"Small-sized Nuclear Power Plants (SNPP) - the Current Direction of the Nuclear Power Development"
Russian Academy of Sciences
(Coordinator - Institute of Nuclear Safety –IBRAE RAN)
International atomic energy agency - IAEA
State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom"
National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute"
CJSC "Rusatom Overseas"
Russian Academy of Sciences
State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom"
CJSC "Rusatom Overseas"
Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR)
The venue:
The Conference will be held at the Presidential Hall of the Main Building of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russia, Moscow, 32A, LeninskyProspect, bldg. B, secondfloor, entranceno. 1
December 3-5, 2013.
The purpose of the Conference:
Assessing the current state and prospects of SNPP, support for international cooperation on the exchange of experiences in the definition of configuration, safety, development and designing environment of nuclear power on the SNPP basis.
Key themes of the Conference:
• optimum shape (configuration) of SNPP and nuclear power system based on them;
• the status of current projects;
• the application scope and competitive advantages;
• the risks and challenges to the SNPP development;
• regulatory support;
• nuclear, radiation and environmental safety;
• public-private partnership in the creation of SNPP.
Conference Program Committee:
Chairman – academician Sarkisov A.A.
Adamov E.O.
/JSC "Scientific-Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering by N.A. Dollezhal", Head of research
/CJSC "RusatomOverseas", Director General
RASCorr. Mem. BolshovL.A.
/Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences – IBRAE RAN, Director
/Energy Research Institute by G.M. Krzhizhanovsky, DirectorGeneral
RASCorr. Mem. GaraninS.G.
/Russian Federal Nuclear Center - All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics (VNIIEF), Director
/Research Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus by D.V. Efremov (NIIEFA), Headofresearch
RASCorr. Mem. Dragunov Y.G.
/JSC "Scientific-Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering by N.A. Dollezhal",Director – Chief Designer
RASCorr. Mem. Dyakov A.F.
/SE "Scientific and Technical Council of the Unified Energy Sysytem", President
/JSC "Experimental Design Bureau of Machine Building by I.I.Africantov", Director – Chief Designer
/JSC "Hi-techResearchInstituteofInorganicMaterialsbyAcademicianA.A. Bochvar"(JSC "VNIINM"), Director General
AcademicianKoroteev A.S.
/Research Center by M.V. Keldysh, Director General
AcademicianMakarov A.A.
/Energy research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ERI RAS), Director
AcademicianMitenkov F.M.
/JSC "Experimental Design Bureau of Machine Building by I.I.Africantov", Director’s Adviser
AcademicianNakoryakov V.E.
/Instituteof Thermal Physics by S.S.Kutateladze,SB RAS, RASAdviser
/StateAtomicEnergyCorporation "Rosatom",DeputyDirectorGeneral– Director of Innovation Management Unit
AcademicianPonomarev-Stepnoy N.N.
/Nuclear Power ScientificCouncilof the PEMCP Department, RAS,Chairman
RASCorr. Mem. Rachkov V.I.
/FSUE "SSCRF-IPPE",Head of research
/StateAtomicEnergyCorporation "Rosatom", Adviser for Director General
RASCorr. Mem. Sidorenko V.A.
/NationalResearchCentre "KurchatovInstitute", Director’s Adviser
AcademicianSmirnov V.P.
/RAS Joint Institute of High Temperatures, HeadoftheDepartment;
ScientificCouncilforPowerSystemsPhysicotechnicalAnalysis, Chairman;
CJSC RI Physical Module, "Rosatom" SC, Headofresearch
/FSUE "KrylovskiyStateScientificCenter", HeadoftheDivision – Deputy Director General
AcademicianFavorsky O.N.
/Department of PowerEngineering, Mechanicsand Control Processes, Deputy Academician-Secretary, Chief of the "Energy" Section, Joint ScientificCouncil on the"ThermophysicsandHeat Power Engineering" Complex ProblemОтделение, Chairman
RASCorr. Mem. Fedik I.I.
/FSUE "RSC "Luch", Headofresearch
AcademicianFilippov G.A.
