Tag / Description / Attribute or
CSS Property / Value / Description
<a> / Defines an anchor / Href / URL / The target URL of the link
<b> / Defines bold text
<body> / Defines the body element / background / Image file name / An image to use as the background
<br> / Inserts a line break
<h1> to <h6> / Defines header 1 to header 6 / Text-align / “left” or
”center” or
”right” or
”justify” / Specifies the alignment of the text in the header.
<head> / Defines information about the document
<html> / Defines an html document
<img> / height / Number of pixels or percent / Defines the height of an image
Width / Number of pixels or percent / Sets the width of an image
Src / URL / URL of the image
Alt / Text / Text to show on text based browsers
<li> / Defines a list item
<ol> / Defines an ordered list
<p> / Defines a paragraph / Text-align / “left” or
”center” or
”right” or
”justify” / Specifies the alignment of the text within the paragraph
<span> / No effect, useful for adding style attribute to
<table> / Defines a table / Text-align / “left” or
”center” or
”right” / Aligns the table (not cross-browser compatible)
Background-color / Color name or RGB code / Specifies the background color of the table
border / Number of pixels / Specifies the border width.
Border-collapse / collapse / Removes the spacing between cell borders
cellpadding / Number of pixels or percent / Specifies the space between the cell walls and contents
cellspacing / Number of pixels or percent / Specifies the space between cells
<td> / Defines a table cell / Text-align / “left” or
”right” or
”center” or
”justify” or
”char” or / Specifies the horizontal alignment of cell content
Background-color / Color name or RGB code / Specifies the background color of the table cell
Vertical-align / “top”
”bottom” / Specifies the vertical alignment of cell content
<th> / Defines a table heading / Same as <td> / Same as <td> / Same as <td>
<tr> / Defines a table row / Same as <td> / Same as <td> / Same as <td>
<title> / Defines the document title
<ul> / Defines an unordered list
<marquee> / HTML tag that makes text scroll across the page / background

Source: W3 Schools –

Styles: Elements can be variously styled. Here is a list of style properties and some of the values they can take:

background / usually specify a color here (could also specify a background-position)
background:url(‘ ‘) / Specifies the background image for the HTML, ‘center’ value mentioned after the url makes the background image displayed in the center of the HTML.’no-repeat’ value mentioned after the url ensures the background image doesn’t repeat itself.
background-color / color name or number
border / (short form); must specify shape (e.g., solid), color, size (width in pixels)
border-collapse / Collapse
bottom / used with absolute positioning, distance in pixels
clear / left, right, both
color / color name or number (short for font-color)
display / block, inline
float / left, right
font-family / list of font names, sepearated by commas
font-size / small, medium, large, or a percentage
font-style / normal, italic, oblique
font-variant / normal, small-caps
font-weight / normal, bold, bolder, lighter
height / size in pixels
left / used with absolute positioning, distance in pixels
line-height / to specify the height of a line, usually measured in em
margin / short for margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, margin-left (in pixels)
padding / short for padding-top, padding-right, etc. (distance in pixels)
position / absolute, relative
right / used with absolute positioning, distance in pixels
text-align / left, right, center
text-decoration / none, overline, underline, line-through, blink
top / used with absolute positioning, distance in pixels
width / size in pixels