Who made all living things and keeps them in existence?
(God) / Fill in the Blanks:
The chief truths taught by
the Church are found in
the ______.
(Apostles’ Creed)
Multiple Choice:
Divine Providence means
  1. some things just happen
  2. we need not study
  3. God’s loving care for us
/ What is the number of divine Persons in the Blessed Trinity?
Who is the first Person of the Blessed Trinity?
(Father) / True or False:
The three divine Persons are perfectly equal to one another.
Who is the second Person of the Blessed Trinity?
(Son) / Who is the third Person of the Blessed Trinity?
(Holy Spirit)
True or False:
The Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit are individual Persons who share one divine nature.
(True) / True or False:
We can fully understand the Blessed Trinity.
True or False:
We will never fully understand the Blessed Trinity because it is a supernatural mystery.
(True) / Fill in the Blank:
We are helped on earth by our _____ angles.
Who were the first man and woman?
Adam and Eve) / Fill in the Blank:
The sin we inherited from Adam and Eve is called _____.
(Original Sin)
There are 2 kinds of Actual Sin. What are they?
(Mortal Sin and Venial Sin) / What are the three things necessary to make a sin mortal?
(serious matter, sufficient reflection, full consent of the will)
True or False:
Venial sin is a less serious offense against the law of God.
(True) / True or False:
Venial sin can be pardoned without sacramental confession.
Fill in the Blank:
If we die with a venial sin on our soul we go to _____.
(purgatory) / Fill in the Blank:
If we die with a mortal sin on our soul we go to _____.
What are the 7 capital sins?
(pride, covetousness, lust, anger, gluttony, envy, sloth) / Who is the savior of all men?
(Jesus Christ)
To say “The Word was made flesh” is to express the mystery called the _____.
(Incarnation) / Where was Jesus born and where?
(Christmas day in Bethlehem)
When did Christ die?
(Good Friday) / When did Christ rise from
the dead?
(Easter Sunday, the third day after his death.)
We celebrate the Resurrection on _____ Sunday.
(Easter) / Fill in the Blank:
Christ died for our _____.
Fill in the Blank:
The Holy Spirit gives us the
gift of _____.
(grace) / What are the three theological virtues?
(faith, hope, and charity)
What are the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit?
(wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, fear of the Lord) / There are 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit. What are they?
(charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity)
What are the 4 cardinal virtues?
(prudence, justice, fortitude, temperance) / Who founded the Church?
(Jesus Christ)
Who is the visible head of
the Church?
(Pope) / Which apostle did Jesus choose to be the head or first Pope of the Church?
What are the chief marks of the Church?
(It is one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.) / True or False:
God has given to the Church, through Jesus Christ, the power to forgive sins if
sinners truly repent.
True or False:
The communion of saints is a circulation of spiritual life among the members of the Mystical Body.
(True) / Fill in the Blanks:
After the soul has been judged by God, it may be sent to one of three places: _____,
_____ or _____.
(heaven, purgatory, hell)