Membership Form
*I wish to join / **am a member of the Social History Society.
Name……………………………………………………………………Title ………………………………
Institutional Affiliation (if appropriate)…………..………………………………………………………….
Position/Status (i.e.: Student)……………………...…………….…………………………………………...
Interests: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
I suggest the following non-members might be interested in joining ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Subscription Rates (please circle as appropriate to indicate the amount you will be paying):
Member Rate: £40UK Partner Member Rate:£18*
Postgraduate Rate: £15+* Please indicate also the name of your partner, and your
preferred contact address
+ Available only on provision of a letter with a University stamp certifying postgraduate status at the time of joining.
I agree to my name, institutional affiliation (if appropriate) and email address appearing on the Society’s password protected webpage: Yes/No*
I agree that my contact details can be passed to organisations such as the BBC on request to the Society by such organisations for information about specialists in particular themes or topics: Yes/No*
I agree that my contact details can be used by the Society, from time to time, so that they may pass on to me from either the Society’s Journal publishers, or from other academic publishers, details of special offers that may be of interest to me: Yes/No*
*/**please delete accordingly.
Please return this form either electronically to or in hard copy by post to:
Linda Persson, Social History Society, Furness College, Bailrigg, Lancaster, LA1 4YG. Please dispatch payment either via Paypal, by filling in the attached Standing Order form, or by enclosing a cheque for the appropriate amount.
By Credit/Debit card:
(If you would like to pay by credit card/debit card, you may do so through PayPal; please cite your e-mail address and we will invoice you directly). If you do not already have a PayPal account you will need to set one up; this only takes a few minutes and is very secure.
I wish to make payment to the Social History Society via Paypal for Total: £ ......
Signature...... …………………...... E-mail address …………………………………
Please indicate if you require a receipt from the SocietyYes/No
By Cheque:
Please return this whole form, if paying by cheque, to Mrs Linda Persson, Social History Society, Furness College, Lancaster University, Lancaster, LA1 4YG.
I enclose a cheque (made payable to the Social History Society) for Total £ ......
Please indicate if you require a receipt from the SocietyYes/No
Signature...... …………………......
N.B. If paying by Euro cheque could you please add an additional 11.50 euros to cover bank charges;
otherwise please ask your bank to draw up a Sterling draft made out to the Social History Society
Please return this whole form, if paying by Standing Order, to Mrs Linda Persson, Social History Society, Lancaster University, Lancaster, LA1 4YG.
I wish to pay by Banker’s Order the sum of £40 (forty pounds) / £18 (eighteen pounds) /
£15 (fifteen pounds)* from 2007.
Member’s Bank………………………………………………………………………………..
Bank Address………………………………………………………………………………….
Please pay on receipt and annually thereafter on 7 October to the National Westminster Bank Ltd, Lancaster University Branch, Code No. 01-04-92 the sum of £ 40 (forty pounds)/
£18 (eighteen pounds)/£15 (fifteen pounds)* for credit to the account of the Social History Society Account No: 08992673 quoting (Member’s Name) ……………………………………… until this order is cancelled in writing, charging such payments to my/our account
numbered …………………………………………sort code ……………………………………
Signature…………………………………………….. Date…………………………………..
This order cancels any previous standing orders to the Social History Society