Social Studies Project
Name: ______Date: ______
Dear Parents,
In honor of Black History month, each second grade student will do a project on an African American who has made a positive contribution to the sports community.
Students will select a person to research and write about. The person must be approved by the teacher. Please make a choice 1 and 2 in case some students pick the same person. Students may use books, magazines, encyclopedias, and the internet to obtain information. After gathering their research, students will type a report that must be at least two paragraphs. We have discussed that directly copying entire sentences and paragraphs from a book or other resource is called plagiarism and is not allowed. Students are required to take the information from their research and type their own report.
Students will also prepare some type of visual reflecting their person. Some visual ideas are creating a poster, dressing up, writing and performing a song or poem. BE CREATIVE!!!
Second grade will present a Living Museum for Austin Road students. At this museum, students will represent his or her researched person by displaying their visual project. As museum visitors pass by, students will explain whom they are representing and why their researched person should be recognized and remembered.
Research should be completed and reports typed and turned in by Wednesday, February 15th. The Living Museum will be presented on Wednesday, February 15thduring the school day. Students will also present their project during PTO on Thursday, February 16th. Please see the attached rubric for grading guidelines. Thank you for your support and encouragement for this project.
Second Grade Teachers
Please detach this portion and return.
Child’s Name: ______
I understand my child has a Social Studies Project due on February 15th.
Parent Signature
Choice 1:
I am researching______
Choice 2:
I am researching ______