Foden’s Band

Solo, Duet and Quartet Competition

Sandbach Boys School, Crewe Road, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 3NS


Slow Melody: (1)11 & under (2)12 & 13 (3) 14 - 16(4)17 – 19 (5) Open

Air Varie/Florid: (6)Under 16(7)16 – 21(8) Open

Duet: (9)11 & under(10)12 – 16 (11) Open

Quartet: (12)11 & under (13)12 – 16 (14) Open

(15)Under16 tuned percussion(16) Open tuned percussion

(17) Under16 un-tuned percussion (18) Open un-tuned percussion

(19)Open percussion ensemble (2 or more players)

Accompanists available in all sections

Open Adjudication

Trophies in all sections

Entry forms and details from:

Fiona Rolfe, 4 Brookfield, Loggerheads, Mkt Drayton, TF9 4RW

07795 801019 email:

Closing date for entries: Saturday 27th September 2014

Entry Form Closing date for entries: Saturday 27th September 2014

Competitor’s Name: ……………………………………………………Band:………………………………………………..

Age on day of competition (age restricted classes only): ……………

Contact phone number/s:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Contact email address:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….



SOLO CLASSES (pltick box if accompanist required)

Class / Competitor’s Name / Piece / Approx time / Accomp


Class 1, 2, 3, 6, 9,10, 12, 13, 15 - 19: 5 mins. Class4, 5, 7, 11: 7 mins. Class 8 & 14: 9 mins.


Class / Duet/Q’tet/Ensemble Name / Piece / Accomp

Entry fees (incl accompanist): Age restricted solos (1, 2, 3, 4,6, 7, 15, 17): £4.50

Open solo classes (5, 8, 16, 18): £5.00 Duets (9, 10, 11): £7.00 Quartets (12,13,14): £10.00

Ensemble class (19): £12 Open Solo (8): £8

Total Fee submitted: £……………………… (cheques payable to: Foden’s Youth)

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Percussion Classes

You have already told us what piece you are playing, but please complete the following table with the instrument/s, and also the sound equipment, that you need:

Drum Kit (5 Piece Mapex V Series Fusion with 16” 18” 20”+ 24” HH’s Zildjian Pro ZBT’s.)

Marimba (5 Octave Yamaha YM100A. Rosewood height adjustable)

Vibraphone (Yamaha YV3710)

Xylophone (Yamaha YX135)

Glockenspiel & X Stand (Yamaha YG 1210)

Timpani 32” 29” & 26” plus height adjustable stool (Adams Universals Fiberglass)

Trap Table (Adams height adjustable)

Bongos (LP Aspire & Stand)

Congas (Meinl with cradles)

Timbales (PP with stand)

CD player with amp, speakers and headphones.

The following instruments will be available in the warm-up room:

Drum Kit (5 Piece Yamaha Stage Custom with Zildjian A Cymbals)

Timpani (30” 28” & 25” Premier)

Marimba (4 1/3 Octave Yamaha Accoustalon)

Vibraphone Musser M55

Xylophone Yamaha YX135

Class / Competitor’s Name / Instruments required / Sound eqptand no. of music stands/seats required

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  • If you do not require any of our instruments or sound equipment, then please simply write ‘not required’ in the table.
  • Please ensure any of your own equipment is clearly marked so that you can identify it as yours.
  • Even if you are entering more than one percussion class you only have to complete onecopy of page 2 with all of your requirements, and send it with the entry form on page 1 – this is so we know what to have ready for you when you compete.
  • You will need to provide your own sticks and mallets.
  • If you require a piano accompanist, then indicate this on the entry form on page 1.
  • There is time allocated to allow for sound-checks in between percussion competitors.

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  1. All entry forms, music cheques should be sent to: Fiona Rolfe, 4 Brookfield, Loggerheads, Mkt Drayton, Shropshire, TF9 4RW. Cheques payable to ‘Foden’s Youth’.
  2. Closing date for entries is strictlySaturday 27th September. Any entries received after the closing date may not be accepted.
  3. All fees are non-refundable.
  4. To avoid delays, please ensure you have put on sufficient postage when sending entries music.


  1. If an accompanist is required please enclose the copy for the accompanist with your entry. Parts should be legible & clearly marked with cuts/repeats, etc. If no accompanist’s copy is received by the closing date, then the piece will be played unaccompanied. Photocopies cannot be returned, will be destroyed in accordance with copyright laws. Players can bring their own accompanists.
  2. Timings are generous will begin when the soloist begins playing – unfortunately,anyone exceeding the time limit may, at the adjudicator’s discretion, be penalised.
  3. An adjudicator’s copy should be sent with your entry. Please make sure your copies are legible clearly marked with cuts/repeats, etc. Competitors will not be enteredfor the class until this music is received. Photocopiescannot be returned, will be destroyed in accordance with copyright laws.
  4. Competitors are asked NOT to play the same piece twice if in more than one class.
  5. Air Varie/Florid classes: any piece which shows off a player’s technical ability.
  6. Solos can be played accompanied/unaccompanied. CD accompaniment may also be used.
  7. Duet/quartet players do not have to be members of the same band. Duets can be accompanied if wished.
  8. Players can play in more than one section, but cannot play twice in the same section ie with another player.
  9. Age restricted quartets can be conducted.
  10. Players do not have to be registered with a brass band.


  1. Orchestral instruments permitted i.e trumpet, French horn.
  2. All winners’ trophies must be signed for by a responsible adult.
  3. All adjudication is OPEN, the adjudicator’s decision is final.
  4. Important - Percussion players should also complete the accompanying form on page 2to indicate what instrumentation, seating, stands and audio equipment they require. If the instrumentation is not on the list, then competitors will be required to bring that instrument.

Special notes

  • Hot and cold refreshments will be on sale throughout the day.
  • Warm-up rooms are provided, so please restrict warming-up to these areas.
  • Details of the draw, directions, will be sent about 2 weeks before the competition. Competitors will also be informed of their accompanists, and will be free to contact the accompanists to arrange rehearsals should they so wish. This would be a private arrangement, and would incur a charge at the accompanist’s own rate.

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