HELD ON 16th May 2013
Present: Clare Philbrick (CP), Yvonne Henry (YH), Bruce Robinson (BR) Barry Finlay (BF) Colin Johnson (CJ), Brian Mackley (BM)), Niall Graham (NG), Jason Riby (JR),
James Henry (JH), Kathryn Law
Apologies: Gavin Sharp (GS), Ian Martin (IM), Dave Rowe (DR), Karl Milford (KM),
The meeting was opened at 19.35
37/13 Minutes of the Meeting held on 18th April 2013
Accepted as correct record (proposed BF, seconded CJ)
38/13 Correspondence
New correspondence
a) Communication sent to harbour master 14/5/13 to summarise follow ups from incident with NU event - DONE. JR.
b) Contractors put up fence between dunes and groyne which had blocked access. Bruce has spoken to contractors/Council who have agreed to remove the fence. BR
c) Received following enquiries:
· Julia Fitzgerald - any sailing events on for juniors over the summer? (11 yr old, done RYA 1-3). Response – nothing planned?
· Mark Choppa – any open days coming up? Been down to club, talked to some members (got membership pack). Date- need to plan Open Day?
· Andrew Grieve - coming to Newcastle for 1 yr plans to join with Laser 1 (Ed Uni sailing club). (replied)
· Robert Walker – does he need to join to sail, possible crewing. (replied)
d) North East Laser Youth Coaching group – thanking club for training.
Matters arising
a) Several emails received enquiring about what the club can offer:
- David Mole - looking to join with their 6 yr old, not sailed before, want to get involved (found on internet), want to know if take on beginners, and if open to youngsters. Ian to reply. DONE IM
Committee agreed be good to target these types of beginners, perhaps put more effort into running courses to attract new members.84/12 b) Sport England grant - no further update on this – agreed to hold money until a response received. Barry received reply suggesting we can purchase harnesses.
Agreed to purchase 2 x harnesses, size large so can fit all (flexible)
Barry to reply to Sport England confirming spend on harnesses. Suggestion from Niall that we spend this money on a reefable Dacron sail rather than harnesses. Quote received for £397.80. Committee agreed to go ahead. Niall to action. NG
39/13 Membership
New Membership
Philip Hagan and Robert Hagan (Laser) requested new membership – committee supported their request. YH
Simon with Hoby 15 – needs to submit membership application. YH
Committee agreed to deactivate key fobs of any members who have not paid membership by this stage in the year. JR.
Matters Arising
85/12 Three outstanding payments from last year Warren Shelton Jones (49er), Mark Campbell (Enterprise) and Stuart McLachlan (GP14). They were all written to when membership renewal notices were sent out. No response from any of them.
Agreed to write to members stating that if we do not hear back within 1 mth, then club will dispose of boats and sell to cover costs owed. Yvonne to send copy to these members. YH
40/13 Sailing
New Sailing Business
Open day planned for Sat 29th June – 2 sessions 10-12noon, 2-4pm. Chance to go out sailing.
Dave Rowe to advertise on Club website (Clare to ask) DR
Matters Arising
31/13 a) Sailing instructions to be updated – see A.O.B. Item to be added to allow for reducing wind conditions causing unfair races.
Jason proposed update to timing 5.4.1 on Sat, and 3 min on Wed. Propose to move flags every 1 min, so 3/2/1 flags. Dropped enterprise start from Wed (lasers/ents together and everything else). IM
69/10(b) Ramp Users Group. Did not meet in December. The next scheduled
meeting is February 2013. No meeting til further notice.
95/12 Key Dates
· 18th May NEYT series event
· 18/19th May RYA “Push the Boat out” weekend
· 8 June - First Aid Course JH
· 8-9 June Cat/Assym open
· 15-16 June - Power Boat level 2 training DR
· Sat 29 June - Open Day at SS.
· 8 Feb – Dinner Dance BF
86/12 e) The RYA is proposing to hold an Ovington boat day, this has been
provisionally organised to be held at Sunderland Yacht Club. Dates TBC. No further response received. BR
100/12 BR is working with Adam to run RYA day training session at SS. BR
Steve Gibbon is going to provide on the water coaching for club racers on Sunday mornings (starting 5th May)
Poor turnout on 5th May, postponed until further date confirmed with greater participation. BR/NG
Consideration for individual starts for all classes for pursuit races. Sailor responsible for correct starting time. Propose continue with current system for this year, consider change for 2014. IM
41/13 Treasurer
Financial Position
Treasurer's report May 2013May-13 / Apr-13 / May-12
Main account / £10,898.00 / £17,267.00 / £10,973.00
Catering account / £2,434.00 / £2,457.00 / £5,880.00
Development account / £261.00 / £261.00 / £261.00
Building society account / £24,299.00 / £24,299.00 / £28,227.00
Cash at bank / £37,892.00 / £44,284.00 / £45,341.00
No issues, but need to be very careful
Drop in funds due to boiler payment and insurance premiums
Accounts in preparation for audit
Charities claim to go in during May
Insurance paid
42/13 Development and Training
New Development and Training
Matters Arising
43/12(a) New OD handbook has been produced that includes responsibilities for mark
laying and rescue boat requirements before, during and following racing. Requirements for radios have also been included plus the advice provided by AQHM during his talk on safe water operations. A check list has been provided listing the requirements for safety crews before and after sailing. The OD instruction book now needs to be updated and included in OOD Box. This is ongoing. To be ready for start of season IM/JR
88/12 (b) VHF user course be arranged.
