South Australian Local Government

Supervisory Officers Association

Combined Central Branch

PO Box409 Loxton SA 5333

Domenic Perre – Secretary/Treasurer

Phone – (08) 85848082

Mobile – 0418841974

Fax – (08) 85845568

Email -



Meeting opened at 1.10pm President Peter Broughill welcomed all to the meeting.



Peter Broughill, Clint Williams, Tim Clark, , Darryl Matters, Matt Sherman, Jack Hand, Ben Todd, Graham Witt, Dean Brace, Ron Moreland, Brenton Pearce Grant Smith, Tom Pickering, Rod Ellis,

Jason Templer, Roger Rose, Tony Reynolds, , John Schmidt, , Tony Eckermann, Bob Eichner, Chris Fels, Michael Allen, David Garnett, Darren North, Brenton Wood, Roy O’Connor, Rodney Phillips, Lee Braddy, David Cowin, Kathryn Johnson, Nigel Stevens, Troy Carrigan, Jack Corbell


David Bendo, Lindsay Lawrence, John Tillack, Tony Platt, Shannon Pitts, Andew Fowkes, Stuart Chapman, Bernie Kasza, Trevor Mace, Trevor Kroemer, Paul Cleghorn, Brenton Mazcowiak, Len Wilton,

Greg Perry, Jason Roos, Gus White, Shane Yard, Trevor Graham, Richard Ashwood, Tom Avery, Tom Murch, Rick Noble, James Thomas, Craig Seekamp, John Farrant, Michael Lange, Grant McKenzie, Michael Rankine Mal Chadwick, Eric Rossi, John Crabb, Bill Lane Gerard Killick, David Gillespie, Paul White, Matthew McMahon, Roy Dick, Tom King Geoff Meaney, David Hassett, Carl Schultz, Paul Spalding, Andrew Aves, Bernie Kaza, Peter Duffy, Paul Durkay, Stephen Goldsworthy, Fred Linke, Sal Lucivero, Richard Dodson, John Mahon


Peter Broughill moved that the minutes of the previous SALGSOA meeting held on Friday 28th May 2010 at Loxton be taken as true and correct

Seconded by Ron Moreland



  • President Peter Broughill welcomed all to the meeting including new members.
  • President acknowledged the last meeting before retirement of Chris Fels (former President) and Tony Eckermann (also a former president before the association amalgamation).

President acknowledged these two men as the instigators for the amalgamation of the Mid North, the Riverland and the Mallee Area into the Combined Central Branch.

  • Peter Broughill stepped down as President of the CCB – SALGSOA. Ron Moreland took on the interim role of chair for the meeting. As there were no nominations for President, Ron chaired the remainder of the meeting.
  • A President to be elected next meeting.
  • Treasurer/Secretary’s position was declared vacant. Peter Broughill moved Domenic Perre to be re-elected. Seconded by Bob Eichner


  • Nominations for President did not stand, therefore Presidency to be left open and settled in the next meeting. Ron Moreland continued to chair the remainder of the meeting.


  • Domenic reported the account was $3,916.91, due to membership subscriptions being due,

and the rise of those subscriptions going up to $50

  • Still a substantial amount of subscriptions due


  • Alano Water – Nigel Stevens gave a presentation of his company and their achievements, including waste water treatment plants throughout the country. Alano water is the newest member of the CCB and their sponsorship greatly appreciated
  • Cavill Power Products - Roger Rose/ Jack Corbell thanked everyone for their patronage throughout the year. Also acknowledged Todd Threadgold who left the Cav Power Company just this morning. They said current reps will continue to look after Todds area until a replacement was found.
  • CMV Trucks – Steve Hogan represented CMV trucks thanks everyone for their involvement with their company and councils continued support. Steve also gave a presentation video.
  • Concern was noted that more sponsors were supposed to attend and sponsor today, but never turned up.

A minimum of 5 sponsors is usually required to run a meeting.


  • David Cowen, Manager of Technical Services welcomed all to the meeting at Jamestown. David left some promotional and tourist information and hoped we all had a memorable and enjoyable stay.


  • Dianne Harris of the LGA spoke in reference to the LGCS Contacts, following up from the last meeting.
  • Di (who recently joined the CCB) spoke in more detail about the tender process which is on offer.

The ease, in which they offer to go through the tender process for councils, is of major benefit.

  • Whilst they have on board contracts with companies such as Rosmech and Supercat, many are either yet to be made available, or are simply not involved, as was discussed by Di, and other members of the association.
  • Dianne also went on to say the LGA is under review, which is being handled by independent consultants, to determine whether the LGA is still a viable and useful entity.
  • The association would like to discuss the outcome of the review, once it happens at the end of the year.
  • Meeting then went on to the Rural Addressing issue and where different councils are at.
  • Loxton Waikerie have it in place, Flinders to begin rolling out next year, and Southern Mallee to call out tenders for street blades, to be done over the next few years.
  • Since mainly councils are attributing costs, it is a slow process, and because no deadline has been issued or enforced, it is considered a low priority at this stage.


  • Chris Fels Nominated Tony Eckermann for a lifetime membership to the SALGSOA – CCB, and was put to a vote with a unanimous result in favour. Tonys contribution toward the association, as well as councils in and around his own area is outstanding and generous. The association wish him all the best in his retirement and health, and welcome him back at anytime to any future meeting, along with the other life members.
  • New Businesses to Join the Association Safe Conceptsand Alano Water (sponsor)

Ben Todd spoke about his newly formed business and encouraged all members to inquire about specialised products in Road Safety. They also are an electrical wholesaler.

  • Chris Fels gave an update on the installation of Loxtons Waste Water Treatment Plant. Explained the ultimate goal of the B Class treated water, is zero reliance from the Murray for our irrigation purposes. The hope is in the future, to build more retainer basins and wetland areas to capture as much water as possible.
  • Peter Broughill brought up the issue of Regional Infrastructure Grants, as it seems a complicated process for reporting and filling out applications. Having consultants to do the work is expensive, and unnecessary, if the process was a little more user friendly. Most members agreed this is a common problem.


Set for End of February or March 2011 – Place, Date and Venue to be confirmed.

Details to follow with Accommodation, Menu and Agenda.