SNA Work Supports

June 1st, 2016

Location: Brighton Center

Attendance:, Melissa Hall-Sommer-Brighton, Justin Beale-Welcome House, Jennifer Bennett-Phillips-HAOC, Shellie Baker-Gateway, Wanda Johnson-Legal Aid of the Bluegrass, Josh Klosterman-Emergency Shelter NKY, Sharon Carr-Brighton Center, Becky Ewing-United Ministries, Darren Long-Northkey, Mitch Haralson-Life Learning Center, Jill Brown-SNA VISTA

I.  Welcome and Introductions

II.  Review Minutes

III.  Updates

·  Melissa Sommer has attempted to contact CHFS-no connection made yet

·  Shelly Baker-reviewed KTAP participation numbers for Boone, Kenton and Campbell Counties.

·  Dawn Fogarty-unavailable for today’s meeting and will report to the SNA Executive Committee with her update on ACA.

·  Brandy Medaugh-unavailable for today’s meeting. Melissa will reach out to Brandy regarding her findings with the County Libraries assistance with faxing documents for clients.

·  2000 childcare vouchers have been discontinued as of recent

·  Healthpoint is placing a Health Educator at Welcome House

·  Ester Shrouse provides WIPA training and benefit analysis

IV. Work Supports Grid

Reviewed grid of services and decided among attendees the SNA Work Supports focus area will be:

·  Transportation


·  ACA

Overall of those in attendance at the meeting these areas are the main work supports benefits that are most crucial and hard to establish. Single Father Households are in need of outreach as well as families that are working poor.

V.  Next Steps

·  Transportation-advocate regionally-data picture of Northern Kentucky Counties.

o  Several agencies have shuttles and no money in the budget for drivers, gas, and insurance.

o  Hebron has the largest amount of employers regionally, focus on increased service to that area; seek incentives.

o  Uber and other ride for hire companies partnering to give free rides.

o  Jennifer Bennett-Phillips will reach out to LKLP.

·  KTAP/SNAP/CCAP-streamline benefits-ease of access and process; (when will Benefinder be up and running)

·  ACA-advocate for awareness and utilization of benefits

VI. Next Meeting

Next SNA Work Supports Committee Meeting:

Friday, July 1st, 2016

12:00-2:00 PM

Brighton Center

799 Ann St.

Newport, Ky.41071

The purpose of the SNA Work Supports Committee is to bridge the gap by raising awareness of work support benefits that are available, and make those benefits easier to access. If short-term assistance is offered, the results can provide long-term benefits.