Carlinville Park District
Special Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday,August 30, 2017 @6:00 p.m.

Members Present: Larry Smith,Dave Suits, Lori Hopping, JC McLaughlin, Administrator Regie Byots and Jeff Bates, Working Maintenance Supervisor. Not Present: Erin Lynn Guest: Randy Link, Matt Turley and Jan Dona with the Macoupin County Enquirer/Democrat

Smith called meeting to order at 6:00p.m.

Smith requested to put an addendum to the agenda regarding the swing set at Denby Park. Smith asked other board members if they had a chance to look at the current swing set there. He wanted to know if we should keep it and add to new swings or purchase an entire new swing set. The board decided to keep the current swing set and not order a new one.

Recent vandalism at Tom Thumb Park. Byots stated she received a phone call from Chief Haley stating that there was juvenile girls that had wrote in permanent marker all over the playground there. He wanted to know what we would like to do as far as the restitution. Byots said she would speak with the board and see what they would like to do. Board has agreed to give the said juveniles 7 days to remove the graffiti and if they don’t or cannot the park district will hire a company and that the parents will be responsible for the fee to have it professionally cleaned. Byots will let the Carlinville Police Department know to contact them and move forward.

Loveless Park parking during events has created a problem with buses. Byots and DeNeve have discussed that the buses can park at Wal-Mart per the manager. DeNeve will let all the schools know that they have this option and not to park at Loveless Park. In conversation with the school district Byots received positive feedback from them stating that the gate has really benefited school events and that they appreciate the gate being there.

Vice President Dave Suits made a motion with a 2nd from Treasurer Lori Hopping to approve the bid that the Carlinville Park District received from Bill Ranger and Sons Excavating, Inc. for $14,000.00 to extend the parking lot on the East side of LP. This will provide more parking for those entering off of the Locust Street side.

During the kickoff classic people were parked in the grass all throughout the park. It was extremely congested. Darrin DeNeve has requested that the kickoff classic for the youth not be the same as the high school boy’s classic in the future. This is the reason the high school boys switched the dates from Labor Day weekend to prevent all of the overcrowding.

Guest: Randy Link was present to inform everyone why he resigned. He was dissatisfied with certain individuals being allowed to drive on the grass at LP. He stated he did resign in haste. He has been upset with the way the president has handled things and felt he had tunnel vision. Link went on to state different projects that were discussed and so forth in the past that he didn’t approve of.

JC McClaughlin thanked Randy for his service and that the park district is losing a huge asset and that he hopes that someday things can be resolved and that we can get him back. Lori Hopping agreed with McClaughlin. Smith said that the parks would have not been the way they are if it wouldn’t have been for Randy and that he has saved the park district a tremendous amount of money.

Larry Smith President of the Carlinville Park District turned in his resignation before the end of the meeting.

Adjourn: 6:52 p.m. with a motion from McClaughlin and 2nd byHopping.