Barry to ask Jamie if able to offer course. Jamie offered to run course – would be a weekend on a 3 race Sunday after racing. Jamie to prepare one page printed radio procedure to put in OD/Rescue boat, and send round members. BR
(c) Firstaidcourse – there was a request for a further course, in particular from university members. James to run course on 8th June. JH
(d) University asked if anyone from club want to participate in DI course as they
don’t have minimum numbers. No known participants from SS.
97/12 Emails to be sent out to younger members with surveymonkey to get feedback No update. .
Suggestion to hand out paper copy to children. Niall to contact Jason to get questions. Bruce/Niall to arrange. Bruce/Niall
43/13 Social
New social business.
Request to book club 17th August. Committee agreed providing club member could booking on condition they attended the event.
Matters arising
98/12 Dinner Dance.
Barry investigating local hotel. Both Roker and Marriot Hotel offer packages to charities. Summarised what 5 local hotels offer.
Roker and Marriott Hotel has a min number of 100. Cost would be excessive as aresult.
Booking for Sea Hotel on the 8th February agreed. Deposit required to confirm. Sea Hotel agreed to lay larger dance floor if required for Ceilidh.
Deposit paid. Estimated ticket cost £25 BF
44/13 House
New House Business
a) Fri 10/5/13 - Sea3 electrical fire repair and safety implications. Others observed smoke coming from RIB and contacted RIB members to switch off. Electrical component melted. Followed up with Ovies. Awaiting quote, estimate £1000
James to pass on contact details of insurance and Jason to follow up to understand claim process. Root cause not yet understood. JR/JH
b) RYA stickers in RIB saying need to wear kill cord are faded and need replacing. Available from RYA. Need 8 new stickers. Drop Adam email to request. BR
Additionally, reminder to membership of importance of this.
Fire extinguishers purchased for RIBs, need mounting. BR
c) RYA inspection of RIBs on 11 June. First Aid kits and flares to be checked, BR/YH
Matters arising
a) Lift failed with cleaner in and she had to break door glass to get out. Lift has reset and now operates correctly. Gartech to be called out to confirm correct operation before allowed to be used again. Door glass replacement to be arranged. Waiting for quote. BR
Cleaner to be reminded to ensure that she carries her mobile phone at all times when in the club alone. Also not to use the lift when in the building alone. Signage up. Done BR
Consider fixing lock on lift lobby. BR/CJ.
63/12(a) Kitchen extraction fan still not working. Needs good weather to fix. BR/CJ
(a) Jason commented safety boats 4,5,6 do not get used as they look tired/deflated. These need to be back in operation for April. Need to investigate option to get slow punctures fixed – would need to do this in January. BR/CJ
C1 5,6,7 repaired. C3,4, to go one at a time to get fixed. Lynch boats in Morpeth. Final few repairs to be completed.
Boats going down again. Bruce to follow up and feedback. BR
Advice to be added to OD and rescue instructions on level of pumping up. IM
45/13 Any Other Business
a) Consider publishing all policies online. Check with Dave. BM
Matters Arising
a) Record of authorised tractor drivers to be created, and kept up to date. JR
b) Rescue Boat Manning – The safety boat should be manned by two people at all times (This is part of the club rules). OOD not to run racing if the safety boat cannot be fully manned. E-mail to be circulated to all members to reinforce this statement (forward rescue boat instructions). JR/YH
a) Clare proposed various Yearbook updates
Committee agreed to move forward time to cancel races as follows: Sun: 14.30>13.00, Wed: 19.00>18.30. Need to communicate/coordinate with Tynemouth.
Update sailing instructions to 5.4.1 start sequence.
Clare/Ian to propose changes to sailing instructions to reflect what we do and share in upcoming committee meeting. DONE –draft to be reviewed with committee and sent back to Dave for updating on website. Agreed by committee, forwarded to Dave. CP
Talk to Dave about updating website if cancelled. IM
b) Committee members to sign January minutes in Feb committee meeting, to reaffirm trustee positions. Missing Karl, Dave CP
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 20.40pm
Date of next meeting Thursday 20th June 2013, 7.30pm
Clare Philbrick
16th May 2013.