Computer Science 480
Software Engineering
Fall 2012
Dr. Martin Q. Zhao
201 B Computer Science Building
Phone: 301-2425
Email: zhao_mq@
Office Hours
Monday through Thursday / 2:30-3:30 PMFriday / 2:00-3:00 PM
Please feel free to drop in my office when the door is open. We can also set up an appointment to fit your schedule and mine.
No required text. The follow books will be used to give an outline for the course, and additional materials will be provided in class.
Fox & Patterson, Engineering Long-Lasting Software, Alpha Edition, Strawberry Canyon, LLC, 2012.
Bruegge & Dutoit, Object-Oriented Software Engineering Using UML Patterns, and Java (3rd Ed.), Prentice Hall, 2010
Martin, Agile Software Development, Prentice Hall, 2002.
Course Objectives
This course is designed to give the student an introduction to the processes of the development of large-scale software systems. Special emphasis will be given on how to employ an iterative and incremental approach in these processes. Students will practice what they learn by completing semester-long project in a team environment.
There are four main areas of focus that are related to each other:
- Fundamental software engineering issues, including process, team and project management;
- Software development project activities and the resultant artifacts: the order in which these activities are carried out and how to produce the artifacts; and
- Object-oriented analysis and design: concepts, principles, and design patterns;
- Software development best practices and tools that go hand-in-hand with object-oriented programming.
CSC 245
Programming experience of a high-level computer language, such as C/C++, Java, is required for a successful completion of this course.
grading policies
This course will consist of 1000 points, which can be earned by you in the following manner:
Exams (2 at 150 points each) / 300 pointsQuizzes / 50 points
Individual assignments / 200 points
Team project / 450 points
Grade in this course will be assigned using the scale:
900 or higher / A870-899 / B+
800-869 / B
770-799 / C+
700-769 / C
600-699 / D
Lower than 600 / F
Teamwork in all forms is strongly encouraged in the team project. However, students are expected to complete other assignments, including individual assignments, quick quizzes, and mid and final exams individually.
team project
The class will be divided into several teams each include three to six students. Each team needs to discuss with the instructor in choosing a topic of the team project, which can meets the interest of the team and the goals of the course. Students are encouraged to bring their project topic to the class. Detailed information will be given along the way, with regard to recommended project topics, rules for forming up teams, requirements on documents and presentations will be handed out later in class.
Each team turns in only one set of artifacts (documentation including diagrams, and/or code base) for each phase. One grade will be marked for the team. Each team member can earn his/her point equivalent to 80% of the points the team earned for that phase automatically. The other possible 20% depends on his/her contribution to the teamwork. Each individual will review his/her performance as well as colleagues’ in each phase of the project. These peer review ratings, together with the instructor’s judgments based on each student’s commitment reflected from the team (and individual) logs, will be used to determine the student’s final score.
A total of two exams will be given in this class. Each exam will cover topics discussed during the corresponding period of time only. No accumulative final exam will be given. The final exam session will be used for final presentation and system demonstration for the team projects. Therefore, all teams can present their work on the same day.
Any student who receives failing grades on any of the exams is urged to arrange to meet with the instructor and discuss the way to improve.
A general purpose make-up exam may be arranged at the end of the semester in extreme situations such as personal illness or death of the immediate family. You must notify me in advance or no later than 24 hours after the exam in the event that you have an emergency beyond your control. If you do not notify me in advance and I feel you could have, the most you will be allowed to make up is 50% of the missed points. No excuse will be accepted for missing more than one exam.
About 10 times during the semester, I will begin the class with a short quiz that is no more than 5 minutes to ensure you keep up with the class material and the assigned reading. Each quiz will worth 5 points. You may accumulate at most 50 points from these quizzes. There will be no make-up quizzes.
class attendancy
You will not gain (or lose) points for attending (or missing) class. However you may lose points for missing a quiz or materials discussed in class but not in the text. Class attendance is a very good idea.
Cell Phone and Pager Usage
Out of courtesy for all those participating in the learning experience, all cell phones and pagers must be turned off before entering any classroom, lab, or formal academic or performance event.
REasonable accomodation
Students with a documented disability should inform the instructor at the close of the first class meeting or as soon as possible. If you are not registered with Disability Services, the instructor will refer you to the Student Support Services office for consultation regarding documentation of your disability and eligibility for accommodations under the ADA/504. In order to receive accommodations, eligible students must provide each instructor with a “Faculty Accommodation Form” from Disability Services. Students must return the completed and signed form to the Disability Services office on the third floor of the Connell Student Center.
Students with a documented disability who do not wish to use accommodations are strongly encouraged to register with Disability Services and complete a Faculty Accommodation Form each semester. For further information, please contact Disability Services at 478-301-2778 or visit the web site at