University of Texas Pan American

High School Summer Research Internship Program


Program Description

With the College of Science and Math (COSM) long-term goal of increasing the participation of UTPA students in research activities, and to bring more students into Science and STEM careers, aHigh School Summer Research Internship program has been initiated and funded by the UTPA, HHMI, and research grants of the UTPA faculty. Students will be recruited from the pool of talented rising juniors and seniors from high schools of partner school districts.

The High School students are required to participate in hands-on active research for at least 25 hours per week during a 7-week session. Some of the projects may involve field work in which samples or data are collected outside the laboratory. The students will also be presenting their research findings in a poster presentation session at a closing ceremony and possibly in subsequent scientific meetings. In addition, every effort will be made to have UTPA researchers publish the work with participating students as collaborators. The students’ interest areas will be matched with UTPA research faculty interests and mentors. A COSM committee will select students based on GPA and on their potential for careers in Science and STEM fields.

Program Dates

The 7-week long program is projected to start in June (Tentatively June 17) and to end in early August (Tentatively Aug 02), 2013 with a closing ceremony and a poster presentation of the student’s work.


Every effort will be made to provide a stipend to each participating student. However, students should be aware that not all participating students may be funded and that they may have to accept the internship without stipend.

A completed application package is due by Friday, March 1st, 2013. Late or incomplete applications will NOT be reviewed.

For additional questions about the High School Summer Research Internship Program at UTPA, please contact:

Moyra Ebhling Ruiz

HHMI Program Coordinator

College of Science and Mathematics

The University of Texas Pan American

Tel: (956) 665-8740
