by the Board. Ms. Ranney made a Motion, Mr. Perez Seconded the Motion to approve the February 4th Board Meeting Minutes. Membership unanimously approved. / James Riggen
D-2 Approval of Treasurer’s Report and Action on any expenditure proposed.
Mr. Stice Moved for the SR to pay expenses for the TEA Director, Gary Marriott, to attend the SR Conference in Ft. Worth. Expenses would include, room, travel, registration, and meals. Meals would be reimbursed on a maximum of $30/day with receipts required. Ms. Ranney Seconded motion, Motion passed unanimously by the Board. / Jody Boatman
D-3. Action on any item from Membership Report.
No Action Required / Bruce McNabb
D-4. Action on any item from Communications Plan
No Action Required / Kerri Ranney
D-5. Action on any items from International Report
No Action Required / Scott Layne
D-6. Action on any item related to 2010 Southern Region conference
No Action Required / Doug Thompson
D-7. Action on any item related to 2010 School Building Week
No Action Required / Gloria Barrera / Scott Milder
Unless otherwise noted, these will be a conference call at 3:00PM
April 1, 2009
SR Conference in Ft Worth, 10:00AM, Thursday, April 22, 2010
May 6, 2009
June/July Retreat?
August 5, 2009
September 2, 2009
A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Stice with a second by Mr. Perez. Motion was approved. Meeting was adjourned by Mr. Albers at approximately 4:18 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted;
James W. Riggen, CEFPI SR Secretary