Solid Modeling Project Instructions

Due Date: March 30, 2004

This project consists of two parts: designing the object you are to build and building it. The first part of the project is due on 3/30/04 and the second part of the project is due 4/8/04. You will need to add sections to your report for the second part of the project. This outline only describes the first part of the project:

Part 1

You are to model an object of your choice in the I-deas Master Modeler. Before starting the project, write an e-mail to the instructor for approval. The part must have a volume of less than 5in3. If the object you chose to model is larger than 5in3, you will need to reduce the volume by using the scale command. Also, use the shell command to minimize internal volumes. When modeling the object you must illustrate that you have a firm understanding on how to utilize the commands you have learned through the I-deas workbook and during class. Some of the major commands include:

  1. Extrude
  2. Revolve
  3. Sweep
  4. Loft
  1. Join, cut, protrude
  2. Fillets and chamfers
  3. Pattern (array)
  4. Shell

Your creativity is welcomed and encouraged. Below is a list of suggestions of what you can model in case you have no better options.

  1. The boot of a roller blade
  2. Calculator
  3. Beeper
  4. Kitchen faucet
  5. Watch
  6. Computer mouse
  7. Coffee pot
  8. Sail boat
  9. Chair

The object you chose to model should look like a finished product.

To submit:

You are to submit a document that includes an explanation of how your part was made. Use images to clarify. There must be enough images of the part to clearly show all of the details that you have modeled (it is hard to give you a grade on something that you don’t show). Only include major steps, such as those found in the history tree. No need to describe every line you drew.

Grade computation:

Your grade will be calculated as follows:

  1. (65%) What commands did you use and how well have you explored and mastered the options of those commands?

Extrude: 1pt for doing it. 0.5pts for using advanced features (options) of extrude.

Revolve: 1pt for doing it. 0.5pts for using advanced features (options) of extrude.

Sweep: 2 pts for doing it. 0.5 pts for using advanced features (options) of extrude.

Loft: 2 pts for doing it. 2 pts for advanced lofts.

Join, cut, protrude: 1 pt for doing at least one of these commands.

Fillets and chamfers: 1 pt for doing at least one of these commands.

Pattern (array): 2 pts for doing circular or rectangular version of the command.

Shell: 1 pt for doing it.

  1. (35%) How finished is your part? Would a company go to manufacturing with your design? What design choices did you make? How detailed is your model.

Part 2

Additional instructions will be provided related to rapid prototyping.

Part 2:

Additional instructions will be provided related to rapid prototyping.