Ozarks Headwaters Recycling & Materials Management District
(District O)
Executive Board Meeting Summary
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
The Ozarks Headwaters Recycling & Materials Management District (District O) Executive Board met at 10:30a.m., February 28, 2017at933 N Robberson. Voting board members present were as follows: Commissioner Bengsch, Commissioner Cirtin,Commissioner Legan, Commissioner Bilyeu, Erick Roberts (City of Springfield Voting Alternate), and Tim Smith (City of Springfield Voting Alternate).
Alternate members present:
County Commissioners: Hancock
Other: None
Voting and Alternate members absent:
County Commissioners: Hough, Weter, Phillips, Sharpe, Bradley, Brown,Ipock, Fraker, Owens
Other: Councilman Schilling, Councilwoman Fisk,Coulter, Frazier
Advisory Committee members present: Barbara Lucks, Chair
Staff present: Angie Snyder, Jennifer Brown
Other attendees: Barbara Lucks, Luke Westerman, Timmy Hogenkamp, David Kramer, Byron Wilcox, Jim Von Behren
OHRD Executive Board Meeting
February 28, 2017Page 1of 4
ChairTim Smithcalled the meeting to order at 10:34a.m. A quorum was present.Self-introductions were made by all present.
Commissioner Legan moved to approve the agenda as presented; Commissioner Bilyeu seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Cirtin moved to approve the January 24, 2017 meeting minutes as distributed; Commissioner Legan seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Leganmoved to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented; Commissioner Bilyeuseconded. Motion carried unanimously.
1. Advisory Committee—Barbara Lucks
The first meeting of the Advisory Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, March 29th, from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. in the Greene County Commission Building Conference Room. This will be an open meeting in which the 9 member committee will learn the history of the District and discuss pertinent issues. Future meetings will occur during the third month of each quarter. Meeting locations will vary, allowing members to see various businesses and organizations within the District.
1. Adoption of Sunshine Law Policy – Angie Snyder
To comply with recommendations from the August 2016 performance audit, staff requested that the Board officially adopt the State of Missouri’s Sunshine Law Policy. Commissioner Bilyeu moved adopt the Sunshine Law Policy; Commissioner Legan seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
2. Staff Contracts – Tim Smith
As the new fiscal year approaches, staff contracts need to be approved. Chair Smith requires board approval to sign contracts for the salaries approved during the January 2017 board meeting. Commissioner Cirtin moved to approve the contract amounts; Commissioner Bilyeu seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Grant Approval – Angie Snyder
Angie reviewed the grant evaluation process with the Board, and then covered the Grant Evaluation Committee’s findings and recommendations, which were included in the meeting packet (see attachment).
Due to the closeness of the rankings and the quality of the applications, the GEC offered 3 funding options to the board and recommended Option #1 as it would provide at least partial funding for all grants.
After review and discussion of the rankings and funding recommendations, Chair Smith moved to accept the rankings and the funding recommendation (Option #1); Commissioner Cirtin seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Due to the need for abstentions, 5 separate votes were taken to determine final approval of the grants.
- Commissioner Legan moved to approve GEC applications ranked #2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 16 at the GEC recommended funding amounts; Commissioner Bilyeu seconded. Motion approved unanimously.
- Commissioner Bilyeu moved to approve GEC application ranked #1 at the recommended funding amount; Commissioner Legan seconded. Commissioner Cirtin, Commissioner Bengsch, Chair Smith, and Erick Roberts abstained. Motion approved unanimously by roll call voice vote.
- Commissioner Legan moved to approve GEC application ranked #4 at the recommended funding amount; Commissioner Bilyeu seconded. Chair Smith and Erick Roberts abstained. Motion approved unanimously by roll call voice vote.
- Commissioner Legan moved to approve GEC application ranked #8 at the recommended funding amount; Commissioner Bengsch seconded. Commissioner Bilyeu abstained. Motion approved unanimously by roll call voice vote.
- Commissioner Bilyeu moved to approve GEC application ranked #15 at the recommended funding amount; Commissioner Cirtin seconded. Commissioner Bengsch abstained. Motion approved unanimously by roll call voice vote.
The Grant Evaluation Committee consisted of 4 members: Chair Smith, Barbara Lucks, Commissioner Legan, and Mike Frazier.
1. Monthly Report — Angie Snyder
Angie and Jennifer will attend the Planners and SWAB meetings in Jefferson City March 1st. The Planners meeting topic is Sheltered Workshops and features a presentation by Mike Frazier about WebCo’s successes.
Angie shared the December 2016 edition of E-Scrap News. The industry magazine featured Computer Recycling Center on the cover, with a 2-page spread inside the magazine.
2. Monthly Report — Erick Roberts
Erick attended the Solid Waste Forum at MDNR on February 22nd. He reported there have been no staff changes in conjunction with the new administration, but there does appear to be some movement on stalled issues. There was discussion regarding lithium ion batteries and the hazards they pose in landfills, particularly from fire. A landfill ban on the batteries may be forthcoming, supported by MDNR, and it thus far appears to have industry support as well. Discussion was also held on e-waste, but no landfill ban is anticipated for these items. A presentation was made during the forum regarding a closed landfill fund, which could have an impact on the Districts, though discussion is still in early stages.
Results from the City of Springfield’s trash and recycling survey were presented to City Council in February, but Council recommended reaching out to more haulers for additional feedback before taking any action.
3. Chair’s Remarks — Tim Smith
District N (Taney, Stone, Dade, Lawrence, & Barry counties) made a presentation to SWAB in February regarding the current funding formula. They are a minimally funded district and have concerns that current funding formula is not equitable. Tim explained the history of the formula to the board, from the original process to the current formula, adopted in 2005. District N has requested opening the law that governs the funding formula, but many SWAB members are concerned the overall program could lose funding if that happened.
An alternate suggestion is for Districts M, N, O, & P to meet and discuss a regional solution to N’s funding concerns. A third option, allowed under the current law, is for N to disband and be absorbed by the neighboring districts. OHRD staff have agreed to participate in meetings aimed at finding a solution to this issue.Staff will continue to monitor the situation and keep the Board updated.
With no further business to discuss, Chair Smith declared the meeting adjourned at 11:25 a.m.
Duly prepared by:Angie SnyderApproved by:Tim Smith
OHRD Executive Board Meeting
February 28, 2017Page 1of 4