SO Treatment Rules and Conditions Contract


  1. You must register as a sex offender with the local law enforcement agency within three (3) days of placement on probation or upon release from a correctional facility. You must notify the Department of Corrections (DOC) in writing no later than three (3) days before a change of address, pursuant to Title 57, Sect. 581-588.
  2. You shall attend and actively participate in Sex Offender evaluation and treatment at a program approved by your probation officer. You will abide by the rules of the treatment program and successfully complete the program to the satisfaction of the probation officer and the treatment provider.
  3. You shall submit, at your own expense, to any program of psychological or physiological assessment to the direction of the probation officer or treatment provider. This includes the polygraph and/or plethysmograph to assist in treatment, planning, and case monitoring.
  4. You shall be responsible for all costs associated with treatment, including but not6 limited to, all evaluations and treatments.
  5. You shall sign a Non-Confidentiality Contract to allow the probation officer to communicate with other professionals involved in your treatment program and to allow all professionals involved to communicate with each other.
  6. You shall not discuss individual or group matters outside the group.
  7. You shall not change treatment providers without providing to Chandler & Associates Okemah office prior written approval from your probation officer
  8. You are allowed to miss three (3) group meetings per every six (6) months. The fourth (4) absence will result in your termination from the treatment program.
  9. You are allowed up to ten (10) minutes late up to three (3) times a year. Three (3) late groups are equal to one (1) unexcused absence.

Other Behaviors:

  1. You shall not have on your possession during group any type of weapon.
  2. You shall not use violence or threats of violence.
  3. You shall not manufacture, purchase, possess, sell, or consume any illegal substance. In addition, you will not be at any location where such activities take place.
  4. You shall not manufacture, purchase, possess, sell, or consume any alcoholic beverages. In addition, you will not visit bars, taverns, nightclubs, dance clubs, or anywhere else that serves alcoholic beverages.
  5. You shall obtain prior written approval of your probation officer after consultation with your treatment provider before using any computer equipment or accessing the Internet, including chat rooms.
  6. You shall not manufacture, purchase, possess, subscribe to, transmit, or sell any pornographic material, obscene material, or sexually oriented material in any form. In addition, you will not enter adult bookstores, sex shops, topless bars, strip parlors, massage parlors, adult theaters, or any other place where such material or entertainment could be present. Nor shall you utilize any sexually oriented telephone numbers, services, or Internet sites.
  7. You shall abide by any curfew imposed by your probation officer and consult with your treatment provider after any curfew violations.
  8. You shall not travel outside the state or country in which you live without prior written approval of your probation officer after consultation with your treatment provider.
  9. You shall not hitchhike or pick up hitchhikers.
  10. You shall not change residences, employment, or volunteer activities without prior written approval from your probation officer after consultation with your treatment provider.
  11. You shall adhere to any driving limitations imposed upon you by your probation officer including a drivers’ log, if requested.


  1. You shall have no contact with any child under the age of eighteen (18), including your own children, nor attempt contact except under circumstances approved in advance and in writing by your probation officer in consultation with your treatment provider.
  2. If you have incidental contact with one or more children, you will be civil and courteous to the child and immediately remove yourself from the situation. You will discuss the contact at your next group meeting.
  3. You will have no contact with any of your victims, including correspondence (written, e-mail, chat room, etc…), telephone contact, face to face contact, or contact through a third party without prior written approval of the probation officer after consultation with your treatment provider. In addition, you shall not enter onto the premises, travel past, or loiter near where the victim(s) reside or work.
  4. You shall not date or marry anyone with children under the age of 18 without prior written approval from your probation officer in consultation with your treatment provider.
  5. You shall not reside with, have contact with, or attempt in any way to contact any male or female child under the age of 18 including your own children and any relatives, without prior written approval of your probation officer after consultation with your treatment provider.
  6. You shall not go to or loiter near schools, parks, playgrounds, swimming pools, arcades, day care centers, or any other places primarily used by children under the age of 18, or deemed inappropriate by your probation officer, without prior written approval from your probation officer after consultation with your treatment provider.
  7. You shall not be employed or participate in any volunteer activity where you have contact with children under the age of 18 except under circumstances approved in advance and in writing by your probation officer in consultation with your treatment provider.


I (print name)______DOC# ______do hereby acknowledge reading or having read to me, receiving and understanding the above rules of my treatment. I also hereby accept any and all responsibility that may result from a violation of any of the above rules.


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