Southeast Raleigh High School

Band Booster Meeting

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Meeting to Order and Welcome

Vernon Ratliff called the meeting to order at 6:10pm. He announced that this was the first official Booster meeting for the 2009-2010 year. He welcomed new parents and asked that they introduce themselves. 42 adults boosters were in attendance.

Approval of Minutes

The July 2009 minutes were approved as posted on the Bulldog band web site.

Treasurer’s Report

Pat Clanton gave the treasurer’s report. Hard copy is attached to these minutes in the secretary’s notebook.

I. Old Business

2009-2010 Budget – The Board of Directors met July 14 and approved the budget for 2009-2010. See hard copy attached to these minutes in the secretary’s notebook. There are currently 117 band students as of this date. Vernon reviewed the Fair Share amounts.

Recognition of Chairs – Vernon recognized each member of the Board of Directors and asked that they stand so that new parents could see them. He addressed the volunteer needs of all committees. Volunteer sheets were available for members to sign up.

II. Chair Reports

Hospitality – Linda Brown said there is always a need for volunteers to help feed and clean-up after the band at competitions and football game days. Reminded everyone that Mr. Scott keeps the students on campus on game day. They practice, have dinner and then dress for the game. Hospitality is also in need of snack and powered drink donations.

Chaperones – Yulanda Wilson reminded everyone that all chaperone must register for the highest security clearance. Registration was available during the meeting.

Band Bash Ad and Trophy Sales – Sandra Harrison discussed Bash ad and trophy sales. Now is the time to get started. The forms are on the right side of the web site’s home page. All info is included there. Sandra’s email is on the forms should anyone have questions about the process. It is important to remember that 35% of commercial sales go to student’s Fair Share. Personal ads and trophies can also be purchased to honor your student – with nothing to Fair Share, but these are priced lower than commercial.

Walnut Creek – Malik Sullivan reported that TIPS training had ended for the season. TIPS trained workers are still needed for several events.

Event One – Malik Sullivan said Event One will probably start Labor Day weekend. NCSU and Duke games will be posted soon. Malik will send email when orientation is set.

Uniforms – Christine Gunter gave uniform info to new parents and explained difference between warm and cool weather uniforms. All uniforms taken out for alterations should be returned ASAP. They need to be sent to cleaners.

New parent shirts are now available for $17. Christine reminded all that parent shirts are required by RBC.

Student Accounts – Christine Gunter reported that all students must have at least a student account set up even if parents are not setting up parent accounts.

Pit Crew - John Hernan and Greg McBroom discussed what is involved regarding Pit Crew. Volunteers are needed to help move the band and equipment and props during home football games and at competitions. Also on September 26 for Band Bash our Pit Crew moves all visiting bands as well as ours. Help is very much needed.

Props – George Ward and Clyde Hewitt discussed the props for this year’s show. Volunteers are needed every Saturday from 9am to about 3pm for carpentry, tracing and painting. Come out for an hour or so or the whole time.

Grocery Cards – Margie Caughlan described the grocery card program. It is passive fundraising and “free” money for the general account. She will have cards with her at all games and booster meetings.

II. New Business


Zap A Snack – Velina Baker reported that this fundraiser kicked of at the end of Band Camp July 24 and will end Tuesday August 18. 45% of sales will go to Fair Share accounts.

Hurricanes Raffle – Vernon discussed this fundraiser. Plan to raffle at home football games with money raised benefitting General Fund.

Sports Cups – James Clanton will chair. More will be presented at the September meeting.

AutoBell – More regarding this fundraiser at the September meeting.


Kim Campbell and Stephanie Coleman will chair. Vernon reported that they will be signing contract soon. We are hoping for 40 events – could be 72 events. Once contract is signed dates will be posted to the web site. Events will include hockey, basketball games, concerts and Disney on Ice. If you make a commitment to work it is important that you be there. Booster can lose money if stands are not staffed. ALE training is required and never expires.

Band Bash

Penny Morrow discussed the 7th annual Band Bash to be held September 26. Bash committees are in need of volunteers and sign up sheets were available at the meeting. Signs committee needs a chair. New parent, Nelson Staton, volunteered to chair.

Lee Hernan discussed the need for brand name soda and water donations for Bash. Concessions sell these donated items for $1 each – clear profit. Also need donations of 9oz cups for the water stations and 20 oz cups for tea and lemonade at the concessions. Some fast food places will donate a sleeve or two of cups if asked.

IV. Mr. Scott’s Comments

Mr. Scott said the weather is causing some delays in getting the show ready. He is planning a Saturday rehearsal for August 29 from 8am until noon.

New color guard instructor is Ms. Williams.

Mr. Scott is just back from the DCI championships. He returned with new ideas and inspiration.

Practices and sectionals are important. He urged parents to limit conflicts. Practices are every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 to 6pm. Sectionals are Mondays after school or Tuesdays during Smart Lunch. Sectional times are always posted on the board. Students should check. Also students should let section leaders know if they cannot attend a sectional.

Mr. Scott said preparations are under way for the trip. Parade application is going in and prices are being researched.

Mr. Scott reminded parents that support is very much needed and is welcomed by the students. Volunteer and come out to practices, games and competitions.

V. Questions

A question was raised regarding a fundraiser idea. Vernon urged that if anyone has ideas and/or contacts regarding possible fundraisers to please let him know.

Meeting adjourned at 7:50pm.

Next meeting will be September 1 at 6pm.