Soil Erosion

Soil Erosion refers to the removal of the topsoil by running water and wind. It causes the maximum loss to soil fertility. This is so because all the mineral nutrients are present in the top soil. Soil can be eroded in many ways. Two most common ways areSheet erosion and Gully erosion.

Sheet Erosion:

Sometimes during heavy rain fall the volume of run-off is very high. If the topsoil is not protected by sufficient plant cover, it is washed away by the force of surface run-off. This is known as sheet erosion.

Gully Erosion:

When there is heavy rainfall over an uneven terrain, the run-off scoops out narrow and deep grooves. With time, these grooves or gullies grow in size and spread over a large area. This is known as gully erosion.

Soil Erosion is caused by both physical and human factors. The Physical factors include slope of the land, intensity of rainfall and velocity of the wind. The human factors that contribute to soil erosion are deforestation, over grazing, over use of chemical fertilizers and over-irrigation.

Soil Conservation:

Soil is the greatest gift of nature to humans. We take almost everything that we need from soil.

Primary products like grains, fruits and vegetables are obtained directly from the soil.

Milk, eggs, meat, honey etc are the secondary food products which we indirectly from soil. Soil also provides us with fibers, construction materials and a host of other products. The protection of soil from harmful effects of erosion is called Soil Conservation.

Soil Exhaustion:

Unscientific agriculture practices can reduce the fertility of soil. If the same crop is grown every year on the same plot of land, the soil becomes deficient in some specific nutrients. This is called Soil Exhaustion.

Farm lands should be left Fallowfor 3-4 years to regain their fertility. There are certain plants like the leguminous plants such as pea and beans which return nitrogen to the soil. They help to maintain then fertility. Manures and fertilizers can be added to the soil to bring back its fertility.

Chemical fertilizers should be used in moderation, as their overuse is harmful for the soil.

Soil conservation methods:

Contour plowing

Strip cropping

Terrace farming

Crop rotation

Multiple cropping