CMS Theatre 2017/2018
Some of this Year’s Opportunities!
CMS Theatre Club
An extra-curricular after school club that meets once a week (Tuesdays from 3:30-4:30). We will extend on the classroom curriculum. Guest teachers/artists will lead special lessons. We will prepare and put on performances and fundraisers to benefit Theatre Club students (see website for more info).
Disney’s The Lion King
6th grade students will learn all about the art of theatre through the magic of Disney’s The Lion King. This curriculum tool created by Musical Theatre International is used to cover the basics of theatre while learning about real stage experiences of actor’s in The Lion King on Broadway.
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Our Spring play! We will immerse ourselves into the land of Narnia this year. This play will be performed on February 22, 23 & 24. Crew members are needed to help with makeup, costume, set building, etc. See Miss Mabee for details/sign-up.
Arizona Jr Thespian Festival
Miss Mabee will be organizing this year’s Arizona Jr. Thespian Festival to take place on April 7th. A Thespian is a person who practices the art of theatre with love and appreciation. After this experience we will all be Jr Thespians! Middle school students across the state will be invited to CMS to participate in workshops, prepare memorized performances (optional) and watch a High School production. (more info to come soon).
New York City Summer Tour
Summer 2018 we will be taking our CMS and KMS Theatre students and their families (optional) to New York City to experience all things Theatre (and more!) We will see 2 Broadway productions, visit the 9/11 memorial, get back stage workshops/tours/talks with Broadway professionals and MORE. Please email Miss Mabee ASAP if you’re interested. A parent meeting will be held soon.
Booster Club Parents Needed!
I would like to continue building our Booster Club for CMS Theatre. Parents/Guardians will assume roles/positions in the club, meet once a month or so and help fundraise to support CMS Theatre. This is a way for me to stay organized and us to be able to provide more for the students! Many other schools in Kyrene have Booster Clubs for sports, theatre, choir etc. and have benefitted greatly. Please email me ASAP if you’re interested in helping start this much needed club!
Kyrene Summer Theatre
Miss Mabee will be directing the summer theatre program through Kyrene Community Education. This summer’s production will be Disney’s 101 Dalmations. Auditions will be held in April. Please email Miss Mabee or visit Kyrene Community Ed’s website for more info.