Children and Young People Voluntary Sector Forum Minutes

4th April 2017


Catherine McLeod (Dingley’s Promise)

Helen Randell (PALS)

David Seward (Berkshire Youth)

Fiona Worby (West Berkshire Parent Carer Forum)

Davina Nicholson (Time2Talk)

Rosemary Lilley (Newbury Family Counselling)

Grace Ryder (Home-start)

Sharon Briggs (Volunteer Centre)

Mark Warne (Mencap)

Luke Pepperall (A2 Dominion Domestic Abuse Service)

Kerrie Hiscock (Action4Children)


James Cragg (Get Berkshire Active)

Denise Brown (Berkshire Youth & Church Rep)

Laura Lewis (Swings & Smiles)

Minutes From Last Meeting: At the last meeting Davina raised a concern that referrals to children’s services are not being responded to and no feedback was being received. Concerned that referrals are only taken by phone so there is no paper trail. Rosemary got in touch with West Berkshire Council and is awaiting a response.

Catherine spoke to the manager of the CAS team but couldn’t provide her with an example of when the referral had not worked.

The CAS team will be doing some training with Time 2 Talk on 4th July at 6pm if anyone would like to attend.

Susan explained about a new DVD that has been produced by the Safer Communities Partnership which is all about PREVENT. This DVD is available to for any organisation to loan, and they will be kept by the Volunteer Centre.

Susan also explained how the channel panel worked which is the referral process if there are concerns over someone being drawn into terrorism or extremism.

SEND Forum Update

SEND services are under evaluation. This is the last year of the short breaks funding and if anyone has any feedback on the short breaks statement, then sent it to Catherine. The forum is looking at collaborative funding applications so it can offer short breaks for the whole of West Berkshire.

Organisation Update

Action4Children – Run the Here4Me project which has 30 volunteers that act as mentors and advocates for Child Protection or Looked After Children.

Berkshire Youth

Preventative youth work is the way forward but no one wants to fund it.

David asked if anyone knew how Social Impact Bonds worked and how the money could become available.


Business as usual and they received short breaks money for this year.


Business as usual


From 1st April Dingley will be charging families for nursery sessions. This will be explained fully to the parents; however most will have the costs covered by their free 15 hours entitlement. There will be discretionary decisions for families in need.

West Berkshire Parent/Carer Forum

Working with the council to improve the local offer. Parent Carer Forum will be the local point of contact for all SEND information.

Newbury Family Counselling Service

Business as usual


Now running 2 groups in Newbury and Thatcham for post natal support

Get Berkshire Active

Will be going to LSCB meeting with the issue around safeguarding in sport

DA Service

A grant was received from communities and local government to fund Luke’s position and they are also employing a play therapist to work with children in the refuges.

Champions Training on 26th April at Shaw House 9.30-4.30

Building Communities Together

From April 1st Susan took over the community conversations and now heads up a Community Resilience team. This team is the former Safer Communities Partnership and will also now have parish and community planning. From the 1st June a problem solving team will also be joining which will be made up of local police officers.


LSCB – Serious Case Review Learning Event took place with around 200 people in attendance. It talked about the convictions from Kennet School and how a further 11 people has been identified after the case review.

It explained about having a safe culture within your environment and that everyone should understand the whistle blowing procedure.

Disciplinary procedures – have to follow through to then end irrespective of whether the person leaves the organisation.

Listening to children and having an independent person for them to talk to.

Re-launch of Safer Recruitment for West Berkshire

Faith sector to be more vigilant

LADO- Is now Debbie Miles?

Go through the CAS system to report not direct to LADO

There is to be an independent consultation for EHA and school psychology department.

DA Forum – Steering group to be created and the dates of the meetings have been set.

H&WB Board

Ask Garry if he can feedback any key issues.


Concern over closure of day surgery at West Berkshire hospital

Volunteer Centre will work more closely with Healthwatch to try and avoid any duplication of work.

NB: Rosemary has a new email address

Next Meeting

12.30 27th June 2017