SMW Crime Watch December 12, 2011

Meeting was called to order at 3:00 pm. President Dick Byrnes introduced guest speaker Det. Juan Santiago.

His topic was “Personal Safety” and during the presentation Det. Santiago explained that he also gave classes and demonstrations to teach people how to fight without being victimized. Criminals usually target the older population, children, and often those with disabilities. He explained that our strongest weapon is our voice, since criminals don’t want to draw attention to themselves.

Regarding vehicle safety, he reminded everyone that is very important to lock our vehicles at all times in all places, including your garage, and keep valuables - packages, personal items, and purses - with you or locked in the trunk, since 90% of robberies target unlocked vehicles. Be aware of your surroundings; look confident and make eye contact. Kids are especially vulnerable so teach them to make eye contact also. Have your keys in hand and hit the “panic button” is someone’s near your car. Keys can also serve as a weapon in the event of an attack. Check the car before entering to make sure no one is hiding inside.

When driving, it is safer on the inside lane especially at traffic stops. Stop when you can see the bottom of the tires in front of you, which leaves enough room to maneuver around if necessary. Always be sure to tell someone where you are going and when you expect to return. When driving, know your route and avoid unfamiliar areas. If traveling in unfamiliar locations, plan your stops in populated areas.

Det. Santiago claimed women often “carry purses like suitcases.” He said to carry only what is necessary, “perhaps only $3.00-$4.00 inside.” The purse should be placed on the arm where one can keep it in touch with an elbow. If placed in a shopping cart the purse should be strapped in using the baby strap. It is better to leave a purse inside the truck and carry a wallet and credit card only.

After reminding everyone that Social Sites, like Face Book, are not difficult to hack into even when it says “private,” Det. Santiago opened the floor for questions.

In the absence of Michele, the reading of the minutes was dispensed. They can be found on the website.

Roger Kessinger gave the Treasurer’s Report. We received a $360.00 donation. Our expenses were $376.42, with $88.00 paid to the Post Office for stamps, $625 for “Shop With a Cop” and $23.43 for Staples. Total in the checking account is $5,109.09 as of 11/20/2011. Alvin Miller made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Mike Cerny.

Maintenance Report: Dick reported that the car had been taken in for scheduled maintenance that morning and the vehicle received 4 tires, front brakes, and an oil change. The A.C. has just started popping up through the defroster. Garage will do the repair but must order a new part. March 19 and 20 is the next scheduled maintenance. Hopefully, we will get a loaner for that 2 day period.

Old Business: V.P Len Chesterfield investigated the Army/Navy Store which has shorts in army green for $34.95. It is a very sturdy fabric, a lesser quality fabric short can be purchased for $21.00. A show of hands determined there was no interest from the members present in buying uniform pants. It was suggested that we check with the Sheriff’s Dpt. to see where they purchase their shorts. Hopefully, wherever purchased, we will be able to negotiate a lower price since we’ll be buying in quantity.

New Business:

·  Discussed were a recent house break-in and vandalization and the proper procedure for reporting. Reports should be made immediately to the Dispatcher and then the CW Driver follows the Dispatcher’s instructions.

·  The Civic Association requested that we still make notes of illegal watering. Since they donate $700 per year, it’s an easy request. There were 4 instances of illegal watering. Reminder: still make notes on the clipboard. Rules: After 4:00 pm or before 10:00 am. Follow the odd and even days for watering.

·  Vehicle Log: When gas is bought, get a receipt and record it on the Log. The 1st driver of the day has to check the vehicle. Our car has over 90,000 miles and is starting to use oil. Vehicle check is a must.

Captain’s Report: November 1-30, 2011

281 driving hours; 3,429 mileage, 224.565 fuel gallons; $749.19 fuel cost; 191 security checks; 66 construction sites and 572 utilities checked.

Good & Welfare: No Report

Mike Cerny moved to adjourn, seconded by Neil Kline. Meeting adjourned at 4:30. The next meeting will be on January 9, 2012 at 3:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Cherie R. Byrnes

Acting Secretary