Social 20-1 - Writing Assignment II Guideline (Position Paper)

You will be given a source in the form of a “quote.” You must analyse the source anddemonstrate an understanding of the nationalist (or internationalist) perspective of the source.

You will give a position, based on the quote, and support your position with your understanding of social studies. Your position will be in response to the question being asked. The question will never change, although the source will.

To what extent should we embrace the nationalist (or internationalist) perspective(s) reflected in the source?

This assignment is worth 30%.


Introduction:Analyse the Quote (6 marks)

  • One sentence about the focus (or theme) of the source that opens the essay to grab the reader’s attention.
  • Explain what the quote means (1-2 sentences)
  • Identify the nationalist (or internationalist) perspective of the quote (1-2 sentences)
  • Give a couple (2) specific examples to support the source’s perspective.
  • Identify who would be a proponent (supporter) of the quote and who would oppose it. Explain why they would support or oppose this quote. Use the language of the question to help you here.
  • State your position on the source with the overall argument of your paper. This is your answer to the question. It is your thesis.

Optional: Include the three areas you plan to discuss in your body paragraphs.

Body Paragraph (x3)

  • Topic sentence. This sentence sets up your argument for the paragraph. Use the language from the question. Your argument supports your position that you have chosen for the question. (8 marks)
  • Give examples (evidence) to support your argument and position. Provide 2 examples from our course. You may use other quotes that are relevant to help support your argument. Refer back to the source and its perspective at least once in your paragraph.

(8 marks)

  • Your concluding sentence should mirror (not copy) your topic sentence.
  • There are three types of body paragraphs. An example paragraph where you directly support your position. A non-example paragraph where you support your position by showing how the opposite does not workor the negative result of not following your perspective. Finally, a condition paragraph where you acknowledge that there may be times when your position, although the best, is not perfect.


  • Re-state position/thesis
  • Statement summarizing the overall opinion of your paper in one sentence.
  • Summarize each paragraph in a sentence (3 sentences)
  • A ‘zinger’ to finish your essay to ‘hammer’ home your paper.

Communication includes sentence structure, syntax, organization, vocabulary, grammar, and fluency.

(8 marks)