Smailholm Village HallCommittee Meeting

Wednesday 21st February 2018at 8pm


Present: Jane Roberts, John Barrow, Brian MacFarlane, Susan Mason, Sally Scott-Aiton, Jean Willis

Matters arising from the previous minutes:

Brian is liaising with electrician regarding new fan for the toilet. John is going to contact the painter to ask him when he plans to complete external hall paintwork. Brian intimated that Rankin has taken away the broken table to repair it andSusan intimated that a baby changing table has also been purchased for the hall.

All agreed that the external tap installation should wait until late Spring/Summer. All agreed that the new LED lighting on the outside of the front of the hall was a great improvement.

Jane said that she had written to the art class organiser with regard to keeping paint and food separate for hygiene reasons. The artists attending the classes are now taking their brushes home with them instead of washing them in the kitchen sink.

Hall Cleaning and Maintenance:

It was decided that the Spring Clean take place on the weekend of the 21st/22nd April before the first wedding. This also gives the committee time to re-oil and polish the floor.

Financial Matters:

Sally prepared and handed out an interim income and expendituresheet for the committee to review. She highlighted the fact that the heating oil expenditure seemed much larger than this time last year, but that this was just due to different delivery times, as we had now joined the oil buying group. Sally said that she was happy to clarify any queries individuals may have after taking more time to study the figures.

Sally also told the committee that Mel Ross had now audited the final year accounts.


28th Feb ‘Brave Folk’ - Final arrangements for the Farham Maltings Theatre Company performance was discussed. Linda has volunteered to be on the door on the Wednesday night. Committee will do some more promotion before the event to boost attendance.

7th March – Book Club Talk – the book club are arranging the Pamela Gordon talk and are doing the teas.

23rd March - The Eyemouth Fisherman’s Choir will be performing. They do not require payment but a donation would be appropriate. John thought there are approximately 20 to 25 choir members coming. The Committee agreed to do teas at half time, tickets would be £6 and £3 plus tea ticket.

27th April – ‘Here I Belong At Your Village Hall’. The Pentabus Theatre Company will be performing, Susan will circulate the information from them so far.

Susan will inform Jacqui Hottinger at ‘The Bridge’ about above events so that she can forward the information to her mailing list. Jane will contact Kirsty Baird to circulate info via the community council.

22nd December- Christmas Party date booked. Jane will book band.

Any Other Business:

John and Sally thought that there maybe funding available to help pay for the re-surfacing of the roadway up to the hall. Sally is investigating this and liaising with John.

The AGM will take place before the next Committee Meeting. Jane intimated that she has now completed the agreed 3 years as Chairman and would like to stand down from office but stay on the committee. Susan has also completed the agreed 3 years as Secretary and would also like to stand down. Both agreed that this was difficult as there are only 6 committee members in total at the moment.

Discussion followed on how to encourage more of the community to come on to the Hall committee. It was thought that the hall cleaning element maybe a barrier to some. It was suggested that perhaps Caroline Hodges may be happy to take on the cleaning role on a honorarium basis. Susan will speak to Caroline to see if she would be interested. This would remove this barrier.

John also reminded the committee that we will require more help over the grass cutting season, as 2 of those on the grass cutting rota had left the area.

Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 8th May at 8pm after the AGM at 7.30pm.

Smailholm Village Hall Minutes 21/02/18