/JSCEDB "Hydropress", Senior Researcher;
Professor, MPEIandTPU
Mr.JongKyun Park
/International Atomic Energy Agency,the Director of the Nuclear Power Division
Chairman – RASCorr. Mem. Bolshov L.A.
Aronchik V.G.
/CJSC "RusatomOverseas", Commercial Director
RASCorr. Mem. Voropay N.I.
/ESISBRAS, Director
/JSC "ConcernRosenergoatom",DeputyDirectorGeneral– Director, Branch "Direction of Floating Nuclear Power Plants Construction"
AcademicianKoroteev A.A.
/MAICenter "New spacetechnology andground-basedhigh-techprocesses", Director
/NationalResearchCentre "KurchatovInstitute", HeadoftheExecutiveDepartmentoftheCenter’sPresident,DeputyDirectorofthePhysicsandTechnologyDepartment,CenterforBasicResearch
/JSC "Scientific-Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering by N.A. Dollezhal", Division Director
/FSUE "Krylovskiy State Scientific Center", Head of the Department
/JSC "State Scientific Center - Research Institute of Atomic Reactors" (SSC "RIAR"), Director
/JSC "Experimental Design Bureau of Machine Building by I.I.Africantov", First Deputy Director – Deputy Chief Designer
/JSCEDB "Hydropress", ChiefDesigner – Head of the Division
/FSUE "SSCRF - IPPE", Advisor for Director General
/JSC "Scientific-ResearchandDesignInstituteofPowerEngineeringbyN.A. Dollezhal", DeputyDirector – DeputyChiefDesigner, ChiefDesigner for Transport Installations
RASCorr. Mem. Filippov S.P.
/Energy research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ERI RAS), Deputy Director
The countries-participants of the Conference:
• Russian Federation
• United States of America
• People's Republic of China
• Republic of Korea
• Japan
• Canada
• French Republic
• Republic of Indonesia
• Republic of Argentina
• Republic of India
• Ukraine
• Republic of Kazakhstan
(To be confirmed)
Organizations-participants of the Conference:
• RAS and subordinate organizations
• International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
• State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" and the subordinate organizations
• FSBSE Institute of Nuclear Safety –IBRAE RAN
• CJSC "Rusatom Overseas"
• National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute"
• US Department of Energy
• American Nuclear Society
•Savannah River National Laboratory
• Generation mPower LLC (B & W, Bechtel)
•Babcock & Wilcox mPower,Inc.
• NuScale Power LLC
• Westinghouse Electric Company LLC
• Gen4 Energy, Inc (Hyperion Power Generation Inc.)
•SPV International. The Ux Consulting Company, LLC (UxC)
•Holtec International Company, LLC
• Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL)
• Toshiba Corporation
• Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
• The Korea Electric Power Corp. (KEPCO), The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
• The China National Nuclear Corporation
• Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL)
• National Atomic Energy Commission (ComisiónNacional de EnergíaAtómica, CNEA)
• Direction des Constructions Navales (DCNS)
•National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN), Indonesia
• JSC "Concern Rosenergoatom"
• JSC "AKME-engineering"
• JSC "Experimental Design Bureau of Machine Building by I.I.Africantov"
• "Scientific-Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering by N.A. Dollezhal"
• JSC "Atomenergoproekt - AEP"
• JSC Nizhny Novgorod Engineering Company "AEP" (JSC "NIAEP")
• JSC "Saint-Petersburg Research and Design Institute "AEP "
• JSC "State Scientific Center - Research Institute of Atomic Reactors" (SSC "RIAR")
• State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation - Institute for Physics and Power Engineering by A.I. Leypunsky (FSUE "SSC RF - IPPE")
• JSC EDB "Hydropress"
• RSC "Luch"
• Russian Federal Nuclear Center - All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics (VNIIEF)
• Russian Federal Nuclear Center - All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Physics by Academician E.I. Zababakhin (Russian Federal Nuclear Center – VNIITF by Acad. Zababakhin)
• JSC "Hi-tech Research Institute of Inorganic Materials by Academician A.A. Bochvar"(JSC "VNIINM")
• Research Center by M.V. Keldysh
• Research Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus by D.V. Efremov (NIIEFA)
• JSC "Baltic Shipyard - Shipbuilding"
• JSC "Izhora Plants"
• Krylovskiy SSC
• FBE "Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety" (STC NRS)
(To be confirmed)
Format of the Conference:
The conference is to be held within three days. The submission of reports is provided during thematic plenary sessions corresponding to the main themes of the Conference.
