December 2008

Dear Parents,

I apologise that, because of illness in the family, I was unable to write to you on behalf of the Governors at the end of the Summer term.

This term has been so busy and eventful and I am glad to be in the thick of it all again.


We welcome a number of new staff: teachers Miss Gordon, Mrs Ashton, Mrs Skidmore and Miss Quinton, and Teaching Assistant Miss Craft. It is good to see Miss Winton back after her year travelling the world. Miss Mainini has been appointed as play leader to involve children in games and use of play equipment at lunchtimes.

There have been subject leader changes. Miss Offer has taken on the role of English co ordinator, Mrs Thurlow co ordinates Religious Education and Mr Lovegrove ICT. Mrs Hemms is training to be the next Special Educational Needs co ordinator. Mrs Pound and Miss Price are the KS1 and KS2 leaders.

The After School Club:

This is being run by Mrs French and two assistants with Mrs Meredith and pupils from Henley College. The club is a great success. There is a strong possibility that it will one day be housed in a Children’s Centre to be built on the site with Local Authority funding. Our enthusiasm and successful community involvement has led the Local Authority to choose this school for the site of the new Centre to be completed by the end of 2010. It is a very exciting venture for the school and the area. The provision would be a partnership between the Local Authority and the school, providing facilities for our Breakfast and After School Clubs and Senior Citizens’ Club. You will receive more details in due course.

The Curriculum:

The staff and Governors have agreed a Curriculum Development Plan for the year to focus on standards in English and Maths. Test results throughout the school have identified the need to improve the mechanics of English – spelling, grammar and punctuation – and presentation of written work. Creative writing is good and compares well with other schools.

Focused Maths and English interventions and support, new Assessment for Learning Initiatives and subject leadership are key areas for children’s learning and staff practice.


Teacher colleagues from schools in Spain, Norway and France spent two days at the school. They commented on the excellence of the School Council and C kids as guides, for their politeness, their thoughtfulness and verbal skills. They admired assemblies, circle time and teaching methods. The Gunpowder, Treason and Plot performance by the children and the “English Tea” and scone making sessions were very enjoyable. Many thanks to the children, parents and staff who worked hard to make the visit such a success and very memorable.


Art, Music, Sport and ICT:

Anyone coming into school will notice the very high quality of artwork on display. Sport and music are thriving too. The Choir and the Handchimers have performed their usual Christmas duties at the Herb Farm, the Christmas Fair, the Bishopswood Carol Service and the Senior Citizens’ Christmas lunch.

Mr Lovegrove has run two ICT family workshops, one for each Key stage. The new laptops are working well and each KS2 class takes turns to use them for cross curricular work.

Special Educational Needs:

The Local Authority audit of the school’s provision for special needs children was good. Congratulations to Mrs White for her excellent work in achieving this.

Environment: Health and Safety:

The Local Authority audit of Health and Safety was good too. Congratulations to the team of governors, led by Mrs Williams, who ensure that the many regulations are observed. Mr Butler continues to be the best of caretakers and always achieves a “commended” when the School is inspected by Commercial Services.

Courses attended:

Staff have attended training course on the following: Literacy, assessment, ICT, Special Educational Needs, SEAL (social and emotional aspects of learning), Performance Management and First Aid.

The PTA:

Many congratulations to the PTA for such a busy and productive term. The Christmas Fair, organised by Mrs Sarah Capaldi, was wonderful and raised £2701. Work done by the PTA for the Christmas Card designing, the discos, the Bags2school and support for the Comenius visit are very much appreciated. Well done, everyone.

The Governors:

I would like to say a special word of thanks to Dr Derek Hepburn who has just retired from the governors after many years of hard work for the school. His expertise has been a great asset and will be missed – though I hear that the Environment Committee members still ask him for advice which is generously given! We wish him all the best for the future.

We welcome Mrs Hanks and Miss Price as new staff Governors.

Mr Marples:

When I heard that Mr Marples had been appointed Headteacher of Sonning Common School all those years ago I was delighted because I knew he would love the school and have the vision to move it forward. His work to make ours a community school in the fullest sense has been outstanding. The affection and high esteem in which he is now held is an attestation to his achievement.

We cannot thank him enough for all he has done for the school. We will miss him, but wish him a very happy and fulfilled retirement.

I would like to thank Governors, staff, children and parents for the term’s work.

I wish you all a very happy Christmas and New Year.

Jackie Million

Chair of Governors