South Orangetown Music Department

160 Van Wyck Rd., Blauvelt, NY 10913

(845) 680 –1100 ext. 7251

June 9. 2017

Dear Parent /Guardian:

A concert is a unique, live experience which can never be recreated after it has passed. If your child did not attend the Moving-Up due to illness or any other type of conflict he/she must complete a written assignment to compensate for the 10% the concert is worth for this quarter’s grade. This assignment is not only a way for your child to make up the points for the quarter grade. It is also the closest possible way for your child to connect to the performance experience.

Students need to either e-mail or turn in the written assignment to the Guidance office no later than the morning of June 21, 2017.



Answer the following questions in essay form. The first two questions are general. Question three is specific and requires details. The assignment must be typed and at least one full page in length.

Handwritten or otherwise sloppy work will not be accepted.

1)  Of the 3 pieces performed by the band at the Moving-Up, which piece was the most challenging and why? Use complete sentences. (One paragraph)

2)  Choose one:

a) Research the history of how the Star Spangled Banner became our national anthem.

b) Research the origins of Pomp and Circumstance and why it is often used at graduations.

3)  Critique each piece played by the band based on rehearsals- Pomp and Circumstance, Star Spangled Banner, Banner Year March. For each piece, write about the balance between the sections, strengths and weaknesses of sections (flutes, trumpets, percussion, etc.), tempo, accuracy of notes, rhythmic accuracy, ensemble playing (are we together all the time). Use complete sentences. This should be detailed.

Please call me if you have any questions.

Thank you for your support of music in our school.


Janice Tocco

SOMS Band Director

680-1100 ext. 7251