Key dates:September 16, 2013- Deadline forapplications on participationin the Conferencewith proposals for theinitiativereports.September 16, 2013- Deadline forapplications for participationin the Conferencefor foreignparticipants.October 1, 2013- Deadline forabstract anddata exchange permits submission.November 1, 2013- Deadline forapplications to participatein the Conferencefor theRussianparticipants.December 3, 2013- Deadline forpaper anddata exchange permits submission.
Registration:Registration for theconferenceis based on the application sent to the OrganizingCommittee().The application formis provided in Appendix1.
For the participantsrepresenting theRussian organizations the arrangement/participation fee makes: 8000rubles, for foreign participants: 500euro.Upon the participation application receipt by the Steering Committee with all required data, Russian participants will receive participation agreements, while foreign participants will receive invoices.
Arrangement/participation fee includesparticipation in allplenary proceedings of the Conferenceand the Conference records and materials.Transportandaccommodationarecoveredbythesendingparty.
ProgramandSteeringCommitteesmembers, aswellasinvitedspeakersareexcused fromthearrangement/participation fee.
Conference materials and records:
By thebeginning of the conference the abstracts digest will be published.Upon the Conference the book of Conference documents is planned to be published.The authors are expected to sendpresentation abstracts together with copies ofpermits forinformation exchange in electronicform beforeOctober 1, 2013to theofficialconference e-mail(). Papers for the book of theconference records and materials, along with information exchange permitsdue to be providedby the authors onan electronic mediumbyDecember 3, 2013, or during theregistration on the firstday ofthe Conference,December 3, 2013.The originalcopies of the information exchange permits(theses, papers)due to be submitted at the registration during theConference, December 3-5, 2013.Requirements for abstractsand papersare shown in Appendix2.
Conference Steering Committee contact data:
Address: 52, BolshayaTulskaya, Moscow, 115191, Russia
Working group contact data:
VyacheslavP. Bilashenko(Tel.: +7 495-955-22-38, e-mail: )
Dmitry O. Smolentsev(Tel.: +7 495-955-23-91, e-mail: )
Interaction with foreign participants:
Anna G.Nikishina(Tel.: +7 495-955-22-49, e-mail: )
TatyanaI. Blatova (Tel.: +7 495-955-22-46, e-mail: )
Appendix 1.Registration form.
Appendix 2.Requirements for abstractsand papers.
Appendix 1.Registration form.
for the International Conference
"Small-sized Nuclear Power Plants (SNPP) - the Current Direction of the Nuclear Power Development"
December 03 – 05, 2013
Moscow, Russia
Passport number, date of issue and date of expiration
Organization (full name and short name)
Format of participation (speaker, poster presenter, other participant)
Name of presentation, the authors (the speaker name to be indicated)
Legal and postal address of your organization (if different)
Telephone number
Cell phone number
Facsimile Number
Email address
Where to send the invoice for payment
(fax, email)
Need for hotel reservation*
Tentative dates of: arrival/departure
Need for visa support
*Only rooms at Danilovskaya hotel (address: B.Starodanilivskiy, 5 close to ‘Tulskaya’ metro station) are booked from where transport to the Conference area and back will be organized
Appendix 2.Requirements for abstractsand papers.
Requirements for the paper abstracts
The volume of abstracts
Abstracts are submitted in the form of files in MS Word format. All material should be placed on one page A4-size (210x297 mm), including title, information about the authors, charts and illustrations (if any). The main text should be typed in Times New Roman of 11-points size, line distance of one interval, indention of 5 mm. The material exceeding the above specified amount will be edited without permission of the authors.
