Social Inclusion Steering Group
13thSeptember 2016
County Hall, Truro
Present / Ruth Clark (Private Landlords Association)
Rob Sweetzer-Sturt (Cornwall Council) / Matthew Barton (Cornwall Council)
Bev Wilson (Inclusion Cornwall) / Sue Bartlett (UR)
David Sillifant (Diversity Network for Cornwall) Chair Inclusion Cornwall / Andrea Gilbert (Inclusion Cornwall)
John Ede ECCABI / Ellie Moseley (Cornwall Works Hub)
Anthony Ball (Public Health, CC) / Jennie Lacey (Cornwall Works Hub)
Andrea Gilbert (Inclusion Cornwall) / Apologies
Tarn Lamb (CN4C) / Andrew Yates (Social Responsibility)
Jayne Cotterill (CC) / Ian Smith (VSF)
Jane Royle (Vice Chair) / Isabella Quigley Moriarty (MSC)
Steve Matthews (DWP) / Sara Nott (Cornwall Housing)
Marion Barton (Cornwall Council)
1.0 / Apologiesand Introductions / Action
Apologies above – David Sillifant welcomed members to the meeting
2.0 / Inclusion Priorities
2.3 / AG presented the findings, taking consideration of IJ email, priority has and will be those with multiple disadvantage and systemic change to services that would benefit. But topic focus was in support of these priority
Discussion took place regarding:-
  • Resilience and how we follow up with customers
  • The need to co-design effectively
  • JE identified the need to consider the impact of what is coming our way, the need to anticipate change. The Human and societal cost. The need to track the customer journey with evidence and a cost.
  • Lack of support for those in Private Rented
  • Focus on the savings to services
  • Work with those with local knowledge I,e, foodbanks,
  • Be aware of those how are “one step away” from poverty, changes to benefit, no school dinners in summer
  • Consider the self referral route
  • Churches – an army of support – need to work together. Mapping exercise of who does what and examples of good citizenship
  • JE aggressive bailiffs – work ongoing discussing with Ian Stephens of Cornwall Council
  • DS when system not delivering as it should IC will challenge
  • “the primary role of Inclusion Cornwall is to challenge with diplomacy”
  • Update from Matt Barton (papers attached with minutes)
  • CC will have 4 new directorates within the next few months
  • Governance review
  • Lack of strategic narrative around Cornwall
  • IC has a part in the discussion
  • Chairs of Partnerships could meet
  • DS identified this as an opportunity for a cultural shift with a resident based solution.
  • TL – as part of planning differently suggested to pay off a debt a person could carry out a community task
ACTION: Drive Co-design based upon:-
  1. Resilient communities
  2. Co-ordination role for IC
  3. Identify Gaps
  4. Positive challenge
  5. Provide evidence
  6. Working closely with strategic bodies
  7. Potential for action focused groups (time limited)
  8. Align to new structures
  9. Align to future needs
  10. MB to support in securing a meeting with the New Heads
  11. MB to link IC to Governance review with Richard Williams
  12. Investigate co-opting of Chair/Vice Chair onto Committee Structure
  13. A force for change
  14. EM - Check routes of access into IC and the CWHub
  15. Planning Day at St John’s Hall Penzance to support progression of the actions above – 09.30am-12.30 on the 21st October 2016 – All welcome to attend

3.0 / Hub of Hub – Update
3.8 / EM explained work so far. Making sense of the opportunities for our customers and how the Hub’s with Cornwall Works Hub assistance may start to link together. This will be beneficial to all customers across Hubs.
Link to people journey is required, where is the early intervention point. Research needed to identify this point.
Discussion took place around provision for young people. JL identified CSW input. Headstart and JCP have also added support.
JE identified issues around home education. Questioned if there are clusters of home educated. Natalie Smith would be a good source of information
DS updated the group on the Modern Slavery Group – a strategic report is being developed this will provide information to support partners who may suspect. Key area is to see how the third sector can support. The nearest refuge is in Southampton. Cornwall requires a structure to support.
Circulate draft of Hub of Hub’s paper listing existing and future Hubs. All can comment and add/amend.
Headstart to be invited to December meeting to present their work
JC to provide information on support for home education / EM/ALL
4.0 / Cornwall Works Hub Conversations Update
4.3 / EM and JL explained that crisis interventions were increasing partly caused by:-
  1. ESA issues
  2. People now knowing what support is available
  3. Benefit Cap
  4. One trigger issue
AB identified that Councillor Carolyn Rule was able to circulateinformation to Members.
Action: Consider using a template that could be used widely to collect same information on people presenting with a crisis. EM to consider (traffic through foodbanks, identify trend lines) / EM
5.4 / Any Other Business
IQM who was unable to attend but sent an email. Focus on working when under stress, the email was explained by BW. The group agreed that when issues are not dealt with the cost to all escalates.
Need to link IQM to the Healthy Hub when we have greater details.
Action: BW to discuss this development with IQM
Winter wellbeing commences again on the 1st November
From 1st April Local Authorities (not just energy company) will be able to adopt a “LA Declaration” so that a household that is vulnerable to a cold home or in a fuel poor house can be put forward for energy efficiency. Cornwall is at the forefront of this through Devolution and developed from 5 years of Public Health/Inclusion Cornwall Winter Wellness.
SM explained the new purchasing plans of JCP through the Dynamic Purchasing System. / BW/IQM
Dates of Next MeetingsInclusion Cornwall Steering Group
7 December 2016 10am Dolcoath, Camborne, Cornwall Council
15 March 2017 10am
7 June 10am