South Holland People and Places Pamphlet Project
Students are required to do an at home project to go along with our social studies unit on geography. Each child will make a pamphlet with information about South Holland. Students will give a brief oral presentation displaying and reading parts of their pamphlet. The pamphlet is due no later than Tuesday, October 10, 2017.
Follow the directions on the attached sheets. Sources for information are the South Holland library and websites. Some useful sites are:
4. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, search South Holland
5. Google search for South Holland
General Instructions
Write and draw neatly. Use pencil to write the information in complete sentences. Use crayons, markers, or colored pencils to color the pictures.
Use the numbered sheets provided to create the pamphlet pages and then attach them to the construction paper.
Included is the individual project rubric that will be used to grade the pamphlet.
Be sure you put your name on sheet 1 of the pamphlet.
Have fun learning about South Holland!
Directions for the numbered (1-6) sheet papers
1. Cut out the sheets on the black line down the middle to form the pages.
2. On sheet 1 write your name, write South Holland in the small box and draw a picture or symbol of South Holland in the big box.
3. On sheet 2, 3, and 4 write about 5 or more people who work in South Holland. Describe their jobs (examples: firemen/women, police officer, banker, garbage collector, teacher). Illustrate the pages with boxes.
4. On sheet 5 make a map of South Holland. You may print out a map. Please label important landmarks, buildings, and streets. (examples: Greenwood Avenue, Jewel-Osco, student’s house, police station, library)
5. On sheet 6 use the information we gathered in class to write about the history of South Holland telling how it was founded and by whom. There should be 3-5 details and an illustration.
6. Use the instruction sheet to help you determine the placement of each page, glue the pages on the large piece of construction paper.
Be neat, be creative, and do your best on this project. I know you can!
Student Name:______
South Holland Community Project Rubric**
Included a Title Page /5 points
Wrote and illustrated information about at least /15 points
5 people and their jobs
Map (Neatness, Accuracy, included important buildings) /10 points
History of South Holland (3-4 key facts) /5 points
Grammar (Spelling, punctuation, capitalization) /5 points
Project turned in on time /5 points
Followed Directions /5 points
Neatness /5 points
Total /55 points
**The rubric above shows the parts that you will be graded on for this project. The project is worth 55 points. The bulk of the project is based on the jobs people do in South Holland so be sure you have at least 5 jobs listed and describe what each job involves.
If you turn in this rubric with your project you will receive 1 extra bonus point toward your grade. This encourages reusing paper and helping our environment.