South Lodge, East Common, Gerrards Cross SL9 7AD s5

Gerrards Cross

Parish Council

South Lodge, East Common, Gerrards Cross SL9 7AD

Clerk to the Council - Mrs. Diana Hepburn-Park

Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on Monday

17th March 2014 7.30pm at the Memorial Centre

Present: / Mr C Brown(Chairman), Mrs S Aga, Mrs H Orme, Mr I Gordon
Mr M Lawson Mr M Shiman, Mr J Chhokar, Mr I Bayliss,
Mrs J Woolveridge and Mrs D C Hepburn-Park( Clerk) .
Mr N Holmes (Associate Member)
Cllr R Pope

Would Councillors please give any declarations of interest at the beginning of the item.

110/13 / Apologies for absence – Mr N Moss, Mrs M May and Mr Peter Grimes.
CllrS Chhokar .
111/13 / To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 17th February 2014.
CB proposed the minutes and these were agreed by the Council and signed.
Members asked if the Police could be requested to come every three months.
112/13 / Public speaking from residents regarding matters relevant to the meeting’s agenda with time allowed 5 minutes per person
Mr B Lewis attended to get an update on behalf of Layters Way residents regarding the work being done by the Speed and Parking Working Party.
115/13 / To confirm the minutes of the following meetings:-
1.  Commons Committee held on the 3rd March 2014
JW proposed the minutes which were agreed and seconded by IG and agreed by the Council.
2.  Highway Committee held on the3rd March 2014
ML proposed the minutes which were agreed by the Council.
He confirmed that we are in communication with the Manager of our local Tesco
and there is a meeting shortly to discuss the Packhorse Road.
IB SPWP The Tool Kit has arrived from BCC and the working party has progressed well into the required procedure. The next action would be to meet with a Transport for Bucks Engineer and discuss our proposals.
Clerk was asked to organise.
There is a lot of information regarding possible solutions to parking problems on
JW felt that as some of the suggested alterations to East Common parking to the edge of the Common should be referred to the Conservation officer for advice.
This was agreed.
Consultation with the Residents regarding the Council subsidising parking
ML was not disappointed with the low reply and felt we should still continue with the
MS considered the low reply of 5% was not significant enough support to say
residents supported the proposal.
JW felt this proposal should go to F & G P to be discussed when all the information was available. Members agreed.
3.  Planning Committee held on the 24th February 2014 and 10th March 2014
JC proposed the minutes which were agreed by the Council.
JC advised that if the Council wished to receive hard copies of plans from South Bucks District Council for 2014/15 then there would be a cost of £772.
JW proposed to accept this proposal and it was seconded by IB and agreed by the Council.
SA Stated that when members attended a training session on Planning held at the District Offices, some months ago, it was agreed by Cllr Roger Reed that they would ask applicants submitting amendments to previous plans that they should clearly identify the amendments. She notes that this has not been done.
It was agreed that the Clerk should contact Peter Beckford Head of Sustainable Development .
4.  Communications Committee24th February 2014
ML proposed the minutes, they were seconded by IG and agreed by the Council
Trying to get an Associate Member who could develop the Council’s Facebook .
Members felt it would be good to make the APM more interactive.
Annual Parish Meeting 7th May 2014
Members felt a flyer or document advertising the APM put in local supermarkets may get different local residents to attend.
Chairpersons were asked to get their reports in as soon as possible.
116/13 / To agree payments in accordance with the budget.
JC went through the payments and recommended their approval, seconded by IG and the Council agreed.
Waterland Management / 770.00
J Tuttle Benches / 175.00
Leigh Electrical / 939.66
Southern Electric / 445.70
Mazars / 600.00
GX Community Services / 38.00
Chess Ltd / 88.84
Petty Cash / 140.40
Nexus / 150.00
D2D Distribution Ltd / 487.50
British Gas / 169.89
Latchmoor Garden Care / 42.00
Southern Electric / 109.50
Salaries / 3560.41
117/13 / Report from District Councillors.
Cllr R Pope is working with the Overview and Scrutiny Committee looking at how they can improve local relationships when they are down to 28 members
There is a Dog Fouling campaign to encourage good behaviour.
There is no Council Tax increase from SBDC.
JW gave an update on recycling
SA was concerned with the new recycling arrangement and felt they were not working very well she has had problems with collection of food recycling.
Clerk confirmed she would contact the appropriate department and report the problem.
JW attended a meeting discussing a railway that will go from Iver under Richings Park to Heathrow.
118/13 / Report on Meetings – members update on where they have represented the Parish Council since the last meeting.
IG attended the second Police meeting on rural theft, it was very informative.
IB attended Denham Airport Consultative Committee and there were no complaints from residents.
JW with the other 9 members of the GXCV worked near New Pond cutting up holly, Clair Collins kindly supplied Coffee.
CB attended GX Traders Association and gave a parking update but felt they were getting very frustrated.
There was a complaint that Network Rail promised 20 min free parking in Station approach.
Hanging baskets – no one could confirm any progress.
119/13 / To note general information received in the correspondence at the Parish Office.
120/13 / To confirm that the Parish meeting of Gerrards Cross Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 22nd April 2014 at 7.30 pm at the Memorial Centre
The meeting opened at 7.30pm and closed at 8.30pm