General Meeting Agenda

Snyder Elementary PTO Room

Tuesday, 9/12/17

Meeting Minutes by Rick Forton (9/12/17)

Approved by Milissa Kaufman (9/14/17 at 4:16pm) via email

Call to Order 1:02 PM

Board Introduction

Board introduced. No issues.


·  Milissa Kaufman, Allison Muhlbauer, Catherine Lewis, Ginger Evans, Jennifer Gouge, Rick Forton, Elizabeth Dambro, Allison Cloth, Randi Watson


·  Aimi Baker

Treasurer – Jennifer Gouge

·  Review financial report & discuss budget

Reviewed with no issues.

Total Income YTD: $19,928.21

Carryforward from 2016-17: $76,954.44

Total with Carryforward: $96,882.65

Total Expenses YTD: $30,649.87

Ending Cash Balance YTD: $66,232.78

Principal’s Report – Lindsay Ardoin

Enrollment Discussion:

·  Last year we had ~1100 students

·  This year we have 935 students

o  About 70 of the 935 students are in special programs (life skills, pre-school, and pre-kinder)

o  Other schools do not have these special programs

·  Expected to have 800-850 students

Harvey Impact:

·  Survey sent out to community to help identify needs

o  3 staff members – total loss

o  3 students – close to total loss

·  Snyder has gained 5 new families as a result of Harvey

·  Current needs for these groups (3 staff members, 3 students, 5 new families)

o  Do not currently need items (clothes, furniture, etc.) during interim housing

o  Prefer for assistance at a later date

·  LA and Team Leads discussed a Gift Card Drive. Ideas included:

o  Each grade level to be responsible for a certain area (for example):

§  Kinder – responsible for home improvements (Lowe’s, Home Depot, etc.)

§  1st Grade – responsible for interior needs (Bed Bath and Beyond, etc.)

·  LA asked two main questions:

1.  Would the community participate? Every one responded yes and thinks it’s a good idea.

2.  How should we collect the gift cards? Several ideas were discussed – having a drop off day, having the kids bring them to school, collecting them at Spirit Night, etc.


o  Decide how to communicate program

o  Decide when and how to collect the gift cards

VP of Fundraising – Allison Muhlbauer

·  Boosterthon theme: Castle Quest

·  More information is coming out

·  10% of our funds will be donated to a school in need

o  School to be determined

o  Cannot give cash – must donate items

·  Boosterthon is donating money to Texas Schools impacted by Harvey

·  Kick off pep rally, October 11th & Fun Run, October 20th

·  PTO will be giving 10% of collected funds to a school affected by Hurricane.

·  Incentive for classroom with best decorated door, Boosterthon will judge.

·  Incentive for most money collected for each grade level. Teacher from each grade with highest % collected will received GC.

·  Still looking for ideas for Mrs. Ardoin’s “punishment” if we get a donation from all 50 states.

Items PTO is looking to raise funds for:

·  Playground cover for small playground (PPCD/PK) outside cafeteria doors

·  Picnic Tables for outside area 3 or 4

o  Decided on 4

·  PLC (Professional Learning Community) Conference in San Antonio & RCA Educator Training at Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta for numerous teachers & administrators

·  Flexible Seating: Standing Desks for grades 1-4 (35 teachers)

·  Subscriptions to learning software such as Reading A to Z, Flocabulary, etc.

·  Additional headphones

·  Hallway backpack holders

VP of Programs – Aimi Baker

·  Update on spirit nights.

o  Spring Creek BBQ: Sept 22, 5-9pm

§  Correction: Sept 20

o  Crust Pizza: Oct 3, ALL DAY

·  First program – 4th grade Veterans Day Program: November 7

Volunteer Coordinator – Catherine Lewis

·  Sign up for Remind notifications

o  Will send out regular notes via Remind

·  Company matching

Director of Classroom Activities – Ginger Evans

·  Update on room moms

o  Every teacher has 1 or 2 Room Moms

o  Briefly discussed the Door Decorating contest, which was more thoroughly discussed in the Room Mom meeting

o  Encouraged everyone to complete their background check

Staff Appreciation – Randi Watson

·  Update on what’s coming up for Sept/Oct. Any volunteer needs?

o  Birthday cake is provided every month and occasionally breakfast/lunch

o  Will use Sign-Up Genius

Communications – Allison Cloth

·  Amazon Smile – make sure you are doing all your Amazon shopping at & pick Snyder as charitable organization. Have your family do it too.

