South Carolina Entomological Society

Elected Officers and Committee Chairs (2012)

Executive Director: Randy McWhorter, 1525 Cambridge Lakes Dr., Mt. Pleasant, SC 29466; phone: 843-856-9411; fax: 843-856-9411; email:

President:Pat Zungoli, Clemson University, 118 Long Hall, Clemson, SC 29634; phone: 864-656-3137; fax: 864-656-5065; e-mail:

VP/President Elect:Laurie Reid, South Carolina Forestry Commission, 5500 Broad River Road, Columbia, SC 29210; phone: 803-667-1002; fax: 803-896-8827; e-mail:

Past President:Brian Scholtens, College of Charleston, Biology Department, 58 Coming St. Rm. 214, Charleston, SC 29424; phone: 843-953-8081; fax 843-953-5453; email:

Secretary:Rizana Mahroof, South Carolina State University, Department of Biological and Physical Sciences, Room 128 Hodge Hall, Orangeburg SC 29117; Phone: 803- 536-8174; Email:

Historian: Gerry Carner, Clemson University, 318 Long Hall, Clemson, SC 29634; phone: 864-656-5040; fax: 803-284-3684; email:

Committee Chairs:

Auditing: Merle Shepard, Clemson University, Coastal REC, 2700 Savannah Highway, Charleston, SC 29414: phone: 843-402-5393; fax: 843-571-4654; email:
Honors and Awards: Juang-Horng Chong, Clemson University, Pee Dee REC, 2200 Pocket Rd., Florence, SC 29506; phone: 843-662-3526; fax: 843-661-5676; e-mail:

Local Arrangements:Pat Zungoli, Clemson University, 118 Long Hall, Clemson, SC 29634; phone: 864-656-3137; fax: 864-656-5065; e-mail:

Long Range Planning:vacant


Nomination:Brian Scholtens, College of Charleston, Biology Department, 58 Coming St. Rm. 214, Charleston, SC 29424; phone: 843-953-8081; fax 843-953-5453; email:

Program:Laurie Reid, South Carolina Forestry Commission, 5500 Broad River Road, Columbia, SC 29210; phone: 803-667-1002; fax: 803-896-8827; e-mail:


Resolutions: Paula Mitchell, Winthrop University Biology Dept., Rock Hill, SC 29733; phone: 803-323-2111; fax: 803-323-3448; email:

The 59th Annual Meeting

of the



Hickory Knob State Resort Park

McCormick, SC

1-2 October 2013



1956James H. Cochran1957Leon (Lefty) H. Moore

1958Frank T. Arnold, Jr. 1959John K. Reed

1960William J. Reid, Jr.1961Norman Allen

1962James N. Smith1963William Carl Nettles

1964Wendell Tiller1965Vernon M. Kirk

1966Edward W. King1967Julian E. Keil

1968Charles S. Creighton1969Richard C. Fox

1970Samuel G. Turnipseed1971Quinton L. Chapman

1972Sidney B. Hays1973Max M. Askey

1974Theodore R. Adkins, Jr. 1975Julian Mikell

1976William Bruce Ezell, Jr. 1977Louie H. Senn

1978Augustine Day1979Gerald R. Carner

1980Charles A. Thomas1981Ray Noblet

1982John A. DuRant1983Thomas E. Skelton

1984Alfred R. Hopkins1985Kenneth A. Peeples

1986Clyde S. Gorsuch1987Jay W. Chapin

1988William P. DuBose1989David R. Alverson

1990John C. Morse1991J. Benjamin Kissam

1992Steven H. Roach1993John D. Hopkins

1994B. Merle Shepard1995Randall P. Griffin

1996Michael J. Sullivan1997Mitchell E. Roof

1998Peter H. Adler1999Ron Burnette

2000Donald G. Manley2001Paula Levin Mitchell

2002Gloria S. McCutcheon2003Alfred G. Wheeler

2004Paul M. (Mac) Horton2005William M. Hood

2006 D. Michael Jackson2007Eric P. Benson

2008Jeremy K. Greene2009Francis Reay-Jones

2010Juang-Horng Chong2011Bob Bellinger

2012Brian Scholtens2013Pat Zungoli


1970David Arnold1971H. S. Moore

1972Keith Griffin1973Roy Sutton

1974Frank Davis1975Frank Davis

1976Wayne Gardner1977Gayle Holman

1978Jay Chapin1979Ed Quattlebaum

1980Glenn Lee1982Robert Kelly

1983Jerome Grant 1984Steven Hamilton

1986Eric Benson1987Mike Chambers

1988Kevin Hoffman1989Charles Watson

1990Marianne Willey1991Stuart Reitz

1993Michael Floyd1995Jeffery Tomberlin

1996Jennifer Zettler1997Kristen van den Meiracker

1998Mohammed Kahn1999Will Reeves

2000Michelle Colacicco2001J. Powell Smith

2002Janet Kintz-Early2003Ozlem Kalkar

2004Eric Paysen2005Donald Oswalt

2006Mark Nelder2007Ian Stocks

2008Dustin Swanson2009Holly Tuten

2010Kevin R. Hinson2011Margie Lehnert

2012Nicholas Seiter



1993Sidney B. Hays

1996Thomas E. Skelton

1999Peter H. Adler

2002James A. Reinert and Alfred G. Wheeler

2005John C. Morse

2008B. Merle Shepard

2011Sam Turnipseed



59th Annual Meeting Program

Tuesday, 1 October 2013


1:30Executive Committee Meeting

1:00-2:30Meeting Registration

3:00-3:30Welcome, Business Meeting, Election

3:30-6:00Insect Walks and Photo Safari

6:30-tillSocial, Photo Salon, and Dinner

Wednesday, 2 October 2013



Student Papers

Laurie Reid, Moderator

8:001.(PhD) Developing sampling plans for the invasive Megacopta cribraria in soybeans. Francesca Stubbins, Nick J. Seiter, Francis P. F. Reay-Jones, and Jeremy K. Greene. Clemson University, Edisto Research and Education Center, 64 Research Road, Blackville, SC 29817

