Smethport Area Elementary School
414 S. Mechanic St., Smethport, PA 16749 (814)887-5012. Fax (814)887-5540
Confidential Elementary SAP Referral Form
To be filled out by a referring staff member and presented at a regular SAP team meeting
Student Name:______Grade:______
Homeroom Teacher:______
Referring Staff Member:______
Parent Contact Information:______
Regular Ed:.______Gifted:______Special Education:______504 Plan:______
Learning Support:______
Life Skills Support:______
Emotional Support:______
Areas of Concern:
Reason(s) for concern(observable, factual information):
Thank you for your referral. This student has been entered into the SAP process. Please contact Mr. Rondinelli or Mrs. Newton regarding questions about this process.
Smethport Area Elementary School
414 S. Mechanic St., Smethport, PA 16749 (814)887-5012. Fax (814)887-5540
Confidential Consent Form for Elementary SAP
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Your child, ______has been referred to the Smethport Elementary Student Assistance Program (SAP). This program provides various support services designed to meet your child’s academic, health and human services needs. A team of school personnel and /or community agency professionals will assess your child’s needs and offer appropriate recommendations for in-school and/or out of school services. Please assist us in aiding your child by signing and returning this consent form to the Guidance Office at the school in the enclosed envelope. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Rondinelli or Mrs. Newton. Thank you.
______I give permission
______I do not give permission
Signature of Parent/Guardian Date
Signature of SAP team member Date
This consent shall remain in effect from the date signed until the end of the current school year.
Smethport Area Elementary School
414 S. Mechanic St., Smethport, PA 16749 (814)887-5012. Fax (814)887-5540
Confidential SAP Information Form
Student Name:______Date:______
Completed by:______Return to:______
Please check all that you have personally observed pertaining to this student.
Academic PerformanceAttendance
_____Present grade_____Tardiness to school(how many)_____
_____Drop in grades, lower achievement_____Absent(how many)_____
_____Decrease in class participation_____Frequent gym excuse
_____Failure to complete assignments_____Frequent visits to nurse
_____Short attention span, easily distracted_____Frequent visits to guidance office
_____Poor short term memory_____Frequent visits to restroom
_____Does not follow directions_____Other
_____Off task behavior
Disruptive BehaviorAtypical Behavior
_____Defiance of rules_____Change in friends
_____Irresponsibility,blaming,denying_____Erratic behavior
_____Fighting_____Sudden popularity
_____Cheating_____Much older or younger social group
_____Sudden outbursts of anger_____Sexual behavior in public
_____Verbally abusive to others_____Disorientated
_____Obscene language or gestures_____Unrealistic goals
_____Crying_____Inappropriate responses
_____Nervousness _____Appears sad or depressed
_____Hyperactivity_____Seeks frequent adult attention or feedback
_____Attention-seeking behavior_____Defensive
Disruptive Behavior Cont.’dAtypical Behavior Cont.’d
List:______Withdrawn, difficulty relating to others
______Preoccupation with food and/or weight
______Talks about home problems
______Talks freely about Drugs,Alcohol Abuse, Sexual activities
_____Bus behavior problems_____Mentions or threatens suicide
_____Has received detention(s)_____Mentions or threatens violence
Physical SymptomsIllicit Activities
_____Deteriorating personal appearance_____Vandalism
_____Sleeping in class_____Involvement in thefts or assaults
_____Frequent cold-like symptoms_____Possession of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, paraphernalia
_____Headaches_____Selling drugs
_____Unsteady on feet_____Carrying a weapon
_____Complaints of nausea or vomiting_____Runaway
_____Smelling of alcohol or tobaccoComments:
_____Glassy, bloodshot eyes
_____Slurred speech
_____Unexplained, frequent physical injuries
Extracurricular Activities
_____Loss of privileges(specify)______
_____Dropped out of______
Current Subjects:Present Grade:Strengths: