Minutes of the SCL Executive Committee meeting held in Scarman House on 4th June 2014

Present: Janene Cox (Chair), Alison Bramley, Ayub Khan, Ciara Eastell, Elizabeth Elford, Rosemary Doyle, Sarah Mears, Barry Clark, Christine May, Irene Campbell, Sue Laurence, Julie Spencer, Tony Durcan, Ian Watson, Sally McMahon, Mark Freeman, Nick Stopforth, Muriel Todd, Michelle Alford, Simon May, Mark Taylor, Peter Gaw, Neil MacInnes, Martin Burton, Eve Jarvis

In Attendance: Helen Drakard

Apologies: Leslie Sim, Steve Hardman, Antonio Rizzo, Bev Rice
1 / Sieghart Library Report
Janene updated the Executive on the work so far. William Sieghart has visited many libraries and the key strands highlighted in the evidence submitted to the panel have been identified. Conversations with other government departments are taking place and the final interviews will be held in July. The report should be published in the autumn.
Ciara and Nick will present to the Panel on the 7/7/14 on behalf of SCL
Ciara will organise SCL’s response to the published report.
2 / Digital Leadership Project
Ben Lee and Kevin Fenning attended the meeting for this agenda item. Ben had circulated several reports:
·  Digital Leadership Skills Report
·  SCL Trends Survey Headlines
·  Headlines from the SCL Skills Audit
Kevin outlined the work so far and highlighted three main points:
·  Technological change over the next five years will be significant
·  The importance of libraries’ physical/local space
·  “Digital enables scale”, this emphasises the importance of SCL’s Universal Offers
Ben then outlined the twelve recommendations which are the outcome of this project. It was agreed that these should be included in the Steering Group’s action plan which could then form part of the next bid to ACE.
This work should also be used to “refresh” the Digital Universal Offer.
Ben will provide a summary presentation to Executive members together with the table of draft recommendations.
Ciara will convene the next meeting of the Project Steering Group and invite Share the Vision to join the group.
3 / The Reading Agency (TRA): an update
Sue Wilkinson and Claire Styles joined the meeting for this agenda item.
Sue outlined her thinking about TRA. As the new Chief Executive Officer she aims to build new partnerships and extend the “reach” of the organisation.
SCL is a key partner and after a meeting with Janene, an agreement has been reached on how the two organisations will work together in the future.
She would be pleased to receive comments and suggestions from the Executive and all SCL members.
Reading Activists Challenge
Claire outlined this new programme of work which aims to engage young people. The Challenge hopes to:
·  Increase skills and confidence;
·  Support pre-employment
·  Increase reading and library usage
This programme has already received support from critical friends which have included ASCEL and SCL. The governance for the Challenge will include a Young People’s Steering Group and a Strategic Advisory Group.
It was agreed that SCL would support the Challenge but it was suggested that TRA should re-think and rationalise the governance arrangements for the programmes which relate to Young People.
Claire will keep the Executive informed of the Challenge’s progress.
Sue / Claire will bring alternative governance arrangements to the Executive so that SCL can feed into these work strands at the correct level.
4 / CILIP Update
Annie Mauger and Mike Hoskins joined the meeting for this agenda item.
Annie updated the Executive about CILIP and its current activities. She then explained why CILIP was reviewing its governance arrangements and outlined the new proposals.
Members will decide by vote, at the AGM on 20th September 2014, whether or not CILIP should start using a new model of governance.
The Executive welcomed the new proposals.
More information can be found at
5 / Item 5A
SCL Work Plan
SCL website
Elizabeth outlined the changes to the new site; work on the members’ section has been postponed whilst the new advocacy leaflet was finalised. She circulated the final draft and invited comments from the Executive. The leaflet will be circulated to members in two formats: a PDF and a version which will allow members to add local information.
A “resources” page has also been added to the website. This will enable members to download SCL logos, Universal Offer posters (in English and Welsh) and Universal offer logos.
Envisioning Programme
Janene reported on the Post Envisioning Partnership.
Public Library Narrative
Ayub reported on this work which is led by ACE; it is hoped that the final version will be available by November 2014.
Item 5B
Digital War Memorial (DWM)
Ciara reported that this project has started and a Digital Curator has been appointed. This work has a very tight timescale as the British Library will host a celebration event showcasing the DWM on 8th September 2014. They hope to receive funding to appoint a digital artist and the group are working with the company “we are what we do” (WAWWD) to host a DWM Hub on Historypin.
Ciara will ask WAWWD for a copy of their presentation given at the last SCL Executive meeting.
Regional Representatives should showcase this work at regional meetings.
Item 5C
Reading Update
Tony reported that the group had met on 2 May 2014 and Sue Wilkinson had attended this meeting. It was noted that an extremely positive meeting had been held recently with Booktrust.
The Books and Reading Group acknowledge that the Reading Offer has not developed as much as SCL’s other offers. They agree they need to strengthen the evidence base and create a positive narrative for the offer.
The Executive agreed not to endorse the publication “The Reader” when it goes online but agreed it could be made available via the Peoples Network.
Item 5D
Digital Update
It was noted that an update on this offer had been included in SCL’s 2013/14 Annual Report.
Nick thanked the Executive members who had supported this work over the past twelve months.
The Executive discussed the next steps for Bookmark Your Library, OCLC and the geo-locator tool. After a long discussion it was unanimously agreed not to support the business case proposed by OCLC although OCLC’s efforts in developing the program and partnerships were noted. However, it was agreed that SCL must, as a matter of urgency, decide on what they believe a single digital presence should look like, how it should be delivered and who to approach to possibly partner SCL in delivering this objective.
The following way forward was agreed:
·  To hold two facilitated workshops:
o  The first for SCL members to discuss all aspects of a single digital presence and produce a briefing paper
o  The second with partners to discuss SCL’s briefing paper and agree an action plan.
It was agreed that Ciara and Janene would feedback to OCLC asap after the meeting.
Post Meeting Note
This meeting has now been arranged for 13/6/14 at midday.
Try Reading Website: Potential for Use to Showcase National Reading Offer
A paper had been circulated by Michelle Alford but it was agreed that this initiative could be used to inform the discussion on the single digital presence.
Executive members to look at the “Time To Read” website
Item 5E
Information Update
A report on this work had been circulated.
Eve updated the Executive on the workforce development programme. This will be a blended training package that can be delivered through the SCL’s regional network.
The next steps are:
·  The report will be completed by 30 June 2014
·  SCL Regional Chairs will work with key trainers to devise a training programme which will then be delivered across the regions
·  This work will be delivered and monitored by the regions and progress reports will be supplied to the Executive
·  The aim will be to train 99% of all paid staff by March 2015
Eve will circulate a position statement later in June. This will be sent to all Heads of Service and regional trainers. Each Library Authority should nominate a lead for this initiative.
Item 5F
Health Update
Martin had circulated a report on recent activity. Debbie Hicks is currently working on the dementia booklist and the group is awaiting the outcome of an application to the DH for three year funding to support strategic development of the Books on Prescription scheme.
Item 6G
Government/ External Environment
Meeting with Ed Vaizey
Janene reported that the recent meeting with the Minister was very positive and she feels that SCL has now developed a strong working relationship with DCMS.
Carnegie Innovation Programme for Public Libraries
This was launched in May 2014 and Ciara is a member of the Steering Group.
Creative Employment Programme Partnership (CEPP)
Ciara and Janene plan to meet with CEPP on 13th June 2014. The Partnership fund apprenticeship programmes and we will explore the potential for libraries.
ACE Update
The recent work of ACE had been discussed under previous agenda items.
LGA Update.
To date there is nothing new to report. Flick Rea, Chair of the Chair of the LGA Culture, Tourism and Sport Board, will attend the seminar and chair the session from Lord Bichard.
E Lending Pilots
The first quarter’s data is currently being analysed and a meeting with the Publishers Association will take place in July. These pilots are looking very positive and loans of e-books within the pilot authorities have increased
DEFRA rural libraries' work
Ciara advised that the report on this work is now available.
Reaching Rural Communities; Bid to the Big Lottery Fund (BLF)
SCL submitted an Expression of Interest in the first stage application to the Big Lottery Basic Online Skills programme. Although the submission was unsuccessful, Big Lottery supplied very positive feedback. They said that SCL’s bid was one which they had debated over long and hard. Key feedback included:
·  Concerns about SCL’s experience at this type of delivery and our capacity to deliver.
·  A recommendation that SCL make contact with the successful applicants with a view to partnering, in order to build SCL’s experience and profile with BIG.