·  Shoparoo – don’t forget to snap your grocery receipts.

o  Includes anywhere that sells groceries – HEB, Kroger, Walmart, etc.

·  Kroger – don’t forget to go online and select Snyder as your designated school. Must be done each year.

o  Must update / designate the new Kroger location

·  Like Snyder PTO Facebook page

·  Don’t forget to visit PTO website @

Mother/Son Event – Jessica Bale

·  Theme: Mother Son Date Knight

·  Friday, September 29th from 7-8:30pm

·  Tickets on sale until Friday, September 22nd - $5.00 per person. You can send in cash or check or purchase on PTO website

o  Will provide snacks and drinks for the event

o  Pictures – Will create multiple photo op locations

§  Received feedback that it took a long time to get the pictures taken

o  Dollar Tree currently has Knight decorations

Spirit Wear – Allison Cloth

·  Pre-sales going on now for Under Armour, Zip up hoodie & 3/4 –sleeve t-shirt until September 29th.

o  Introduced new ¾ sleeve red baseball shirts

o  Orders are coming in soon (hoodies and baseball shirts)

o  Should be restocked next week

President – Milissa Kaufman

·  PTO purchased some flexible seating for teachers as a welcome back gift.

o  K-4: 4 stability discs for each teacher

o  1-4: 2 desk bouncy bands for each teacher

o  Special Education was also included

o  Subscription to Flocabulary

·  Teacher Grants

o  Explained the process (fill out the form, approved by LA, voted on by PTO)

·  Discussed Cafeteria Fund – when the students run out of money and can’t buy lunch, the fund will assist so the student can have a hot meal

o  LA clarified and said that all CISD students get a hot lunch everyday

o  Free lunch for students for the rest of the month and free breakfast/lunch for any student that was displaced

·  Box Tops – PTO will structure box tops exactly like last year. Each class will be rewarded for turning in box tops. Updated prize scale.

200 Box Tops – Fruit Snacks

400 Box Tops – Popsicles

600 Box Tops – Popcorn

800 Box Tops – Color changing Snyder pencil

Buddy the Box Top Trophy will still make his rounds to winning class. Hopefully delivered by mascot.

Last year’s earnings: $1,782.30

o  First deadline for turning in Box Tops is November 1st.


·  WatchDOGS program – LA discussed this program

Teacher Requests:

·  On the north side of the building, can we paint games for the students (4-square, hopscotch, etc.)?


o  Board – Will discuss

·  Can we provide a wooden storage area for the 1st grade teachers (mailbox)?

o  Response - submit a grant

·  Can we purchase bases for the playground?


o  MK – Purchase bases and put with playground equipment

·  Can we install a permanent way to display the students’ work at the end of the hallway?


o  LA – Discuss with CISD

·  How can we complete Teachers Pay Teachers?

o  Response – submit a grant

·  Can we install water bottle fillers?


o  LA – Discuss with CISD

Adjourn Meeting 2:02 PM

Upcoming Events

September 20: Spirit Night, Spring Creek BBQ: 5-9pm

September 20: Read for a Better Life

September 21: WatchDog Kickoff: 6pm

September 29: Mother/Son Event: 7-8:30pm

October 3: Spirit Night, Crust – ALL DAY, mention Snyder

October 4: Fall Picture Day

October 6: Storybook Parade: 9am

October 6: Early Release: 12:10pm

October 9: Student Holiday

Next PTO Meeting: October 10th: 1:00pm

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