Sonshine Preschool


Welcome to the 2017-2018 year for Sonshine Preschool! I am really looking forward to this school year and have begun making plans for all the fun things we will learn and do together. I have also spent the last few weeks filling in for the administrative assistant at the church where our preschool is. I must say I miss being with your kids, and a desk job is definitely not as entertaining as they are!

Open House will be Friday, September 8th 10:00-11:30am. While all students and parents are welcome to attend, we highly recommend new families come. It is a great time to introduce your child to the classroom for a short time, as well as parents being able to attend an informative meeting about expectations at Sonshine Preschool.

Please bring to the Open House (or your child’s 1st day of school) the enclosed castle paper. We would love to display these on our bulletin board. Attach a recent photo of your child onto the door, and let them decorate and color the rest. Feel free to write little things that they like, food, activities, their age, etc. They will have a chance to share these with their class. We will also have some art supplies out at the Open House if you would like to bring in the photo and work on it there.

Please also bring a plain t-shirt for another project during the first week of school. We will be painting a watermelon on it, so any color but red or green would work.

Enclosed you will find our yearly calendar. You will notice that we will take off the traditional federal holidays, 3 days for Thanksgiving, 2 weeks for Christmas Break, and 1 week for Spring Break. We are so excited to see such growth in our school that we have been able to add Mondays to our schedule. Thank you so much for helping us to offer classes 5 days a week.

Something else to be working on is gathering dates for shots that your child has had since birth. Your doctor’s office can supply you with this information, usually in a printout. Oregon Law now requires that all students have an Immunization Form on file by their first week of attendance. Returning students will not need to fill out an entirely new form. You can update your current form that is on file at school, or we can just attach a printout with updates. We just need the name of the shot, date, and your signature on the form as an update. New students: We will supply an Immunization Form at our Summer Wednesday Programs as well as at the Open House for you to take home, fill out and bring back no later than September 15th.

Lastly, bring in the enclosed Parent Payment & Parent Handbook Agreements by 9/15.

As always, we look forward to seeing old friends and making new ones. Please call me if you have any questions. Thank you!


Mrs. Brenda Crosby, Director

503-922-2857 (cell)