The first games of the CCYFL were played in 1971. There were two divisions: a Junior division consisting of 5th an 6th graders up to 100lbs and a Senior division of 6th and 7th graders up to 135lbs. There were six teams in each division. Four or Five were from San Luis Obispo and One from Paso Robles. (Note: One reliable source who coached at this time says that one team in each division was from Atascadero. None of the players interviewed remember an Atascadero team.) Games were played on Tuesday and Wednesday nights, and Saturdays. The CCYFL was incorporated in 1972. The second season saw an expansion in teams from San Luis Obispo. Los Osos/Morro Bay formed their own teams in 1975. Prior to 1975, players from Morro Bay and Los Osos played on San Luis Obispo teams.

Sometime in the late 1970’s, Paso Robles quit the CCYFL and formed their own league. They played teams within the city and would occasionally play teams from the Salinas and Central Valleys.

In 1981, the league had shrunk. The Junior Division consisted of two teams from San Luis Obispo, two teams from Atascadero, one team from Los Osos and one team from Morro Bay. The Senior Division consisted of two teams from San Luis Obispo, one combined Los Osos/Morro Bay team and three teams from Atascadero.

In 1982, Paso Robles rejoined the CCYFL with two teams in each division. There were eight teams in each division. This year would mark the high point for the number of teams in the league for most of the eighties.

Changes to CCYFL in 1983 were many. San Luis Obispo and the Bay Area shrunk to one team in each division. 1983 also brought about a shift in the way the CCYFL did its’ business. Before 1983, there were only teams and not cities/chapters. All the equipment for the teams in the Bay Area, San Luis Obispo and Atascadero were stored in one location and all equipment and other expenses were paid for by the league. With the inclusion of Paso Robles, the current concept of chapters was born. The equipment was split up between Bay Area, San Luis Obispo and Atascadero. Each chapter was responsible for equipping their own players. The league would pay for the referees from the gate receipts and charge each chapter a per player fee for insurance. Thus the modern CCYFL was born.

In 1985, the top two Senior division teams got invited to play a post season game against two teams from the Salinas Valley. The games were played in a pouring rain at King City High School. The second place Los Osos Bears easily won their game against Salinas and the first place San Luis Obispo 49ers lost to King City in a mud bath.

1991 brought about the biggest change in the structure of the CCYFL. A rules committee consisting of Jim Sweasey (Atascadero, CCYFL Pres), Randy Bell (Atascadero, CCYFL VP), Les Stemper (Paso Robles), Dave Horvat (Bay Area), Chris Kluck (SLO) and Tony Flatos (SLO) spent months and completely rewrote the CCYFL rule book and wrote the first CCYFL By-Laws. This is the same basic rule book and By-Laws that are in use today.

Cambria became the first addition new addition to the CCYFL in ten years in 1992. The intermediate division was formed to give the smaller 7th grader a place to play. The weights in the Senior Division had risen to 160 lbs squeezing out the 110 lb 7th grader. The weights in the Senior division were bumped to 165 lbs. In an ironic twist, the top weight for the intermediate Division was set at 135 lbs., the same top weight as the original Senior Division. The desire for some sort of post season activity brought about the CCYFL All–Star games. Each division was divided into North County (Paso Robles and Atascadero) and South County (Bay Area, Cambria, and San Luis Obispo) teams. Proceeds went to the CCYFL.

By 1993, cheerleaders were growing in the CCYFL. Cheerleaders were always considered as part of the football team and had no organization or rules of their own. The cheerleaders were part of the head football coach’s responsibility. Many football coaches did not want to deal with the responsibility for the cheerleaders and wanted to disband the cheerleaders. Since the CCYFL is for everybody, CCYFL President Chris Kluck decided to give the cheerleaders their own organization with rules and By-Laws, and take the responsibility for the cheerleaders away from the football coaches. A rules committee consisting of Chris Kluck (CCYFL President), Cindy Clark (Atasacadero), Rusti Seteroff (Atascadero), Toni Chavez (Paso Robles) and Chris DiLullo (Atascadero) was formed. The result was a set of rules and By-laws that formed the Central Coast Youth Football Cheerleaders Association (CCYFLCA). Cindy Clark was elected the first CCYFLCA President.