8:152. (PhD) Management of Megacopta cribraria (Hemiptera: Plataspidae) in soybeans based on insect density and plant phenology.Nicholas Seiter, Jeremy Greene, Francis Reay-Jones, and Phillip Roberts2.School of Agricultural, Forest, and Environmental Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-0310, 2Department of Entomology, University of Georgia

8:303. (PhD) Seasonal Activity and Composition of Parasitoids of Oak Lecanium Scale in4 States of the Southeast Region. Ernesto Robayo Camacho and Juang Horng Chong. Clemson University, Pee Dee REC, 2200 Pocket Rd., Florence, SC 29506

8:454. (PhD) Evaluation of foraging patterns of Linepithema humile (Mayr), the Argentine Ant, to improve bait placement in a State Park campground. Jinbo Song, Eric P. Benson, Patricia A. Zungoli, and Brittany Russ Ellis, School of Agricultural, Forest, and Environmental Sciences, Clemson University

9:005. (PhD) Comparisons of the ability of teneral and sclerotized adult Bed Bugs to climb a glass surface. Kevin R. Hinson, Eric P. Benson, William C. Bridges, Patricia A. Zungoli, School of Agricultural, Forest, and Environmental Sciences, Clemson University, 104 Entomology Lane, Clemson, SC, 29634

9:156. (MS) Comparative reproductive success of field collected cohorts versus F1 laboratory reared Laricobius nigrinus (Coleoptera: Derodontidae).Dragana Trninic,School of Agricultural, Forest, and Environmental Sciences Clemson University, Clemson, SC

9:307. (BS) Laboratory Rearing of Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae): Development Rate and Female Fecundity. Shelby A. Kerr and Paula L. Mitchell, Department of Biology, Winthrop University, Rock Hill SC 29733.

9:458.(BS) Survival, Development, and Reproduction of Selected Stored Product Beetles on Bio-fabricated Plastics. Brittany N. Toney, Taleesa J. Dawson and Rizana M. Mahroof, Department of Biological Sciences, South Carolina State University, Orangeburg, SC 29117

10:009. (HS) Kudzu On You! Hannah Herlong, 4-H/High School student, Saluda, SC.

10:1510. (HS) Effects of Azadiractin on the Behavior and Survival of Bemisia tabaciDana A. Krzyzaniak1, Alvin M. Simmons2, B. Merle Shepard3, 1Academic Magnet High School, Charleston, SC; 2USDA-ARS, US Vegetable Laboratory, Charleston, SC; 3Coastal Research and Education Center, Clemson University, Charleston, SC

10:30Special Presentation


Non-Student Papers

Laurie Reid, Moderator

11:0011. Extension Vegetable and Small Fruit Entomology Update: New Invasives, IR-4, etc. J. Powell Smith and Susan James, CUCES-Lexington County, 605 W. Main St. Ste. 109, Lexington, SC 29072

11:1512. Update on the Moth Survey of Congaree National Park. Brian Scholtens1, Joe Culin2, John Snyder3, Tom Smith4, 1College of Charleston, 2Clemson University, 3Furman University, 4Virginia Department of Natural Resources

11:3013. Species Diversity and Seasonal Abundance of Billbugs, Sphenophorus spp. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in South Carolina Golf Courses. Juang-Horng Chong, Clemson University, Pee Dee Research & Education Center, 2200 Pocket Road, Florence, SC

11:4514. Insect Pests of Coffee and Citrus in North Sumatra: Finding Integrated Management Solutions.B. Merle Shepard, Gerald R. Carner, and Eric P. Benson, School of Agricultural, Forest, and Environmental Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson, SC

12:0015. An Update on Pheromone Research at South Carolina State University. Rizana M. Mahroof, Department of Biological Sciences, South Carolina State University, Orangeburg, SC 29117

12:1516. Development of corn earworm in Bt corn hybrids in the Carolinas. Francis Reay-Jones1, Dominic Reisig2 and Jack Bacheler3, 1Clemson University, Pee Dee Research and Education Center, 2200 Pocket Road, Florence, SC 29506-9727, 2Department of Entomology, North Carolina State University, the Vernon G. James Research and Extension Center, Plymouth, NC 27962, 3Department of Entomology, North Carolina State University, 2306 Gardner Hall, NCSU Box 7613, Raleigh, NC 27695-7613

12:3017. Should We Grow Bt Soybeans in the USA? – Observations from Brazil and the USA.Jeremy Greene. Edisto Research and Education Center, School of Agricultural, Forest, and Environmental Sciences, Clemson University

12:45-1:45Award Luncheon

1:45-2:45 Final Business Meeting


2:45-3:45 Board Meeting