Social inclusion policies in economic disadvantaged areas – ACTION 5.1

I.Re.Forr has designed a project about youth and social inclusion policies in economic disadvantaged areas. This project will be carried out by means of an international seminar between different youth actors (youth authorities, youth institutions and youth) as expected by the above-mentioned programme.

The project idea is aimed at promoting the structured dialogue between youth and the people responsible for the youth policies at the local and European level. This will be pursued by realizing meetings, debates, reflection groups. That way Europe will be made more touchable and visible for each citizen and organization.

General objectives of the action:

ΟEncouraging the exchange of good practices at European level between different youth actors (youth, policymakers, youth institutions).

ΟStimulating the cooperation between the different youth actors at European level.

ΟEncouraging the structured dialogue between policy makers, youth institutions and young people.

ΟMaking attractive of economic disadvantaged areas (for example, rural areas) for youth in order to stop the process of depopulation.

ΟIdentifying common solutions at European level that facilitate the occupational integration of youth living in rural and isolated areas in front of general European contexts.

ΟActivating a social dialogue aimed at overcoming difficulties of occupational integration of youth living in rural areas.

ΟPromoting youth participation in matters that belong to them and making them more accessible.

ΟCarrying out common programmes in order to encourage social inclusion processes of youth in rural areas (social cooperation agreement)

ΟIdentifying European programmes (for example Equal, Leonardo da Vinci) that facilitate the occupational integration by promoting the open and joint cooperation between youngsters.

ΟEstablishing a work group at European level that examines and evaluates the realization of common objectives of the project.

Project proposal(overall duration 3 months)

1st phase (duration to be specified)


ΟAgreeing with local and European partners on actions and activities to be carried out during the project.

ΟIdentifying a common programme.


ΟInformal meetings between the representatives of different subjects (public and private organizations dealing with youth, youngsters, authorities dealing with youth matters) at local level in order to point out the social inclusion themes of youth to be handled at the seminar.

ΟInformal meetings between the representatives of different subjects (public and private organizations dealing with youth, youngsters, and youth authorities) at European level in order to point out the social inclusion themes of youth to be handled at the seminar.

ΟFrom these meetings a common programme for the seminar is identified (this can be problems to be tackled, good practices, depopulation trends in rural areas, the problematic entrance of youth and in particular of female youngsters and youngsters with disabilities into the labour market…).

ΟNext, this programme will be elaborated in a detailed way.

ΟComparative statistical analysis on the themes established in the preparation phase.

ΟIdentification of the local policies regarding youth inclusion in disadvantaged areas.

ΟEvaluation of the results obtained until now.

2nd phase

Day 1 (travelling)

ΟArrival at the city of the host partner (Potenza – The Basilicata Region – Southern Italy).

ΟWelcome and logistical accommodation.

Day 2

ΟMeeting between the involved subjects: delivery of the seminar programme planned in the preparation phase.

ΟConstitution of work groups that will handle several social inclusion themes.

Day 3:

ΟSeminar dealing with the social inclusion themes regarding youth in economic disadvantaged areas.

ΟAnalysis of the single dimensions of the specific problem.

ΟExperts’ reports.

ΟPlenary session.

Day 4:

ΟSeminar dealing with the youth entrance in the labour market. Analysis of the single dimension of the specific problem.

ΟExperts’ reports.

ΟPlenary session.

Day 5:

ΟRound-table discussion between the representatives of authorities, youth organizations, professional organizations and youngsters with a view to identifying solutions and practices carried out at local and European level.


Day 6:

ΟFormal meeting about the social inclusion themes and policies on youth integration into the labour market.

ΟIdentification of common actions to be developed after the project in order to tackle the problem.

ΟDetermination of reciprocal collaboration agreements for the development and the implementation of social inclusion strategies of disadvantaged subjects in the own local contexts.

ΟSigning an agreement for the next programme

3rd phase: Evaluation of youth seminarprojects


ΟEvaluation of concrete results obtained by the youth seminar regarding the specific themes.


ΟFormal meeting between local groups that have participated in the project.

ΟWriting of a final evaluation report of the project.

Project proposal 1