It was decided that it was too difficult to have an All-Star game in the Junior Division. The 1996 season brought the first Super Bowl to the CCYFL for the Junior Division. All-Star Games were still played in the Intermediate and Senior Division. Cambria and Paso Robles decided to leave the CCYFL and form their own league. CCYFL Teams were invited to play in Bakersfield. This was the first time since 1985 that CCYFL teams were invited to play else ware. Unfortunately, this game was never became the annual event that it was hoped.

Five Cities and Templeton joined in 1997. Since there was a lot of interest from younger and smaller players to play football, the Bantam Division was formed. The Bantam Division was formed as an instructional only division with no post season or champion declared. Based on the success of the Super Bowl for the Junior Division, Super Bowls for the Intermediate and Senior Divisions were scheduled. Due to rain outs, the Super Bowls were played at Soto Field in Arroyo Grande. The exponent system from the Bakersfield League for classifying players for divisions was modified by Al Cablay and adopted by the CCYFL.

The largest expansion yet hit the CCYFL in 1998. Led by Santa Maria, Orcutt and Lompoc joined the CCYFL. Cambria and Paso Robles rejoined. This doubled the CCYFL in size.

Because of the sheer number of teams in 1999 and lack of fields, it became impossible to charge at the gate to pay for Referees. CCYFL games became free and the current system of league fees was adopted to pay for insurance, printing, Referees and EMTs. Vandenberg Village joined the CCYFL. The first Bantam Division Super bowl was held.

Guadalupe joined as a sub-chapter to Santa Maria in 2002. Guadalupe became an independent chapter in 2004. The Nipomo Titans joined in 2005.

In 2009 Vandenberg left to play in the Trivally League

In 2008 the CCYFL was at its largest with 92 teams in four divisions.

In 2016 Santa Ynez, Vandenberg and Nipomo Joined CCYFL

Presidents Of the CCYFL


1971 Roy Poletti sr. trophy named after

1972 Roy politty








1980 Ron Idler - Atascadero

1981 Gary Owens - Los Osos

1982 Walt Ross – San Luis Obispo

1983 Brian Moriarity – Atascadero

1984 Brian Moriarity – Atascadero

1985 Rocky Spurgeon – Atascadero

1986 Rocky Spurgeon – Atascadero





1991 Jim Sweasey – Atascadero

1992 Jim Sweasey – Atascadero

1993 Chris Kluck – San Luis ObispoCindy Clark - Atascadero

1994 Chris Kluck – San Luis ObispoCindy Clark - Atascadero

1995 Jerry McDaniel – AtascaderoCindy Clark - Atascadero

1996 Jerry McDaniel – AtascaderoCindy Clark - Atascadero

1997 Ben Lazama – Atascadero Cindy Clark – Atascadero

1998 Ben Lazama – Atascadero

1999 Tony Flatos – San Luis Obispo

2000 Tony Flatos – San Luis Obispo

2001 Zonk Thompson – Atascadero

2002 Zonk Thompson – Atascadero

2003 Zonk Thompson – AtascaderoJennifer Mendoza - Atascadero

2004 Zonk Thompson – AtascaderoJennifer Mendoza – Atascadero

2005 Zonk Thompson – AtascaderoJennifer Mendoza - Atascadero

2006 Eric Casares - Orcutt Jennifer Mendoza - Atascadero

2007 Vic Kunze – TempletonJennifer Mendoza - Atascadero

2008 Vic Kunze – TempletonDeseriee Carr – Santa Maria

2009 Vic Kunze – Paso Robles Margaret Carr – Santa Maria

2010 Vic Kunze Paso Robles Margaret Carr –Santa Maria

2011 Vic Kunze Paso Robles Regina Cosma –Orcutt

2012 Vic Kunze –Paso Robles Regina Cosma –Orcutt

2013 Vic Kunze –Paso Robles Regina Cosma –Orcutt

2014 Vic Kunze—Paso Robles Regina Cosme – orcutt

2015 Vic Kunze Paso Robles Regina Cosma Orcutt

2016 Vic Kunze Paso Robles Regina Cosm Orcutt