Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 25th June 2015 at Clonter Opera Theatre at 7.30pm.


68/15 Present Councillor K Ogden (Chairman), Councillor G Silman (Vice Chairman), Councillor J Lockett, Councillor P Amies , Councillor J Wray Cheshire East (7.50pm) and the Clerk.

69/15 Apologies of absence


70/15 Declaration of Interest

None declared.

Public Forum

4 members present plus Mr Bob Coulson and Mr Andrew Lindsay from Brereton Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group.

71/15 Councillor Vacancy

Mr J Smith was proposed by KO and seconded by PA. FOR - unanimous

Resolved Mr Jeffrey Smith, ‘Clearview’, Giantswood Lane, CW12 3HH would be co opted on to the Parish Council

The Acceptance of Office was signed.

The Register of Interest (DOI) was accepted and the Clerk would ensure the statutory documents were circulated before the next meeting.

It was noted Mrs M Neville- Rolfe had expressed an interest and the Chairman wished an acknowledgement was sent by the clerk

72/15 Neighbourhood Plan

Members from Brereton Steering Group had attended the meeting to explain to members about the process of completing a Neighbourhood Plan. Their journey of deciding to do a Neighbourhood Plan had been one of the first in Cheshire East. They had come across obstacles which had now been addressed by the unitary authority. Theirs had taken nearly three years but with assistance (Mr Tom Evans at Cheshire East, Cheshire Community Action, Campaign to Protect Rural England) it could now be completed in 18 months. Funding was discussed from DCLG and CE. This could total £14,000.

The consultation process was vital and time consuming. The members had worked in excess of 3,000 voluntary man hours to complete the plan.

It was important to have a good project leader and a financial director to ensure the process did not lose focus.

The Neighbourhood Plan was not a process to stop development but to establish the process of development with a true establishment of need.

The final document was circulated to the Parish Council and there was a question and answer session.

GS proposed the Parish Council completed a Neighbourhood Plan

Seconded PA.

Vote – unanimous.

Resolved the Parish Council would complete a Neighbourhood Plan


Councillor G Silman would chair the committee.

A member from the public forum expressed an interest.

It would be advertised on the website.

Councillor J Lockett would like to involve the CPRE.

73/15 Website

The website had been advertised in the newsletter and the public had begun to register and express an interest. The Clerk would circulate a Freedom of Information policy that members could review and then approve at the next meeting to be adopted.

There seemed to be no record of the Financial Regulations or Standing Orders on file. The Clerk would contact CHALC.

The Chairman wished a thank you be sent to Ms B S Amies for devising the website.

74/15 Cheshire East

Councillor J Wray gave some background about the Neighbourhood Plan process in Brereton and wished to fully support the Parish Council.

75/15 Planning Applications

None submitted since the last meeting.

Councillor J Smith left at 9.40pm

76/15 Accounts

To note the balance of accounts = £4,292.08


To approve the following payments

·  £149.00 Mrs J Mason (newsletter postage)


·  £0.87 Interest Lloyds Bank PLC

Resolved the above payments were approved.

77/15 Highways

Councillor J Lockett wished it to be noted that the current fast way to complete potholes (which was explained at by the previous port folio holder Councillor D Topping) was unsatisfactory and as within the Parish the tractors /large vehicles ensured the tarmac did not stay in the hole.

He asked that the Clonter Bridge was put on the agenda next time.

78/15 Notice board

The second one by The Vicarage was close to being repaired but the Perspex still had not been actioned. The clerk would produce a new members list for the board.

The Clerk left at 10.00pm

Councillor J Wray left at 10.00pm


Resolved; "That in accordance with the public bodies (Admission to meetings ) Act 1960 as extended by the Local Goverment Act 1972 section 100 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for discussion of the under mentioned item on the grounds that the publication of the matter would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted",

79/15 Resolved the Parish Council agreed to accept the Contract of Employment revised by Cranage Parish Council

80/15 Resolved the Parish Council agreed the Clerks salary would remedial at SCP 22 as the Clerk had only been employed since February 2015

81/15 Resolved The Chairman would attend the Clerks salary development review on 7th July at HCPC offices.

82/15 It was to be noted the next meeting was on the 6th August 2015 at 7.30pm at Clonter Opera Theatre.

The meeting concluded business at 10.25 pm.