South East Region Meeting Minutes

5 October 2010

Camp Hill PA

Present: Martina Kominiarek, Chris Snyder (Bucks); John Venditta, Agatha Lyons; (Chester); David Belanger, Janis Stubbs (Delaware); Kathy Arnold-Yerger, Mary Maguire (Montgomery); Chris Caputo (Philadelphia)

  1. Reviewed Commonwealth Libraries Document Titled “Pennsylvania’s Public Library Regions Recommendations/Guidelines 2010”

Action: Established Regional Steering Committee officers for two year terms as follows: Belanger (Delaware), chair; Venditta (Chester), fiscal agent, Kominiarek (Bucks), secretary

Action: Scheduled the next meeting of the Regional Steering Committee and the first meeting of the Regional Action Committee will take place Tuesday, November 16 at 2 p.m. in Doylestown.

  1. Developed a Framework and Initial Priorities for a Regional Action Committee

Discussion: Determined that Regional Action Committee would be led by one director and one consultant from the region and that each member of the region would nominate and assign a library director to the Regional Action Committee. (Philadelphia will elect an appropriate branch or other staff member to this committee.) The initial focus of the committee will be on training and developing recommendations for regional meetings and programs. Another focus will be recommending and/or reviewing plans for regional shared resources.

Action: Established Regional Action Committee leaders as follows: Kathy Arnold-Yerger (Montgomery), Chris Snyder (Bucks)

Pending: Each member will recruit/assign Action Committee delegates. Bucks, Delaware, and Philadelphia will make 2-year appointments the first year. Chester and Montgomery will make 1-year appointments the first year and 2-year appointments thereafter. By staggering the appointments, the committee should generally always have experienced and new delegates.

  1. Regional Meeting

Discussion: Confirmed that the focus of regional meetings will be continuing education, similar to multi-district meetings. Reviewed potential calendar days when a regional meeting could be scheduled. Concluded that existing multi-district and SEPLA meetings are well attended and that it would be difficult to find another date that would not be in conflict with these meetings or other events, such as PaLA and Sneak Previews (Montgomery). Discussed possibility of working collaboratively at the multi-district level or with SEPLA to jointly host and expand upon material during pre-existing meetings. Discussed what it might take for Sneak Previews to meet the standard for a Regional Meeting. Discussed miscellaneous logistical and funding concerns.

Continued discussion from prior Regional meeting about hosting a Regional Trustee Institute in Spring 2011.

Pending: Continue to discuss and resolve Regional Meeting items at the next scheduled Regional Steering Committee meeting.

  1. Miscellaneous

Mango Day proposed for December 1. This will be a project for regions that own the Mango foreign language learning tool to promote Mango. Libraries can be encouraged to set up mango salsa and nacho treats to promote the new resource.

Delivery of items within districts and systems and beyond discussed as a shared concern that warrants further discussion at future meetings.