Southbound to Mexico
  1. CMS picks up your shipment at your dock and takes it to our origin service facility. A T&E Bond will be issued for shipments departing from Canada.
  2. Depending on the shipment's final destination, it's routed through the CMS network to our border service facility at Laredo, El Paso, Nogales, or San Diego.
  3. Shipments are delivered to the applicable Mexico customs broker who then:
  4. classifies the shipment,
  5. inspects and counts the goods,
  6. prepares Customs documentation and
  7. collects applicable duties and taxes.
  8. The broker coordinates and arranges for drayage (physical movement) of the shipment across the border.
  9. The shipment is delivered to Mexican Customs by the drayage company assigned to cross the border and goes through a red light/green light system:
  10. Red light trailers are subject to further review of shipment documentation and/or physical inspection.
  11. Green light trailers move on through the system.
  12. The drayage company then delivers the shipment to the CMS service facility in Mexico.
  13. The shipments are loaded daily onto our Mexican carrier of choice and the final step is when the shipment arrives at the destination CMS service facility and then is placed on a city unit for delivery to the consignee.
/ Northbound from Mexico
  1. CMS picks up your shipment at your dock and takes it to our origin service facility.
  2. Depending on the shipment's final destination, it's routed through the CMS network to a Mexican broker at the border.
  3. Brokers from Mexico and the United States are notified that the shipment has arrived at the border.
  4. The Mexican broker processes paperwork and arranges for clearance through Mexican Customs and drayage (physical movement) across the border to U.S. Customs.
  5. A U.S. Customs broker representative meets the dray man at the U.S. Customs import lot, clears the shipment or prepares a T&E Bond through U.S. Customs and instructs the dray man to deliver the shipment to the appropriate American warehouse.
  6. The CMS service facility in United States receives the shipment from the dray man or it gets dropped at the American receiving agent’s warehouse.
  7. Once at the CMS service facility or at the American receiving agent’s warehouse, the shipment re-enters the CMS network of carriers for final delivery in the United States or Canada.

Make CMS Shipping your Mexican partner and we will take care of it all.

Simplifying cross border solutions with 20 years of experience.

One Number with Endless Solutions 1-866 956-8585 On Time All The Time!!