Some400 plus Cursillistas from all parts of the UK arrived in

Canterbury forULTREYA GB 2014 on 30th August. The weather was glorious and following registration in the Cathedral Chapter House, the days activities commenced in the nearby Shirley Hall, which is a large and magnificent assembly hall in the grounds of the famous Kings School.

The many CanterburyCursillistas on hand to help throughout the

day were easily identified by their splendid Yellow Shirts !!

Cursillista Steve Hook was the master of ceremonies and worship

songs were superbly orchestrated by the young musicians of Change

Music. The Right Worshipful the Lord Mayor of Canterbury,

Councillor Ann Taylor, warmly welcomed everyone to the city and BAC

President, Sally Henniker-Major addressed the assembled

Cursillistas with a comprehensive and informative speech.

Around 11:00 am, Cursillistas made their way to the Cathedral including those carrying their brightly coloured banners representing Anglican Cursillo in some 30 dioceses. Presiding and Preaching at the Eucharist service was The Right Reverend Trevor Willmott, Bishop of Dover in Canterbury.

The sermon centred on the reading about Moses and the burning bush. Bishop Trevor reminded us that we have total dependence upon Almighty God. “I am who I am”. As God counted on Moses and Moses counted on God, so Christ is counting on us, and we are counting on Christ.

During the service, more than 400 people received communion which was distributed from seven stations.

The Ultreya resumed at 2:00 pm with more worship songs provided by the talented young musicians of Change Music and a floating group reunion took place with many groups enjoying the warm sunshine outside the hall. An inspiring and challenging Witness Talk was given by Dr Pat Chipping, a lady from Hythe, who spoke of her concern for the homeless and the amazing work she had undertaken to help them.A supportive response came from National Spiritual Director the Reverend Hugh Burgess.

The afternoon finished with many taking tea in the Chapter House

prior to detailed and informative tours of the Cathedral by the

excellent Cathedral guides.

The evening saw a well attendedand energetic Barn Dance in the Kings School dining hall during which an excellent fish and chip supper was served. Thus ended a long but most memorable day !!