If possible, avoid the inclusion of illustrations in the abstract. The inclusion of halftone and color illustrations (photos, screen software forms, etc.) are absolutely unacceptable. The preferred format of vector illustrations - Windows Metafile (*.Wmf) or Encapsulated Postscript (*. Eps). It is undesirable to include illustrations in abstracts (diagrams, graphs, charts) made by means of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Visio), as formatting of these elements strongly depends on the computer settings.
Header’s structure
The abstract header consists of the authors list, information about the authors.
The material title generally should not exceed two text lines typed in Times New Roman bold-faced of 14-points size.
After the title the list of authors (full name) should be presented in Times New Roman size italic of 11-points size, followed by information about the organization(s) that represent(s) the author(s) (Arial of 11-points size). In case the authors belong to different organizations, after each name the number of the organization should be indicated (1, 2, 3 ...) in superscript format. Optionally you may include your contact information (phone, fax, email) in the form of a footnote. Footnotes are numbered in Latin letters (a, b, c ...). The listing order of the authors is determined by the authors themselves and will not be changed. Here is an example of a regular abstract header:
The name of the presentation should not exceed two text lines
The name of the first author11, the name of the second author1, the name of the third author22
1First Organization
2Second Organization
Contact data of the first Author, Organization
2 Contact data of the third Author, Organization
Requirements for Papers
The texts are presented in the form of files in MS Word format. The document is of standard A4 size (210x297 mm). The desired amount of material is up to 10 pages, including the title, information about authors, tables and figures (if any).
Do not use the select text color. The main text is recommended to be typed in Times New Roman. The formulas are typeset using the Equation Editor (Math Type) and are to be in an editable form (the template file for formulas Math Type preference file is attached to the letter, with which you can format the formula in the document).
Illustrative material should be sent in separate files, with the number of the picture in the file name, and in the main text the illustrations are to be placed in the right places with captions.
If the author has the original files of charts and graphs along with the original data from which they are created, it is strongly recommended to submit them for the single format adjustment. The preferred format for charts and graphs - Microsoft Excel (*.Xls), Windows Metafile (*.Wmf) or Encapsulated Postscript (*.Eps), for photos and images - JPEG (*.Jpg), TIFF (*.Tif), Encapsulated Postscript (*.eps), the actual size of the pictures (drawings) should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi (dots per inch) in the RGB color space, or Grayscale.
For each document, the following elements of bibliographic data are provided: author's name, initials, title, subtitle information (textbook, study guide, dictionary, etc.), the output information (place of publication, publisher, and year of publication), and quantitative features (total number of pages in the book) (see the example of references.)
It is recommended to submit a single list of references to the work as a whole. The list should be numbered. Each source is mentioned in the list only once, regardless of how often it is referenced in the presentation text.
The reference numbers in the text to the list of references are given in square brackets.
- Kutateladze S.S. Fundamentals of the heat exchange theory. – M: Atomizdat, 1979. – 416 p.
- Chudanov V.V., Aksenova A.E., Pervichko V.A., etc. The methods of computational fluid dynamics to analyze the security of fuel and energy facilities / under. scientific. ed. of V.F. Strizhov / / Proceedings of the Nuclear Safety Institute / Under. gen. ed. of L.A. Bolshov. - Issue. 3. - M: Nauka, 2008. - 210 p.
- Squires K.D., Eaton J.K. Preferential concentration of particles by turbulence / / Phys. Fluids A. - 1991. - Vol. 3, № 5. - P. 1169-1178.
- Wang L.-P., Maxey R.M. Settling velocity and concentration distribution of heavy particles in homogeneous isotropic turbulence / / J. Fluid Mech. - 1993. - Vol. 256. - P. 27-68.
In case the paper involves the subject-heading, the author himself has to arrange the labels on the elements of the subject-heading in the text of the paper (preferably the content of the subject-heading is not the same as the table of contents).