Solomon's EvangelicalLutheranChurch

July 1, 2012

“Solomon’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, following the example of Jesus Christ, seeks to live in the confidence and fullness of God’s grace; to preach the Good News boldly and truthfully; to support and serve others in faith; to work in harmony with all creation.”


The chancel flowers this morning are placed to the glory of God in honor of Kristen and Zach’s marriage on June 30 and Gladys & Dick’s 56th Wedding anniversary given with love from your family.

Welcome, Visitors! We welcome you to our worship service. We hope your visit with us will be a time of blessing. Please take time to read the blue “Welcome Visitors” cards in the hymnbook racks in each pew. If you have any other concerns, please talk to the Head Usher. Before you depart, thank you for signing the guest book in the narthex and please pick up a blue welcome bag. We invite you to worship with us again!

“Believing in the real presence of Christ, this church practices Eucharistic hospitality. All baptized persons are welcomed to Communion when they are visiting in the congregations of this church.” (from the ELCA’s sacramental practices statement) As Lutherans, we believe that the bread and wine of Holy Communion are signs given by God, signs that Christ is fully present among us. It is through the words and the elements that we experience the real presence of Christ. If you are unable to receive either of the elements, be assured that even in the words, Christ is present to you. If you believe in Jesus as the Christ, the Savior, you are welcome to come to the Table and be fed and nurtured with us.

We ask that you please silence your cell phones and pagers during the worship service.

Prayer requests for the following persons: Terry Fell, Flynn Detwiler, Esther Gift, Sandra Chilcote, Sarah Gayman, David Tweedy, Sherry Fields, Julia Skelly, Zach Stinson. If anyone has a prayer request, please call Janice McEntire.

Today and on the first Sunday of each month, the common cup will be offered as an option during Holy Communion. After you receive the bread, you may either receive the wine from the common cup by the assisting minister or, if you prefer, a small cup or either red wine or white grape juice from the communion assistant.

Luncheon Today: Join us for lunch after the Congregational Meeting. Menu: Baked Chicken Pot Pie, Creamed Lettuce, Cake, Coffee, Tea & Iced Tea. Adults $8.00; 4-10 yrs. $5.00; 3 yrs. & under free. Pay at the door. Supports the Organ Fund.

Franklin County Library System Bookmobile will stop in our parking lot for the convenience of our members and others who live in our community. They will be here every other Friday. The schedule is as follows: July 6 & 20 from 9:45 – 10:00 AM.

The July issue of The Lutheran magazine is in the narthex pamphlet rack. Take one along to read today.

The Worship and Music committee has decided to begin using Setting 8 on September 9th. This is a new setting to us. To help prepare us for this setting, we will practice Sunday mornings 9:00 - 9:15 a.m., beginning July 29 and continuing through August 5, 19 and 26 and ending on September 2.

WELLNESS TALK AT LUTHER RIDGE - Lutheran Home Care & Hospice will give a Health & Wellness talk on Thursday, July 19 at 10:00 a.m. at The Fleck Center at Luther Ridge. The program is free of charge and open to anyone in the community. No registration is required. The topic for July is“Taking Control of Your Healthcare”. Take a more active role in your healthcare. Learn how to feel better, be in control and do the things you want to do.

CHURCH DAY BUFFET - Members of our congregation and their friends are invited to the Church Day Buffet at the Fleck Center at Luther Ridge on Wednesday, July 11 from 12:00 to 1:00 PM. The menu for July is Creamed Lettuce, Meatloaf, Oven Browned Potatoes, Country Blend Vegetables, Dessert and Beverage. Cost for the buffet is $6.50 per person. To reserve your place, please call 264-5700.

Summer Worship Service: From May 28 through Sept. 2, the worship service will begin at 9:15 with no Sunday School. The regular worship service will resume on Sept. 9.

Vacation Bible School – SKY! Everything is possible with God! Mark your calendars for July 9-13, 2012. Our VBS Celebration will be held July 15 during our normal church service.

2012 ELCA Youth Gathering – Leah Wolfinger will be attending the gathering in New Orleans, LA – July 18-22. She is going with the youth group from Trinity Lutheran Church. Please help support her by buying a Brusters coupon book for $12.00. For Brusters coupons and more information see Leah.

Do you want public school children to learn about God during the school day? The Released Time Bible Program has a marvelous opportunity to teach God’s Word to our public school students. We are currently running the program at 85 schools. We need a few people willing to share time with our students each week. You can make a difference for a child right in our community. We will train and support you each step of the way. This is a great opportunity for home schooling parents, stay-at-home moms and dads, and retired persons. The following programs have openings for volunteers. Helping with the elementary schools would require a two hour time commitment one afternoon each week: Summitview-Wednesday either 12:10 -1:40 or 1:15-2:45; Mowery-Thursday afternoons between 1:15-3:15 (time not set yet); Fairview-Tuesday 1:45-3:10; Hooverville- Tuesday 1:50-3:20; Waynesboro Middle School -Tuesdays after school (2:40-5:00) If you are able to help, can recommend others, or would like to enroll your child, please contact Lisa Doyle at 717-764-1071 or . Your help and prayers are needed!

Council Minutes, Monthly Financial Statement and Committee Minutes are available in the library for anyone to read.

Bulletin Announcement Forms are located in both pamphlet racks. Please submit all bulletin announcements to Sally by the Wednesday prior to the Sunday for inclusion in the bulletin.

Activities this week:

Finance Committee Meeting – Tuesday at 7:00 PM

Attendance last Sunday….74