There were six successful first stage submissions. The details of these can be found at:
Submissions for the second stage proposals were submitted by 23rd May 2014 and the outcome will be known in July. SCL reviewed the six successful first stage applications and on the basis of that information, approached Age UK and the Tinder Foundation respectively. A formal proposal was made to each of these lead applicants which focus on playing a strategic and advisory role to the projects. Also included was a marketing and communication role, centred on the opportunities presented through the SCL National and regional networks.
Byelaws: possible collective approach through SCL to devise some new model byelaws
Christine reported that the Byelaws Task and Finish Group (comprised of herself, Neil MacInnes and Jen Beardsmore) has updated and revised the byelaws. They have also agreed that a briefing paper offering guidance on the interpretation of the byelaws should be produced. A follow-up meeting with DCMS is planned for July.
SCL’s Executive Officer
Janene welcomed Helen Drakard who will take up the role of SCL Executive Officer in July 2014.
Item 5H
Access to Research Initiative
Irene reported that 75% of Library Authorities have now signed up for this scheme. All major cities and 50% of London Boroughs have joined.
A training webinar held in May was recorded and has been added to the PLS website.
Although PLS will continue to publicise this scheme national public libraries must also publicise it locally.
Elizabeth will post a link to this webinar on the SCL’s website.
Irene will forward some case studies to Elizabeth for posting on the SCL website.
Item 5I
ASCEL key messages
A paper had been circulated. It was noted that ASCEL have held a workshop to identify the role and purpose of ASCEL regional meetings.
Sarah will circulate the outcomes from this workshop.
Item 5 J
Corporate Status & Finance update
There was nothing to report.
Item 5K
Minutes of the last meeting: 19th March 2014
These were agreed as a true record.
Actions Arising
Item 1 Inspire
Irene reported that, following her visit to the SCL Executive, Sally has discussed the Executive’s comments with the Inspire Board. It has been agreed to reconsider Inspire’s delivery model and Irene will keep the Executive informed of progress.
Item 6A SCL Work Plan
Elizabeth will prepare a guide describing how to access and edit material on the website. She will forward this to Alison for circulation.
Universal Offer (UO) Roadshows
Janene, Ciara and Helen will devise a questionnaire for the membership to discover how Authorities have used the UOs.
Item 6E
Neil reported that Future Learn is very keen to work with SCL and he will keep the Executive informed of progress.
Item 7 AOB
Reference Online
Ayub reported that a meeting will be held in Manchester on 12th June to which all suppliers and regional representatives are invited. The aim of the meeting is to discuss the promotion of the scheme and some funding is available for this purpose.
Executive members to send Ayub or Janet Wood suggestions for marketing this initiative.
6 / AOB
DCMS Library Advisor
It was noted that Kiera Shaw has been appointed to this role and will be attending the Seminar.
SCL Regional Representation
Rosemary informed the Executive that she will be standing down as the SCL Regional Representative for London. As from June 2014, Carol Boswarthack and Antonio Rizzo will be the London representatives.
Rosemary also represents SCL on two groups:
·  TRA’s Youth Libraries Board: it was agreed to discuss this with TRA once the governance arrangements are finalised.
·  TRA’s Advisory Group for work with Adult Learners: Rosemary agreed to continue to represent SCL at these meetings.
Christine May informed the Executive that she will be standing down as the SCL Regional Representative for the East of England. As from June 2014 Andrew Bignell will be the East of England representative.
Janene thanked Christine and Rosemary for all their support as members of the SCL Executive. She also thanked Mark Taylor who has stood down from his role as a Board member on the Executive. Although much has been achieved over the past two years this could not have been done without the help and support of Executive members.
Designing Libraries Advisory Board
Simon May informed the Executive that he wished to stand down from his role as SCL representative on this group. Mark Freeman agreed to take over from Simon to represent SCL on this Board and Barry Clark agreed to attend if Mark is unable to do so.
As this was Alison’s last meeting of the Executive Janene thanked her for all her hard work over the past 11 years commenting that Alison has kept the SCL’s business on track and ensured that SCL appears to the outside world as an efficient and effective organisation.
She presented Alison with a gift to mark her retirement.
Dates of Meetings in 2014
September 17th – Manchester
November 26th – CILIP
Dates of Meetings in 2015
January 21st
March 25th